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Published: Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2005
Volume 4, Issue Number 31
Lyndon LaRouche, on July 27, issued an international alert, covering the period of August 2005, which is the likely time frame for Vice President Dick Cheney, with the full collusion of the circles of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, to unleash the recently exposed plans to stage a pre-emptive tactical nuclear strike against Iran.
The danger of such a mad, Hitler-in-the-bunker-style aggressive military action by the Cheney circles would be even further heightened, were the United States Congress to stick with its present schedule, and go into recess from July 30 until Sept. 4. With Congress out of Washington, and with President George W. Bush on extended vacation in Maine and Texas, the Cheney-led White House would almost certainly unleash a "Guns of August" attack on Iran, LaRouche warned.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has called for the Senate to remain in session for much of Augustat least until the stalled Defense Authorization Bill is thoroughly debated and passed.
Latest From LaRouche
Lyndon LaRouche made a special two-hour appearance on EIR's The LaRouche Show on July 30, to mobilize against the threat of what he identified as Dick Cheney's "Guns of August," the threat of a nuclear attack on Iran. (For the complete audio archive: www.larouchepub.com/radio/index.html )The program was hosted by LaRouche's Western States spokesman. We present here the first question and answer.
This Week in History
August 2 - 8, 1940
President Roosevelt on the Need for a Military Draft
On Aug. 2, 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt held a White House press conference, in the midst of a series of inspection tours which he had been conducting of America's newly-geared-up defense installations. He had just returned from a July 29 visit to the Norfolk Navy Yard, and he would leave on Aug. 9 to inspect the Portsmouth and Boston Navy Yards, and the New London Submarine Base and Electric Boat Shipyard in Connecticut.
Although a start had been made at expanding America's defense capabilities, there was still the problem of training a modern army. As the President had said on July 29, "The increasing seriousness of the international situation demands that every element of our national defense structure be brought as rapidly as possible to the highest state of efficiency, in training as well as in equipment and material."
But a bill to establish a military draft was moving very slowly through Congress, and reporter Fred Essary asked a question implying that the bill was languishing because Congress felt the President was not backing it strongly. President Roosevelt replied, "...Now, on this particular bill, everybody knows that if I were to come out and send up to the Hill a particular measure, what would you boys do, most of you? You would say that the President is 'ordering Congress.' 'Old Mr. Dictator, he is just ordering Congress to pass his bill.'
"Well, of course, the actual fact was that back in 1933, when we were in the middle of a very serious crisis, with all the banks closed, etc., in that 100-day session, and in a very few cases in the 1934 session, we did send up ready-made bills, all ready-made, and they were put through, most of them, without hearings; and, of course, afterwards they had to be amended and so forth and so on....
"Well, of course I have tried to be absolutely scrupulous in my relations with the Congress; and I saidI got tired of saying it after a couple of yearsthat literally there was no such thing as 'must' legislation. There never had been....
"Now, the very simple fact is, as I have stated, the lessons of this war do show very clearly that defense necessarily means total defense. Well, under modern circumstancesand we have learned a lot in the last yearthat means a great deal in the way of new machinery and equipment of all kinds, which we haven't got. We are beginning to get it. As Knudsen [William S. Knudsen, President of General Motors, who accepted Roosevelt's call to serve on the Commission of National Defense and coordinate industrial production] said to me yesterday, we have either let contracts or the work is proceeding without contractsbecause a great many of these companies are proceeding with their work without actual contracts having been signed, and that applies in various cases to planes, armor, tanks, etc. We are actually proceeding with the building of a billion, $800 million worth of materials."
"That is the material end. Now, we also learned from the European war that the people who have not had the trained manpower to use those machines have been in a bad way.
"England, for example, had no trained people to run their machinery a year ago; and even eight or ten months after they got into the war they only had a trained armed force of about 350,000 or 400,000 men, most of whom were caught in Flanders. Well, todaytwo months or three months laterthey have a better figure, they have 4 million men in England. Of course, they cannot have been as thoroughly trained as they should be. You can't train 4 million men in two or three months.
"I always go back to the same old thing I harped on in 1917, when we built up an army of 4 million men."
"We built up an army of 4 million men, and they did not go into action for 13 1/2 months. It was not until the 27th day of May, 1918, that that fighting force was able to fight. In the meantime, during those 13 1/2 months, remember that no shot was fired against us over here. We were completely free from any attack. Now, that will never happen again in the history of the United States. As far as I can see, that was just a bit of sheer luck. In other words, you have got to have trained men.
"Okay. And I will go back and repeat this: What is an army? An army consists of combat troops, supply troops, transportation troops, all of them in uniform. It consists of all kinds of mechanics, still in the army.
"It consists of all kinds of factory workers, specialized factory workers, who would not wear uniforms, but who are still essentially a part of the defense forces of the country. They require training just as much as the man with a rifle requires training. And then, there is the final factor we all know, and that is that for purposes of defense we have to have men who are already trained beforehand. In doing that, we save liveswe save human lives. That is the important thing. We all know from experience that in an untrained force or an untrained army or an untrained navy, relatively, the casualties from deaths and wounds are much higher than they are in the case of the trained army and navy. That is the human element. And that might also be said to apply to the sick in wartime. A trained army has much fewer casualties from disease and accident than an untrained army or navy. It is a case of saving lives.
"Now, I have made it perfectly clear many times that you cannot get a sufficiently trained force of all kinds at the front, in the Navy yards and the arsenals, transportation, supply system, and munitions output, you cannot get it by just passing an Act of Congress when war breaks out, and you cannot get it by the mere volunteer system.
"That is why we figured out pretty well in 1917 that the selective training or selective draft was the fairest and in all ways the most efficient way of conducting a war if we had to go to war. I still think so, and I think a great majority of the people in the country think so, when they understand it."
On Sept. 16, 1940, President Roosevelt signed the Selective Training and Service Act, which required every male between the ages of 21 and 36 to register for the military draft. When the first million men had registered, and undergone a medical examination, it was found that almost 40% were unfit for military service. Of those who were rejected, one-third were unfit due directly or indirectly to the poor nutrition they had received during the Great Depression.
The Selective Service Act had contained a 12-month limitation on the draftees' period of service. That provision was to expire at the end of the summer of 1941, and the U.S. Army would have imploded at a crucial time, just as the Continental Army had faced a crisis of expiring enlistments at Christmas in 1776. President Roosevelt sent Congress a strong appeal for extension of the period of service, despite the still-strong isolationist current which threatened to defeat such a bill. A compromise 18-month extension passed the Senate fairly easily, but in the House, it became law by only one vote, 203 to 202. Thus, by the narrowest of margins, the U.S. Army remained prepared for the war into which it was plunged by the Dec. 7 attack on Pearl Harbor.
Cheney's 'Guns of August' Threaten the World
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Lyndon LaRouche, on July 27, issued an international alert, covering the period of August 2005, which is the likely timeframe for Vice President Dick Cheney, with the full collusion of the circles of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, to unleash the recently exposed plans to stage a pre-emptive tactical nuclear strike against Iran.
- CONPLAN 8022: Nuclear Pre-Emptive War Doctrine
Details of a new U.S. 'global strike' plan appeared in the Washington Post onMay15, 2005, in a column by William Arkin, a former Army Intelligence analyst. EIR, as we reported in our May 27 issue, interviewed several senior U.S. intelligence officials, who confirmed the essential features of Arkin's report.
'The Guns of August: Hitler in the Bunker'
Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed on July 28 by Utah radio host Jack Stockwell, on Salt Lake City's KTKK radio station. Here are excerpts.
Stockwell: My guest, ladies and gentlemen, Lyndon LaRouche, hasn't been on the show in a long time. This may be a fortuitous day for you to be here. You were on my show on the 11th of September, 2001. And the attacks on the World Trade Center began prior to the show, but we discovered what was going on while you were on the show. You made some interesting remarks at that time, that turned out to be very prophetic, and without your knowing anything other than what we knew as far as news coverage was concernedvery prophetic statements.
How To Save Europe From Its Life-or-Death Crisis
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Chancellor candidate of Germany's Civil Rights Movement Solidarity party (Bu¨So), released the campaign platform of her party on July 22, as part of the drive toward the German Federal elections called for Sept. 18. We reproduce the full document below, because of its significance as a model for what European leaders should be doing in order to meet the challenge of the present crisis. The full title is: 'Back to the D-Mark for a Policy of Directed Growth! Germany's Economy Must Grow Again! For a New, Just World Economic Order!'
Berlin Seminar: Mohammad El-Sayed Selim
Rising Above Regional Turmoil: Gulf States and the Eurasian Land-Bridge
Dr. Mohammad El-Sayed Selim is Professor of Political Science at the Universities of Cairo and Kuwait. He presented this paper to the June 28 evening panel of EIR's June 28-29 Berlin seminar. The seminar brought together distinguished representatives of 15 nations, with Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, to discuss what had to be done to address the crisis of the world financial system.
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
The Danger of a U.S. Strike Against Iran
After Dr. Selim responded to a question concerning the possibility of a military attack by the United States against Iran, Mr. LaRouche added the following comment: One thing that I've been trying to teach people a long time, about their own minds and other people's minds, is that most people live in a fishbowl kind of situation, where they have a mixture of certain false and relatively true axiomatic assumptions about what is possible. And therefore, they don't mentally live in the real world. They live in a synthetic world, which is composed of working assumptions, some of which are true and some of which are false.
Brawls in Britain Over Iraq/Terror Link
by Mary Burdman
Since Prime Minister Tony Blair launched his evangelical crusade to join the George W. Bush Administration in invading Iraq, the war and the campaign of deception used to justify it have divided Britain, including Britain's intelligence and military services. The controversy over the Blair goverment's notorious 'sexed up' dossier on Iraq of September 2002, which was used to ride roughshod over the broad national opposition to the war, has led to one revelation after the other of the policy fights in Britain.
Afghan Opium Explosion Worries Asian Leaders
by Ramtanu Maitra
The newly elected Kyrgyzstan President Kurmanbek Bakiev and Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov for the first time publicly identified the dangerous alliance of drug traffickers and religious agitators, based in the U.S.-controlled Afghanistan, as a major threat to nations across Central Asia.
U.S. Auto Supplier Sector In Worst Shape Ever
by Richard Freeman
The shake-out of General Motors and Ford Motor during 2005 has caused the most violent and widespread dismantling of the U.S. auto parts supplier sector in the more than centuryold history of the automobile. The supplier sector represents the 'undercarriage' of the auto industry: It produces the brakes, electrical wiring, shocks/struts, seats, and other vital components.
China's Controlled Reform To Keep Currency Stable
by Mary Burdman
The People's Bank of China, the nation's central bank, ended the peg of the renminbi (RMB) to the U.S. dollar and adjusted the RMB-dollar exchange rate by 2.1%, to 8.11 to the dollar, on July 21. The RMB had been directly pegged to the dollar since 1995. The PBOC announcement, issued late in the day from Beijing, said that beginning July 21, 'China will reform the exchange-rate regime by moving into a managed floatingexchangerate regime, based on market supply and demand, with reference to a basket of currencies.' The aim of the PBOCis to maintain a 'basically stable' RMB exchange rate, 'so as to promote the basic equilibrium of the balance of payments and safeguard macroeconomic and financial stability.' In a press statement July 19, after a two-day meeting in Hohot, Inner Mongolia, of the PBOC's head officers and provincial branches, the Bank announced it would keep the RMB rate 'basically stable at a reasonable and balanced level' in the second half of 2005.
Food Cartel Imports Shrink Another U.S. Crop's Production: Apple Orchards
by Marcia Merry Baker and John Hoefle
Cartel concentration, outsourcing, and 'cross-sourcing' of production (between the United States and Asia) is shrinking American production of applesmore rapidly since 2001 and reducing the once-rich variety of apple types grown in the country. Like other examples, this one, shown in new time-lapse computer animation, shows the taking down of high-technology agricultural production by the plague of globalization.
Last Chance To Stop Avian Flu Pandemic?
by Colin Lowry
Events in Asia over the past few months have put the world on a short fuse toward the explosion of a global influenza pandemic. Avian influenza has broken out in several new places, and has again infected another species (pig), which could act as a carrier and mixing vessel for the recombination of a hybrid virus that can easily infect people.
Andean Presidents End War on Drugs
by Luis Va´squez
The heads of state of the South American Andes, gathered at the Andean Community of Nations Presidential summit, signed a so-called Lima Act on July 18, in which they approved, according to Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo, 'a change in strategy in the current war against drugs.' This 'change of strategy,' in effect, signifies abandoning the policy of 'crop substitution and forced eradication,' to put emphasis instead on the lyrical-sounding 'alternative development.' Under the reign of the International Monetary Funddictated free-trade system that is today destroying the region, this can only mean abandoning the fields to production of cocathe raw material for cocaine. Currently, the Andean region produces 97% of the coca leaf used by the world cocaine trade.
Bipartisan Revolt in Senate Defies Cheney Thuggery
by Edward Spannaus and Nancy Spannaus
A bipartisan group of Senators handed Vice President Dick Cheney and company a major defeat on July 26, when 48 Senators voted against ending debate of the Defense Authorization bill. Senate Republican Leader Bill Frist then pulled the entire defense bill off the Senate floor, rather than allow Republican-sponsored amendments to be adopted which President Bush had threatened to vetoa threat which Cheney had personally delivered in a meeting with senior Republican Senators.
From the Congress
Intelligence Agents Expose Crime Behind The Plame Leak
The Senate Democratic Policy Committee and Democratic members of the House Government Reform Committee held a forum on the Valerie Plame leak investigation on July 22, which featured leading members of the intelligence community, who spoke on the implications and dimensions of the crime. The leak of the identity of undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame, wife of former Ambassador Joe Wilson, is the subject of an ongoing Federal grand jury. Here are major excerpts of the event, which was given short shrift in the print media. Subheads have been added. After an introduction by U.S. Sen. Byron Dorgan (DN.D.), Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) provided a brief opening statement, identifying the scope of the crime...
Constitutional Opposition Grows To Rumsfeld Base-Closing Plans
by Carl Osgood
Developments over the past two weeks indicate Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's base-closing plan will not emerge from the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commissions' deliberations without substantial changes.
- Mississippi Officials Blast DoD Overreaching
by Judy DeMarco
Excerpted here are their major arguments opposing Keesler Air Force Base's proposed realignment by 'disestablishing the inpatient mission at the 81st Medical Group, converting the medical center to a clinic with an ambulatory surgery center.' Keesler's medical center, located on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, is the second largest in the entire Air Force. The Department of Defense (DoD) justifies the realignment by citing reduction of excess capacities and relocation of personnel to activities with higher military value. DoD claims that local civilian medical networks for inpatient services, and Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals within a 40mile radius, can supply the services currently provided by the Keesler facility. Testimony soundly refuted this, and demonstrated the DoD's flagrant violations of the BRAC rules.
- Senators Tell Bush:
Hands Off VA Hospitals
by Patricia Salisbury
On July 19, the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs put the Bush/Cheney Administration on notice, that the Administration policy of shutting down or scaling back vital Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals and other facilities around the country, will not go forward unchallenged. Eighteen VA facilities nationwide are currently under threat, as part of the 'Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services' (CARES) process, which is evaluating such extreme measures as shutting down the premier VA hospitals in Manhattan, New York, and Waco, Texas.
Interview: Victor Marchetti
Intelligence Reorganization Is a Tough, Uphill Battle
Victor Marchetti served for several decades in the CIA, including as executive assistant to the Deputy Director. Several years after he left the Agency, he wrote The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974), one of the most widely read and important books critiquing the intelligence community at that time. Jeffrey Steinberg interviewed him on July 20.
Time to Rid America Of the 'Dulles Complex'
by William F. Wertz, Jr.
Introduction: Setting the Stage On Aug. 10, 1944, about two months after the June 6 DDay landing of the Allies in Normandy, France, less than a month after the unsuccessful July 20 attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler, and eight months before the death of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, 1945, a secret meeting took place in Nazi-occupied Strasbourg, France at the plush Maison Rouge Hotel, to plot the survival and eventual resurgence of the Nazi apparatus in the post-war period.1 The meeting was organized by Martin Bormann, the head of the Nazi Party Chancellery, who became Hitler's designated successor.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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