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Published: Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2005
Volume 4, Issue Number 44
This Week You Need To Know:
The awesome power of a free society committed to a single mission is something [our enemies] cannot imagine.... Our unexpectedly quick and impressive victory in Afghanistan is a prelude to a much broader war, which will in all likelihood transform the Middle East for at least a generation, and reshape the politics of many older countries around the world.
From Michael Ledeen's book, War Against the Terror Masters
On March 10, 2003, in a revealing profile of President George Bush's political Svengali, Karl Rove, the Washington Post reported that when the President's man needs advice on the war on terrorism or other national security matters, he turns to one man in particular: Michael Ledeen.
Ledeen told the Post that the two men met shortly after Bush's 2000 election. "He said, 'Anytime you have a good idea, tell me.' " Ledeen obliged, passing on faxes to Rove on a regular basis. According to the Post, "More than once, Ledeen has seen his ideas, faxed to Rove, become official policy or rhetoric."
This Week in History
November 1 - 7, 1734
Daniel Boone: Leading American Settlements Westward from the Ohio to the Missouri
In 1784, taking advantage of the brief pause in Indian raids on Kentucky, an early chronicler of the West named John Filson asked Daniel Boone to tell him the story of his exciting life. The result, published as Boone's "Autobiography," made Daniel Boone famous both in the new United States and in Europe. But the legends that grew out of the book pictured Boone as a solitary explorer and hunter who never saw a town, turning his back on civilization and fleeing before its spreading tide. In reality, Boone was dedicated to helping his fellow man, and played an important role in bringing settlers and republican government to the lands beyond the eastern mountains.
Daniel Boone was born on Nov. 2, 1734, on what was then the Pennsylvania frontier, near the present site of Reading. His family were Quakers, and, in addition to farming, his father followed the trades of weaver and blacksmith, which he also taught to Daniel. Even as a boy, Daniel hunted for his family and brought the pelts to Philadelphia to exchange for the necessities of life. Although there were no schools in his area, Daniel's older brother married a well-educated woman who taught Daniel reading, writing, and arithmetic. He then continued to read on his own, and taught himself surveying.
In 1750, Daniel's parents moved the family to the Yadkin Valley in western North Carolina. In that year, the French were moving down from Canada to bury lead plates in the Ohio Valley, claiming it for France. A series of French Forts were built from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi, and when Virginia's governor sent George Washington to challenge these advances, one of the French Indian agents sent a Indian brave on an unsuccessful mission to assassinate the young messenger.
An American attempt to plant a settlement near the future Pittsburgh, and thus open the way to American settlement of the Ohio Valley, led to a military battle where George Washington was defeated by a superior French force. This conflict in the wilderness forced the British government to send Gen. Edward Braddock, in 1755, to evict the French from Fort Duquesne at the forks of the Ohio. That year, Daniel Boone joined a unit of 100 North Carolina frontiersman and acted as their wagoner and blacksmith as they travelled north to take part in Braddock's expedition. There, Boone made the acquaintance of young George Washington as well as Daniel Morgan, another wagoner who was to become a general during the American Revolution. During the terrible massacre of Braddock's defeat, Boone and Morgan were able to escape by cutting the traces of their teams and mounting one of their horses.
During that expedition, Boone also met John Finley, who had earlier explored Kentucky to the Falls of the Ohio, the location of present-day Louisville. Finley told Boone about the fertile soil and abundant game, and Boone became eager to see it. At various times, Kentucky had been claimed by the Shawnee, the Iroquois, and the Cherokee, but it remained as a wilderness, crossed by Indian trails used for hunting or for attacking enemy tribes. But to the Americans, Kentucky was an important flank; it was positioned so that American settlers there could attack the Indian villages of the Ohio Valley if the French, or later the British, hurled their Indian allies against the colonies.
After Braddock's defeat Boone returned to the Yadkin Valley, married, and started a family. But in 1759, the Cherokees raided the valley and the Boones were scattered. Daniel and his family went to Culpeper County in Virginia, and Daniel made frequent trips to Fredericksburg, the town where George Washington's mother and younger brothers and sisters lived, and which Washington often visited. When the Boones returned to the Yadkin, Daniel was more than ever determined to reach Kentucky.
In 1767, Boone and his party of frontiersmen explored the southern part of the Big Sandy River and reached eastern Kentucky. At the same time, George Washington was making the first surveys on the northern parts of the Little and Big Sandy Rivers. The next year, when John Finley accompanied Boone through the Cumberland Gap to Kentucky, Washington was surveying tracts along the Ohio River and the Great Kanawha, planning for a large settlement on lands which had been granted to him and other soldiers for their service during the French & Indian War.
After several hunting and surveying trips to Kentucky, during which he often read Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels aloud to his companions, Boone became the right-hand man to Richard Henderson, a respected North Carolina judge. On the basis of Boone's descriptions of Kentucky, Henderson founded the Transylvania Company, which aimed to establish a new American colony in the wilderness. Henderson bought land from the Cherokee nation, and Boone led a party of thirty backwoodsmen to mark the path to the Kentucky River, where the capital of the new colony would be established. The new town was named Boonesborough, and Boone used his surveying skills to lay out the town in two-acre lots.
Daniel and his brother were two of the 18 delegates who voted at the convention called to establish a form of government and elect officers. The compact provided for "perfect religious freedom and general toleration," and set up a judicial system and the regulations for a militia. But shortly afterward the American Revolution began, and all proprietary colonies were declared invalid. Kentucky became a county of Virginia on December 31, 1776. A good beginning had been made, however; over 900 entries had been registered in the land office at Boonesborough. And 230 acres of corn had been raised, a stock of horses, hogs and poultry had been introduced, and apple and peach trees had already been planted in Kentucky.
The British realized the danger American possession of Kentucky posed to their Indian allies, and to the British forts on the Great Lakes and in the Ohio Valley. They incited the Indians to attack the American settlers, and provided them with leaders from among the French Canadian agents who had previously led the Indians for the French. The Kentucky settlers consolidated into a few fortified towns, and resisted savage attacks all through the Revolution. In 1777, Boone and his salt-making party were captured by the Shawnee and taken to Ohio. He was adopted by Chief Blackfish and then taken to Detroit to British Gen. Henry Hamilton, dubbed "The Hairbuyer" by the Americans because he paid for American scalps.
Boone pretended to favor the British, but at a moment when the Indians were distracted by a huge flight of wild turkeys, he made his escape and travelled 160 miles in four days to organize the defense of Boonesborough. After beating off the Shawnee attack, Boone returned across the mountains to retrieve his family, who had left because they thought him dead. On the return trip he brought many new settlers, among whom was Abraham Lincoln, the grandfather of the future President. The Boones and Lincolns had been close friends and neighbors in Pennsylvania, and the two families had often intermarried.
Boone then moved his family to Fayette County in Kentucky, where he was elected lieutenant colonel of the militia, under Col. John Todd, of the family of Mary Todd Lincoln. In April of 1781, Boone was sent to Richmond as one of the first representatives of Kentucky's Fayette County in the Virginia State Legislature. When Col. Banastre Tarleton of the British Army made a lightning raid on Charlottesville, Boone and other legislators were captured. They were taken to the camp of General Cornwallis, but released after a few days of captivity.
After the Revolution, Boone moved his family to Maysville on the Ohio River. There, he made surveys and ran a small store where he sold goods useful for the newly arriving settlers. The citizens of Maysville also elected him to the Virginia legislature, where he worked tirelessly to obtain military supplies for the frontier, which was still being attacked by Indians deployed out of British-occupied Detroit. But during the years 1785-1798, Boone gradually lost all his claims to land in Kentucky, due to problems in how they were registered.
As a result, in 1788, he moved his family to the junction of the Great Kanawha and Ohio Rivers, now in West Virginia, and the very place where George Washington and his fellow veterans had planned for a settlement. Again, the citizens elected him to the Virginia legislature, and he also served as a deputy surveyor and lieutenant colonel of the Kanawha County Militia. But in 1796, Boone's son Daniel Morgan, named after his old friend in the Braddock expedition, moved to eastern Missouri to take advantage of Spanish offers of land for settlers. Three years later, Daniel Boone and his wife and younger children followed him to the Femme Osage valley, six miles from the Missouri River and 45 miles by water from St. Louis....
Full article on separate page...
Latest From LaRouche
Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed for an hour on Oct. 28 on the program "The Right Stuff" on Georgetownradio.com, a student radio station at Georgetown University, in Washington, D.C.
...[W]ell, today is the day which should be remembered, Oct. 28thnot the 31st yet, not the time of the Hallowe'en Massacre, but something proximate to itit should go down in history as "the day that the frogs began to be marched." And Frog #1 is I. Lewis Libby, otherwise known as Scooter Libby, the chief of staff for Vice President Cheney. And as you know, at this hour, there is a press conference being given by the Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald, who probably will also announce that Libby has officially submitted his resignation, at least, that's what I heard from the news media in the short time before now. And this is not the end of it. This is simply the first shot in the case.
The 'Universal Fascism' Behind the Cheney Cabal
by Jeffrey Steinberg
The awesome power of a free society committed to a single mission is something [our enemies] cannot imagine. . . . Our unexpectedly quick and impressive victory in Afghanistan is a prelude to a much broader war, which will in all likelihood transform the Middle East for at least a generation, and reshape the politics of many older countries around the world. From Michael Ledeen's book, War Against the Terror Masters
Ledeen's Beloved 'Universal Fascism': Venetian War Against the Nation-State
by Allen and Rachel Douglas
Seeing Michael Ledeen named, in La Repubblica's Oct. 2527 'Nigergate, the Grand Deception' series, as a conduit of the now notorious fake documents used in launching the Iraq War, comes as no surprise. To anyone familiar with the career of neo-conservative propagandist and off-and-on U.S. government official Ledeen, and his campaigning for war with Iraq and, next, Iran, it would have been a shock had he not surfaced in that connectionespecially since the venue of the forged documentation on Saddam Hussein's imagined search for yellowcake in Niger was Italy, Ledeen's old stomping ground.
Franklin, Ledeen, and The Pollard II Case
by Michele Steinberg
On Oct. 5, 2005, in Alexandria, Virginia, U.S. Attorney Paul McNulty announced that Defense Department official Larry Franklin had pled guilty to crimes under Federal espionage laws, and that his office would continue to 'press forward in the prosecution of the remaining defendants,' Steven J. Rosen and Keith Weissman, the two spies for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), who are identified as Franklin's co-conspirators.
- Documentation
Larry Franklin Admits Guilt in AIPAC Spy Case
by Michele Steinberg
A trove of documents sits in the Federal Court building in Alexandria, Virginia, concerning the multi-count indictments against Lawrence Anthony Franklin, Steven J. Rosen, and Keith Weissman, for the illegal passing of national security secrets of the United States to agents of the government of Israel. These recordswhich have gone unreported by the American media, include indictments, motions, judge's rulings, and, as of Oct. 5, 2005, the 'Plea Agreement' and 'Statement of Facts' voluntarily agreed to by Larry Franklin, the first to be found guilty in this broad-ranging investigation. Selected excerpts from these Oct. 5 documents appear below, in the first print publication outside of the court records.
The LaRouche Role in Bringing Dick Cheney Down
When then-Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche put out the word, on Sept. 20, 2002, that 'Vice President Dick Cheney's recurring wet dreams of a U.S. worldwide Roman Empire are, in and of themselves, the world's greatest single threat to the continuation of civilization in any part of the planet today,' and that 'these facts demand that Cheney's prompt resignation be sought, and accepted,' the majority of Democrats and Republicans were shocked.
Leadership Failure Continues, White House Stiffs Gulf States
by Richard Freeman and Mary Jane Freeman
The Bush-Cheney Administration rammed bill S. 1858 through Congress in early October, providing a mere $1 billion in Community Disaster Loans to local governments in the Gulf states regionravaged and, in many cases, bankrupted by Hurricane Katrina, and needing tens of billions of dollars in aid. The Bush team insisted that this law contain a stipulation prohibiting the Federal government from ever forgiving these loans, if the communities were unable to pay them back. The White House's insistence violated 30 years of practice. A loan forgiveness clausewhich permits the Federal government to turn the disaster loan into a free grant if the local government is too cash-strapped to pay it back had been standard on all disaster loans. Since 1974, some $227 billion in Community Disaster Loans has been forgiven, including loans to New York City after Sept. 11, 2001.
Bush Chose Slave Labor For Hurricane Work
by Paul Gallagher
Anyone who looks on the White House websites' 'Executive Orders' page, for actions by President George W. Bush on the devastation of the Gulf states by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, will find that there have been none; and only one 'Proclamation,' made on Sept. 8. That proclamation has come under general opprobrium by Congress and other institutionsbut not by Halliburton, Bechtel, and other major no-bid contractors of the Cheney/Bush Administration. This is Bush's declaration 'To Suspend Subchapter IV of Chapter 31 of Title 40, United States Code, Within a Limited Geographic Area in Response to the National Emergency Caused by Hurricane Katrina.' It has damaged every effort at reconstruction of the economy and of residents' lives in the hurricane disaster area.
What Is a Hyperinflationary Shock Wave?
Jonathan Tennenbaum explains how the 'upward collapse' of today's hyperinflation is like a sonic boom. In late September, Lyndon LaRouche put out an urgent warning to the international community, on the danger of an impending, hyperinflationary explosion of the world financial system, similar in many ways to the hyperinflation crisis which devastated Weimar Germany in the second half of 1923, but on a much greater scale. Then, as now, the outbreak of hyperinflation took the form of a sudden change, analogous to what physicists call a 'shock wave,' which transformed what had appeared up to that moment as a merely gradual loss of value of the currency, into a totally uncontrollable, self-accelerating process.
Senate's $8 Billion for Flu
Will Vaccine Funds Be In Time for Pandemic?
by Christine Craig and Laurence Hecht
By a vote of 94-3, the Senate passed an $8 billion appropriation, initiated by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), to fight the threatening avian flu pandemic. The measure, passed Oct. 27, must still go before the House. The funding came as an amendment to the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bill for 2006, and apparently subsumed funding (mostly for anti-viral drugs) from a previous amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill.
Clinton Proposes Emergency Summit To Save Auto Industry
by Richard Freeman
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) has proposed the convening of a national emergency summit to defend the U.S. auto industry, and more broadly the manufacturing base of the country. As the Oct. 8 bankruptcy of the world's largest auto parts producer, Delphi, threatens to bankrupt the entire U.S. auto industry, Clinton wrote an Oct. 20 letter to President George Bush, calling for him to rapidly convene such a summit, and stating, 'Given the fact that there are over 1 million Americans currently employed in the auto industry, we cannot simply allow one of the core elements of our national economic infrastructure to wither away.'
The Beauty of Rosa Parks
by Amelia Boynton Robinson
Amelia Boynton Robinson is widely known as the heroine of the Civil Rights movement, beaten and left for dead at the EdmundPettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, friend and colleague to Dr. Martin Luther King, and now friend and collaborator of Lyndon and Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
What a beautiful memory! The memory of a woman, though frail, awoke people throughout America from their complacency, two generations or more ago, in Montgomery, Alabama. History was made when she, Rosa Parks, sat on the bus in Montgomery, Alabama, and refused to give up her seat to a white man, who was standing on a crowded bus.
Interview: Dr. Justin Frank
How Indictments of His Cronies Will Affect President Bush
On Oct. 22, 2005, Jeffrey Steinberg, along with LaRouche Youth Movement panelists Matt Ogden from Boston and Niko Paulson from Seattle, interviewed special guest Dr. Justin Frank on 'The LaRouche Show,' an Internet radio show broadcast every Saturday at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time, at www.larouchepub.com. Dr. Frank, a practicing psychiatrist, is a professor at the George Washington University Medical Center, and was the author of the book Bush on the Couch, characterized by Steinberg as one of the most insightful profiles of the current President of the United States, and also one of the most frightening books to be published on the subject of the U.S. Presidency in many, many years. On Aug. 20, 2004, EIR published a review of Dr. Frank's book, and an interview with him.OnNov. 5, 2004,EIR published a guest commentary by Dr. Frank, and on Feb. 4, 2005, we published another interview with him.
Hurricane in Washington: A New Policy in Berlin Now!
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
In Berlin negotiations are taking place over the government program of a Grand Coalition, while in the U.S.A., leading representatives of the neo-conservative cabal in the White House are under heavy fire. The chairwoman of Germany's Civil Rights Movement Solidarity party (Bu¨So), Helga Zepp LaRouche, pleads, in this statement, issued Oct. 24, for a new Trans-Atlantic Alliance, which should rest on the values of European culture, and on recognition of the accomplishments of other cultures.
Government Crisis Looms
Japan Faces the Future
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
October 24, 2005
Modern Japan's emergence as a modern nation-state power was brought about largely through its cooperation with the U.S. circles associated with such representatives of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln as the world's leading economist of that time, the same Henry C. Carey who played a crucial role in the great Bismarck reforms in Germany and the development of Russia launched under Czar Alexander III. Unfortunately, Japan changed sides, against the U.S.A., for an alliance with the British monarchy of the Prince of Wales, otherwise known as Edward VII. As a result, the Japan of 1894-1945 made itself the puppet of the agreement reached with the British Empire for the first of Japan's wars, 1894-1905, and the continuing enemy of the U.S.A., especially over the issue of China policy, during the interval 1894-1945.
Kirchner Wins Big in Argentina, Boosts Battle for New Bretton Woods
by Dennis Small
The snarling bully tactics of the international financial oligarchy and their Cheney gang enforcers in Washington backfired in Argentina on Oct. 23, when President Ne´stor Kirchner's political movement, the Victory Front, won a resounding electoral victory in the mid-term Congressional elections. With the Cheneyac machine crumbling in Washington, and its grip on Ibero-American nations weakening accordingly, the Kirchner victory could help prompt other nations in the region to stand and fight for their sovereignty and development, as Argentina has.
A Discussion With Adm. Falco Accame (ret.)
Terrorism and Italy's Strategy of Tension
by Paolo Raimondi
The recent developments in the United States around the role played by Lewis Libby, Karl Rove, and Vice President Dick Cheney in 'outing' Valerie Plame, the wife of Ambassador Joe Wilson, to punish him for having denounced as false, in early 2002, the claim that Iraq was importing uranium from Niger, are also provoking reverberations in Italy.
- Moro Assassination Needs More Investigation
The Italian government has been called on to respond to several parliamentary interrogations on the case of Antonino Arconte, a former military intelligence agent, who claims that he has evidence showing that intelligence circles had foreknowledge of the planned kidnapping of Italian statesman Aldo Moro in 1978.
Mossadeq's Fight for National Sovereignty
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
A tragedy of untold dimensions is threatening in Persia, a tragedy which could unleash a process leading to World War III, and the destruction of civilization as we know it. Neoconservative circles in London and Washington have targetted this key Persian Gulf nation, in the context of their imperialist policy of permanent war. Two main policy options have been openly discussed in the Anglo-American circles vis-a`vis the Islamic Republic: military aggression, either by the United States or proxy Israel, aimed at eliminating the Bushehr nuclear power plant and other sites related to the nation's civilian nuclear program; or, failing that, political destabilization, leading to regime change.
Protection and the Principle of National Sovereignty
Now is the time, leading economist and American statesman Lyndon LaRouche said the week of Oct. 24, for the United States Congress, particularly the Senate, to launch an international initiative in support of the principle of national sovereignty, the which will affirm the right of all sovereign nations to assert the primacy of the welfare of their citizenry, over the 'markets.' That the moment for such action is ripe, is demonstrated not only by the onrushing global financial breakdown, but also by the initial actions in this direction being taken in the United States, Germany, and France.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
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