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Published: Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2005
Volume 4, Issue Number 46
This Week You Need To Know:
Lyndon LaRouche addressed an international videoconference/forum, titled "The Significance for Mexico of the Situation in the United States," and sponsored by the Union of Workers of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (STUNAM) on Nov. 9. The event was a dialogue between LaRouche and Agustín Rodríguez Fuentes, general secretary of the STUNAM as well as a federal Congressman. The webcast was simultaneously interpreted into Spanish and English. The interventions by Spanish speakers have been translated here by EIR.
Ronald Moncayo (Moderator): Good morning to the entire audience that is listening to this event in various countries. This is a webcast from Mexico City of a dialogue between the U.S. politician and
economist Lyndon LaRouche and Agustín Rodríguez, the Secretary General of the STUNAM, the Trade Union of Workers of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
This morning we have with us a member of the LaRouche Youth Movement in Mexico; also Rubén Cota, our [EIR's] representative in Mexico City; also, of course, Agustín Rodríguez of the STUNAM union. We have José Luis Gutiérrez, who is the Organizational Secretary of the STUNAM, and Alberto Pulido, who is Press Secretary of the STUNAM.
We'd like to welcome all of you, those of you who are participating here and those listening in over the web. First, we have some brief words of welcome from Mr. Pulido, on behalf of the STUNAM.
full version, PDF
This Week in History
November 15-21, 1944
President Franklin Roosevelt Outlines Plans for Postwar Scientific Research and Development
After the tide of World War II had turned in favor of the Allies, President Roosevelt greatly expanded the planning process for shaping the postwar world. The United Nations, the Bretton Woods Monetary System, and the veterans' benefits guaranteed by the G.I. Bill of Rights were all moved into semi-finished form in 1944, although much initial planning had been done in earlier years. Then, on November 20, 1944, the President sent a letter to Dr. Vannevar Bush, the Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, the agency responsible for overseeing the Manhattan Project as well as developing many other military technologies such as radar-guided rockets and the Microwave Early Warning System.
President Roosevelt asked Dr. Bush and his group to answer four questions, and in that process produce suggestions about what role the U.S. government could play in postwar scientific research. Roosevelt began the letter by stating that "The Office of Scientific Research and Development, of which you are the Director, represents a unique experiment of teamwork and cooperation in coordinating scientific research and in applying existing scientific knowledge to the solution of the technical problems paramount in war. Its work has been conducted in the utmost secrecy and carried on without public recognition of any kind; but its tangible results can be found in the communiques coming in from the battle fronts all over the world. Some day the full story of its achievements can be told.
"There is, however, no reason why the lessons to be found in this experiment cannot be profitably employed in times of peace. The information, the techniques, and the research experience developed by the Office of Scientific Research and Development and by the thousands of scientists in the universities and in private industry, should be used in the days of peace ahead for the improvement of the national health, the creation of new enterprises bringing new jobs, and the betterment of the national standard of living.
"It is with that objective in mind that I would like to have your recommendations on the following four major points:
"First: What can be done, consistent with military security, and with the prior approval of the military authorities, to make known to the world as soon as possible the contributions which have been made during our war effort to scientific knowledge?
"The diffusion of such knowledge should help us stimulate new enterprises, provide jobs for our returning servicemen and other workers, and make possible great strides for the improvement of the national well-being.
"Second: With particular reference to the war of science against disease, what can be done now to organize a program for continuing in the future the work which has been done in medicine and related sciences?
"The fact that the annual deaths in this country from one or two diseases alone are far in excess of the total number of lives lost by us in battle during this war should make us conscious of the duty we owe future generations.
"Third: What can the Government do now and in the future to aid research activities by public and private organizations? The proper roles of public and of private research, and their interrelation, should be carefully considered.
"Fourth: Can an effective program be proposed for discovering and developing scientific talent in American youth so that the continuing future of scientific research in this country may be assured on a level comparable to what has been done during the war?
"New frontiers of the mind are before us, and if they are pioneered with the same vision, boldness, and drive with which we have waged this war we can create a fuller and more fruitful employment and a fuller and more fruitful life.
"I hope that, after such consultation as you may deem advisable with your associates and others, you can let me have your considered judgment on these matters as soon as convenientreporting on each when you are ready, rather than waiting for completion of your studies on all."
In response to the President's letter, Vannevar Bush established four committees, each to prepare data and answer one of the four questions. The committee members, in turn, also consulted leading scientists in the fields which were being studied. Much work was accomplished in the early months of 1945, but the final report, entitled "ScienceThe Endless Frontier," was only completed on July 5, almost two months after Roosevelt's death.
The recommendations of the report were submitted to President Truman, who acted on some of them. In response to the problem of disseminating scientific knowledge gained during the war, the report recommended that a declassification board be established to control the release of scientific information for publication. By Executive Order 9568, President Truman did establish a Publication Board in the summer of 1945 to release such information as would not jeopardize national security, and a few months later, the scope of the order was extended to include the release of enemy scientific and industrial information.
Dr. Bush's final report also recommended a greater degree of international exchange of scientific information. It called for the U.S. government to arrange international science congresses, to officially receive foreign scientists, and to provide international fellowships in the sciences.
In answering President Roosevelt's question about medical research, the report recommended an expanded research effort in fields where knowledge was still limited. For example, it was stated that chronic disease of the kidneys, arteriosclerosis, and cerebral hemorrhage accounted for 45% of the deaths in the United States. Infectious diseases and cancer ranked second and third as causes of death. Mental diseases were increasing at the rate of 125,000 annually, yet for all of the above afflictions, modern medicine still had much to learn.
The report stated that basic research in medicine was primarily the responsibility of the medical schools and universities, yet their endowment income, foundation grants, and private donations had been diminishing. Therefore, to maintain the nation's progress in medicine, it was necessary for the government to offer grants for research and for medical school and university fellowships.
In answer to Roosevelt's third question about aiding research by both public and private organizations, the report recommended expanding government support of science. Specifically, it called for the establishment of a Scientific Advisory Board to consult with U.S. government agencies, and to advise the President and Congress. On October 17, 1946, President Truman implemented this recommendation by establishing the President's Scientific Research Board, which was composed of the heads of 12 Federal departments and agencies, and chaired by the Director of War Mobilization and Reconversion.
Full article on separate page...
Latest From LaRouche
Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed on Wisconsin public radio, KUWS, Duke Skorich Show, Nov. 7, which was streamed on http://www.kuws.fm. Skorich previously interviewed LaRouche on Sept. 7.
DUKE SKORICH: This is where the Northland comes together to talk about the issues that matter to you. Danny Schechter is going to be our guest on this program tomorrow. You have seen him producing some of the major news broadcasts in this country....
Cheney Is On the Way Out!
by Jeffrey Steinberg
In a momentous development, the Democratic leadership in the United States Senate, on Nov. 8, directly targetted Vice President Dick Cheney, with what amounted to a bill of impeachment. Following the weekly meeting of the Senate Democratic caucus on Nov. 8, Minority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.), flanked by Senators Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and Richard Durbin (Ill.), announced the release of an Open Letter to President George Bush, demanding that Bush pledge, now, that he will not issue a Presidential pardon to anyone found guilty of a crime in the Fitzgerald investigation.
- Documentation
Senate Dems Put Cheney, White House, on Notice
Here are excerpts of the press conference by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), which followed a closed policy luncheon on Nov. 8, 2005.
Senator Reid: There's a dark cloud hanging over the White House. It's really a storm cloud. The Vice President, who gets his authority from the President, sadly is in the middle of that storm. The manipulation of intelligence to sell the war in Iraq: Vice President Cheney's involved in that. The White House energy policy that puts big oil ahead of the American consumer: Vice President Cheney is behind that. Leaking classified information to discredit White House critics: the Vice President is behind that. Halliburton, contracting abusethe list goes on and it goes on. Certainly, America can do better than that.
Has California Terminated Arnie?
by Harley Schlanger
There is no way the public relations hacks working for Arnold Schwarzenegger can spin their way around the decisive beating given to him on Nov. 8 by the voters of California, in the special election that he had insisted must take place. The Governor, who came into office in 2003 as a by-product of a fluke recall campaign, suffered a massive political rejection, failing to win even one of his four core ballot initiatives, despite spending nearly $70 million to con the state's voters into giving him dictatorial powers.
- Interview: Eric Bauman and Ray Cordova
Democratic Leaders Dissect the Governor
These are excerpts from the transcript of 'The LaRouche Show,' Nov. 5, broadcast on internet radio at 3 p.m. Eastern Time. Hosted by Lyndon LaRouche's Western States spokesman Harley Schlanger, the show featured two California Democratic Party leaders discussing California Governor Schwarzenegger's ballot initiatives: Eric Bauman, chairman of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party Central Committee, and Orange County Democratic Chairman Ray Cordova. Two LaRouche Youth Movement members, Cody Jones and Summer Shields also participated. The full program is archived at http://www.larouchepub.com.
Elections Suggest Bush's Republican Base Eroding
Significant Democratic electoral victories across the nation on Nov. 8, suggest that the collapse of credibility of the Bush-Cheney Administration has begun to demoralize its Republican base, leading to losses at the polls because Republicans stayed home. Particularly striking were Republican losses in areas which had gone heavily for President Bush just one year ago, in the national election.
Democrats Challenge Morality of GOP Budget
by Carl Osgood
The afternoon of Nov. 10just two days after thorough electoral defeats for White House economic austerity and war policies in Virginia and Californiasaw both Houses of Congress retreat from the entire White House package of $50 billion budget cuts against programs for the poor, and $70 billion tax cuts for the wealthy. For the fourth week in a row, Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt, and their House Republican whips gave up after failing to round up and armtwist votes to pass the cuts; this, after 22 of their Republican colleagues had held a press conference to state that these cuts were opposed by Americans, and immoral in the current economic crisis.
The Agnew Precedent for Removal Of Vice President Dick Cheney
by William F. Wertz, Jr.
As rumors fly that Vice President Dick Cheney may resign following the indictment of his chief of staff Lewis Libby, and the continuing investigation of President Bush's political advisor Karl Rove in connection with the leaking of the identity of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame, it is useful to look back to the process which led to the resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew on Oct. 10, 1973.
Congressional Closeup
by Carl Osgood
How the U.S. Political Fight Will Shape Mexico's Future
Here is a transcript of an international videoconference/ forum, titled 'The Significance for Mexico of the Situation in the United States,' and sponsored by the Union of Workers of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (STUNAM), EIR, and the LaRouche Youth Movement, on Nov. 9. It features a dialogue between Lyndon LaRouche and Agustý´n Rodrý´guez Fuentes, general secretary of theSTUNAMas well as a federal Congressman. The webcast was simultaneously interpreted into Spanish and English. The commments by Spanish speakers have been translated here by EIR.
Leaders Dump Free Trade, Talk Of Changing Economic System
by Gretchen Small
Plans for a hemispheric free-trade accord died at the fourth Summit of the Americas in Argentina Nov. 4-5, buried by the refusal of the Mercosur nations (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay), plus Venezuela, to bow before the free-trade policy which is killing all of the nations of the Americas the United States included. The standoff resulting from the refusal of those nations representing 75% of the economy of South Americato set a date for restarting failed negotiations on a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) produced what Lyndon LaRouche, the champion of anti-free-trade American System economics, called a 'fascinating impasse, an excellent indecision.' The American nations stood up and said 'no,' and no one said 'no' to their 'no,' LaRouche commented.
Fight for National Rail Development Escalates
by Mary Jane Freeman
In a fit of flight-forward arrogance on Nov. 9, the Bush-appointed Amtrak board of directors fired David Gunn, its president, for his opposition to George W. Bush's 'kill Amtrak' plans. This desperate move came only six days after the Senate voted 93-6 on Nov. 3, to fully fund Amtrak and set a new U.S. agenda for passenger rail. That vote did exactly what Lyndon LaRouche had called for in July: Pass the LottLautenberg rail plan with a 'veto-proof majority.'
Book Review
The World Is Made of Nations, Not Markets
by Nancy Spannaus
The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century
by Thomas L. Friedman
New York City: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005 488 pages, hardbound, $27.50
It is to the shame of the United States 'educated' political class, that this book has been on the best-seller list, including in Washington, D.C., for more than half a year. For what The World Is Flat represents, is a glorification of the process of globalization which is destroying not only the world as a whole, but the United States as an industrial power, at the very point when this process is about to create an unstoppable catastrophe. But Friedman, like a typical Baby Boomer, is so dazzled by the age of computer technology, that he apparently could care less about the expanding misery of conditions of life worldwide, which results from the failure of the physical economy.
Central Bankers Declare War on European Nations
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche is chairwoman of the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (Bu¨So) party in Germany. She issued the following statement on Nov. 11, under the title 'When Children Set Cars on Fire: The Euro and Violence in FranceThe ECB Declares War on Member Nations.' It has been translated from German by EIR, and subheads have been added.
If French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy had a plan to deliberately detonate a highly explosive situation, then he certainly was successful. His insulting the largely immigrant population of the suburbs, originally from the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa, as 'scum' and 'hooligans,' was an unthinkable provocation, and has contributed decisively to the escalation of violence. But the explosion of these riotsas well as the refugee crisis in Ceuta and Melillaare only symptoms of the fact that the current political order is no longer in control....
Liberte´, Egalite´, And 'Trash'?
by Samuel Dixon
They are against the state because the state doesn't want them. They have been treated in their own country as if they are nothing in this world. If anyone doubted that my generation, roughly aged between 18 and 25, is the 'no-future generation,' take a long hard look at France today.
Change People's Lives
by Jacques Cheminade
The following statement was issued on Nov. 8, 2005, by Jacques Cheminade, 1995 candidate for the Presidency of France, and head of Solidarity and Progress, the political party of the LaRouche movement in France. In his 1995 Presidential campaign, he called for development of the immigrant suburbs.
In Memoriam
K.R. Narayanan: A Strong Friend
by Ramtanu Maitra
On Nov. 9, former Indian President Kocheril Raman Narayanan breathed his last in New Delhi, after ailing for weeks. His last resting place will be in New Delhi alongside two other late Presidents of India, by the River Yamuna. KRN, as K.R. Narayanan was known to many of his friends and relatives, was in many ways an extraordinary individual. Born in a very poor family in a small village in the southwestern state of Kerala, and a member of the Dalit communitythe untouchables in the Hindu societyKRN was made of steel.
Germany: A Government That Will Not Govern
by Rainer Apel
The new Grand Coalition government is expected to take office in late November, shortly after the designated Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is sworn in on Nov. 22. The week before that, the three parties that form the coalitionthe Christian Democrats (CDU), the Christian Social Union (CSU), and the Social Democrats (SPD)are expected to give the goahead for the government at special party conventions, barring unforeseen developments. The coalition, with a more than two-thirds majority in the national parliament, will, however, be stable only on paper, because frictions are being exacerbated in all three coalition parties, while they ignore the reality of the global economic depression.
Australia Dossier
Howard Pushes Fascist 'Anti-Terror' Laws
by Allen Douglas
Prime Minister Howard's new laws would make Hitler blush, but the PM has hitched his wagon to a dead mule: Dick Cheney.
Science and Technology:
Thorium: The Preferred Nuclear Fuel of the Future
Nuclear engineer Ramtanu Maitra shows, from the case study of India, how the development of thorium fuel cycles will enhance the efficiency and economy of nuclear power plants.
View This week's Almanac Section*, as a long .pdf file. |

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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