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Published: Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005
Volume 4, Issue Number 50
This Week You Need To Know:
Lyndon LaRouche joined some 60 dignitaries from round the world, in a private EIR seminar in Berlin on Dec. 6, 2005. The seminar was titled "Strategic Options in the Post-Cheney Era: New Atlantic Alliance in the Tradition of Franklin Delano Roosevelt."
There are several things, points I'll present, as compactly as feasible. First of all, as to what's happened in the United States, and it happened during the course of the past week: There's an event in U.S. politics, which is comparable to the Tennis Court Oath in France. This is Lafayette, and in a sense it's in the tradition of Lafayette, even though Lafayette did not have at that time the nerve to follow through, or the King to follow through with.
Then, I shall indicate exactly how this came about, what my approach is to it, and what the problem is, that Europe is going to face in trying to understand this. Why the United States, uniquely, must carry through on this equivalent, or parallel to a Tennis Court Oathnot what happened in July of 1789, but what should have happened in June. And what is involved in getting to this point, that Europe will have to understand exactly what we're doing and what the importance is for the world as a whole, of what's happening in the United States right now. Not merely as a factor in the world: Because, if the United States does not carry out the mission which is implicit in the agreements that were made, and publicized, during the past week inside the United States, then I'm afraid the world has no chance. Because, there's no part of the world that could take on the specific problem, which must be taken on to deal with the present world crisis. And what the problems are.
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This Week in History
December 13 19, 1777
The Conway Cabal Attempts To Slander and then Replace General George Washington
Whether it was launched as one of the many British intelligence operations during the American Revolution, or was simply the result of blind partisanship that ignored the general welfare, or perhaps a combination of both, the Conway Cabal caused much short-term damage to America's prospects of becoming an independent nation. Fortunately, the cabal's adherents helped to bring about their own defeat, just at the point that they had reached the height of their power and thought that victory was within their grasp.
That point was Dec. 14, 1777, when the cabal members in Congress succeeded in appointing Thomas Conway as a Major General, against the advice of Gen. George Washington. The main focus of the Continental Army officers and members of Congress who comprised the grouping was to replace Washington with English-born Gen. Horatio Gates.
In the fall and winter of 1777, Gates was the hero of America, for the troops under his command had defeated and captured British Gen. John Burgoyne and his entire army at Saratoga, N.Y. on Oct. 17. However, the plans for the American campaign to stop Burgoyne's march from Canada had been laid many months before by General Washington, working closely with Gen. Philip Schuyler, who commanded at Albany.
Schuyler, however, was unacceptable to many of the New England militia commanders, who were desperately needed to help stop Burgoyne. So the competent Schuyler was shunted aside, although he continued to provide logistical support, and the less gifted Gates was put in his place.
Flushed with his own importance, General Gates neglected to inform Washington, his Commander-in-Chief, of the victory over Burgoyne. Instead, he sent his aide-de-camp, James Wilkinson, with a flowery message to Congress, leaving Washington to depend on rumors. Wilkinson took an incredibly long time to reach Congress, and then spent three days "arranging his papers" before he gave them the news. Congress, although noting his dilatoriness, proposed voting him a sword for bringing such glad tidings, but a Scottish-American delegate named Dr. Witherspoon quipped, "I think ye'll better gie the lad a pair of spurs."
Meanwhile, Washington had been dealing with a very difficult situation, trying to determine what American target General Howe would attack next, and endeavoring to obtain the troops and supplies to stop him, wherever he might strike. Finally, it became clear that Howe was going to attack Philadelphia, and Washington had a heavy barrier, called a cheveaux-de-frise, built across the Delaware River below the city, guarded by a fort on either side.
After the victory at Saratoga, Washington looked forward to the return of Daniel Morgan's rifle corps, which he had forwarded from his own command to help General Gates. He also wrote to Gates asking for the transfer of some of the northern troops to help him keep the British from setting up a permanent base in Philadelphia. Washington's small and ill-equipped army had not succeeded in keeping Howe out of Philadelphia, but the barrier across the Delaware and its guardian forts were keeping the British warships south of the city. If the ships could not anchor at Philadelphia itself and provide artillery cover for the Redcoats, the British occupation of Philadelphia would become untenable and the army would have to withdraw.
General Gates sent no troops, so Washington dispatched Col. Alexander Hamilton to hurry the reinforcements on their way. The letter which Hamilton carried from Washington to Gates congratulated him on his victory, but added, "At the same time, I cannot but regret that a matter of such magnitude, and so interesting to our general operations, should have reached me by report only; or through the channel of letters not bearing that authenticity which the importance of it required, and which it would have received by a line under your signature stating the simple fact."
Hamilton enlisted the aid of Governor Clinton of New York to help him shake loose some troops from the Northern Department, but obstacles faced him everywhere. Washington wrote that "Colonel Hamilton, one of my aides, is up the North [Hudson] River doing all he can to push them forward, but he writes me word that he finds many unaccountable delays thrown in his way. The want of these troops has embarrassed all my measures exceedingly." Hamilton finally succeeded in mobilizing some troops southward, but he wrote to Washington that, "I doubt whether you would have had a man from the Northern army, if the whole could have been kept at Albany with any decency."
Full article on separate page...
'We're Moving To Take the U.S. Government Back'
Lyndon LaRouche joined some 60 dignitaries from round the world, in a private EIR seminar in Berlin on Dec. 6-7, 2005. The seminar was titled 'Strategic Options in the Post-Cheney Era: New Atlantic Alliance in the Tradition of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.' We publish LaRouche's keynote speech below. The first panel was chaired by Jonathan Tennenbaum.
- Kennedy's Apollo Program Reshaped the U.S. Economy
President John F. Kennedy's call on May 25, 1961, for the United States to have a goal of 'landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth' by the end of the decade, put into motion the greatest peacetime mobilization of this nation's scientific, engineering, and technological resources in history. The country's industrial base, which had stagnated for the nearly two decades since President Franklin Roosevelt's mobilization to win World War II, was thrust into becoming the leading technological driver for the real growth of the physical economy.
- Documentation
Pelosi: 'A New Era of American Innovation'
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) gave this policy speech on Dec. 2 at Harvard University, on 'A New Era of American Innovation and Competition.' The event was sponsored by the John F. Kennedy School of Government's Institute of Politics Forum. Subheads have been added by EIR.
- Miller: Retaining U.S. Leadership in Innovation Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) delivered the Democratic response to President Bush's weekly radio address on Dec. 3, 2005:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Europe Needs a New Atlantic Alliance In the Franklin Roosevelt Tradition
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche keynoted the afternoon session of the seminar on Dec. 6. She was introduced by moderator Frank Hahn, who pointed out that 20 years ago, she founded the Schiller Institute, 'in order to establish a new form of cooperation, not only between Germany and the United States, but between Europe and the United States, on the basis of the principles of American republicanism.' The four-hour session concluded with the LaRouche Youth Movement singing the 'Battle Cry of Freedom,' following which the LYM spontaneously broke into singing the German national anthem.
Jacques Cheminade
The Enemyof France Is Cartesianism
Jacques Cheminade, president of the Solidarity and Progress party in France, and Presidential candidate in France's 2007 election, addressed the seminar on Dec. 7. The session was chaired by Jonathan Tennenbaum, and included the participation of Helga Zepp-LaRouche. We publish Cheminade's remarks, and a portion of the discussion.
Jeffrey Steinberg
Understanding the U.S. 'Cheneygate' Climate
EIR's Jeffrey Steinberg spoke on Dec. 6, 2005. He was introduced by Frank Hahn of the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (BüSo), who asked him to 'tell us the details from the inside, what is going on in Washington right now, and what has been the process of this revolt during the last days and weeks.'
Dr. Clifford A. Kiracofe, Jr.
The U.S., Politics, And the Iraq War
Dr. Kiracofe is a former Senior Professional Staff member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. He spoke on Dec. 6, 2005. Footnotes are available on request.
The Harry Hopkins Method of Job Creation
by EIR Staff
In discussing the pressing urgency of conversion of some U.S. automobile production capacity to infrastructure-related projects in the urgent national interest, EIR Founder Lyndon LaRouche has referenced the job-creation methods of Franklin Roosevelt's confidant, Harry Hopkins. And that in this respect, as also in regard to the reforms of our financial system which must on the whole accompany such a reconversion, we should assimilate the spirit of FDR's leadership, in the tradition of the American System of political economy, rather than the letter of his executive orders and laws.
Maps: Critical Auto Capacity To Be Saved:
The Locusts Plead For 'Fair Treatment'
by Mike Billington
Franz Müntefering, the former chairman of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), told a party conference in April that private equity funds and hedge funds had descended upon German industry like 'swarms of locusts,' draining corporations of their productive wealth and labor for short term gain, with great harm to the nation's interests. 'Some financial investors don't waste any thoughts on the people whose jobs they destroy,' said Müntefering. 'They remain anonymous, have no face, fall like a plague of locusts over our companies, devour everything, then fly on to the next one.'
Cheney Treading In Quicksand
by Michele Steinberg
The Bush Administration is 'a dying regime,' stated U.S. political leader Lyndon LaRouche to an international audience at an EIR seminar in Berlin on Dec. 6. And the only thing that can really save the Bush Presidency, is for Vice President Dick Cheney to be ousted. 'The President is breaking up,' LaRouche said. 'He's not capable intellectually of understanding what he's doing.' In contrast, he said, 'Cheney is a criminal. He's a murderer.' At the same time, LaRouche noted that Cheney is no superman and that he can be defeated.
Military Spokesmen Taking the Lead Against Bush's Iraq War Fiasco
by William Jones
When President Bush on Dec. 7 gave the second of four scheduled speeches on the Administration's Iraq policy prior to the Dec. 15 elections in Iraq, touting 'success' before a rather somber crowd at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and focussing on this occasion on the economic reconstruction efforts, he was immediately met by a barrage of responses from leading Democrats, including that bête noire of the White House, Pennsylvania Rep. John Murtha, exposing the fallacy of Bush's claims. The counterposition reflects the truth of what Murtha said in response to questions later: There are only two positions on Iraq, the President's and his.
Congressional E-Hearing: A National Dialogue on Auto Sector Crisis
by Anita Gallagher
The Democrats on the U.S. Congress House Committee on Education and the Workforce, under the leadership of Ranking Democrat George Miller (Calif.), have stepped into the exploding crisis in the American auto industry by setting up an E-Hearing for a national discussion on the auto crisis among auto workers, retirees, Democratic Congressional representatives, local elected officials, and the American citizenry.
Sharon's Gambit Signals Weakness of the Right
by Dean Andromidas
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon resigned as chairman of the Likud party on Nov. 21, taking 13 of the party's 40 Knesset members. Forming a party called Kadima (Forward), he took three non-Likud Knesset members, including Haim Ramon and Dalia Itzak of the Labor Party, and independent Knesset member David Tal, with him. Then on Nov. 30, former Labor Party Chairman Shimon Peres, defeated by Amir Peretz in the Labor Party leadership race on Nov. 9, quit the Labor Party to jump into bed with Sharon, to become his 'peace envoy.'
South Asia War on Terror Spawns Fresh Terrorism
by Ramtanu Maitra
Since the Bush Administration's invasion of Afghanistan in the Winter of 2001, and Iraq in the Spring of 2003, terrorism in South Asia, already present, has been given a new life. Despite statements issued by the London-Washington duo, in the real world, their war on terror is spawning more terrorists, in Arabia, the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, and elsewhere. Unfortunately, this fact has been kept secret not only in the United States, but in all of South Asia. National leaders in the South Asian region are either in a state of denial, or are finding it difficult to contradict what London and Washington are aggressively stating. The other likely reason these leaders are shirking away from stating the obvious, could be the fear of evoking the wrath of the Bush-Blair combo, who are surrounded by Islam-haters.
Amelia Robinson in Italy
'Help Us Dump Cheney, Stop This Illegal War'
by Liliana Gorini
Amelia Boynton Robinson, the 94-year-old heroine of the African-American civil rights movement, vice president of the U.S. Schiller Institute, and close collaborator of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, was on an official visit to Rome Nov. 28 to Dec. 4. She was received by the vice president of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Hon. Alfredo Biondi, on Nov. 29, together with a delegation of women parliamentarians from the Democrats of the Left Party (DS), and Paolo Raimondi and Liliana Gorini, president and vice president of the Italian Civil Rights Movement Solidarity, LaRouche's cothinkers in Italy.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
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