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Published: Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2005
Volume 4, Issue Number 52
This Week You Need To Know:
Cheney and His Patsy, Bush, Face Impeachment Furor
by Jeffrey Steinberg
"Impeach, impeachment, and impeachable are words now back in prominent usage, as the result of the antics of Dick Cheney and his patsy, George W. Bush," Lyndon LaRouche commented on Dec. 22. LaRouche was referring to the firestorm of Congressional and judicial reactions to the Vice President's openly totalitarian assertion that, as the result of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, there are no Constitutional limits on the power of the U.S. Presidency.
Cheney's defense of the right of the U.S. military and intelligence agencies to kidnap and torture suspected terrorists had already triggered a bipartisan, bicameral revolt by the U.S. Congress against the Vice President (see EIR Dec. 23, 2005, "Cheney Is the Albatross Around George Bush's Neck"), when the New York Times, on Dec. 16, revealed that President Bush, under Cheney's influence, had signed a secret order, shortly after 9/11, authorizing the National Security Agency (NSA) to spy on American citizens, without first obtaining a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act created the secret FISA court, to give judicial approval in those instances where surveillance of American citizens was warranted. In extreme cases, FISA provided the government with permission to conduct surveillance and receive retroactive authorization from the court, 72 hours after the fact.
This Week in History
- December 27 January 2, 1767 -
Nicholas Roosevelt Forges a Steamboat Link to the American West
December 27, 1767 was the birthday of Nicholas Roosevelt, a cousin of Franklin Roosevelt's great-grandfather, and one of America's leading engineers and inventors. After working with Robert Livingston, John Stevens, and Robert Fulton on the development of the steamboat, Nicholas and his intrepid wife, Lydia, embarked on a daring expedition which would prove that steam transportation could be used on the Ohio and Mississippi River systems.
After the American Revolution, settlers had flocked to the Ohio River Valley, and thence to the Mississippi River Valley, but taking a boat down those rivers was essentially a one-way trip. The currents were so strong that anyone trying to sell their farm surplus or other goods in the markets of the eastern United States had to float them down to New Orleans and then proceed by ocean to the Atlantic coast. An arduous trip back up the rivers by keelboat to Pittsburgh took many months and was very dangerous, due to the snags and sandbars in the rivers.
The isolated situation of the new settlements was a problem that George Washington tried to solve by sponsoring canals that would cut through the Appalachian and Allegheny Mountains to the Ohio Valley. There was also a political problem involved, for Britain and its cat's-paw Spain bent their efforts to luring the western settlers away from their allegiance to the new United States and into breakaway groupings that would be under the sway of European powers. Therefore, the development of a swifter mode of transportation than packhorses and keelboats was an urgent necessity.
George Washington and Benjamin Franklin coordinated their efforts to make that development one of their priorities, and over the years, they sponsored the work of inventors such as William Henry, James Rumsey, and Robert Fulton. Nicholas Roosevelt, who would soon join the quest for a reliable steamboat, grew up in New York during the period of the American Revolution, and in 1782, at the age of 15, he built a model boat propelled by paddle wheels over the side, which were turned by hickory and whalebone springs.
In 1793, Roosevelt became a director of the New Jersey Copper Mine Association, which was organized to rework the abandoned Schuyler mine. When that project had to be abandoned, Nicholas persuaded his associates to buy land on Second River, now Belleville, New Jersey, and erect a metal foundry and shop. Roosevelt called this enterprise the Soho Works after the Boulton & Watts steam-engine works in England, which had been established with the encouragement of Benjamin Franklin. All interchange between American engineers and scientists and their British counterparts was cut off during the American Revolution, but Robert Fulton would shortly reconnect with Franklin's friend Matthew Boulton to obtain an engine for his projected steamboat.
Roosevelt's Soho Works became one of the premier ironworks in the new nation, and was called upon to provide engines for many new industrial projects. Like Paul Revere, Nicholas Roosevelt also became a copper manufacturer. During the administration of President John Adams, Roosevelt received a government contract to build a copper rolling mill and provide the copper sheathing for the hulls of six 74-gun U.S. Navy ships. After Nicholas had invested heavily in order to fulfill the contract, Thomas Jefferson was elected to the Presidency and ship construction was abandoned. As a result, Roosevelt suffered severe financial losses.
Beginning in 1797, Roosevelt was also working with Robert Livingston and John Stevens in developing a steamboat. Roosevelt was to build the engines at his Soho Works. After several trials, the partners' steamboat "Polacca" attained a speed of three miles an hour in still water on October 21, 1798. But there were many technical problems still to be solved, and Livingston refused to let Nicholas attempt to use his old design of a paddlewheel over each side of the boat, a design which would eventually be used by Robert Fulton and by all the Ohio and Mississippi "sidewheelers."
One day in 1799, Benjamin Henry Latrobe, the future architect of the U.S. Capitol, walked into the Soho Works and proposed that Roosevelt build the two enormous steam-driven pumps that he had designed for the new Philadelphia Waterworks. Roosevelt mortgaged his engine works in order to finance the building of the engines, and the project was successfully completed. A few years later, in 1808, Latrobe's daughter Lydia became Mrs. Nicholas Roosevelt. The education Lydia had received from her father served her in good stead when she and Nicholas embarked on the daring adventure which was to come.
Roosevelt's financial problems stemming from his waterworks project and the cancelled copper-sheathing contract meant that he could no longer employ the workmen he had so carefully trained. Therefore, they moved a few miles down the Hudson River to work for Robert Fulton as he built his successful North River Steamboat, which came to be known as the "Clermont." Two years later, in 1809, Benjamin Latrobe suggested to Fulton and Livingston that they take Roosevelt into partnership to build steamboats for the western rivers.
Nicholas and Lydia travelled by wagon to Pittsburgh, where they jointly designed a large flatboat, and on it, they sailed away to New Orleans for their honeymoon. The voyage was also a scouting expedition designed to determine the possible problems and impediments which would face the steamboats to come. At every town, they disembarked and told the local citizens about the new technical wonder which would be coming soon. When they reached Indiana, Nicholas saw coal outcroppings, and he bought several small coal mines and paid the farmers to dig out the fuel and pile it on the shore for his projected steamboat's later journey down the Ohio.
When the couple reached New Orleans, they booked passage on an ocean vessel to New York. Lydia, who had become pregnant with her first child, just made it back in time to give birth to a baby girl. There were only a few months to rest, for Robert Fulton was encouraged by Roosevelt's report of the trip, and sent the Roosevelts back to Pittsburgh, this time to supervise the building of the first steamboat on the Ohio River. Fulton designed the vessel, and many of his workmen were sent west to bring it to completion.
The work was begun in 1810, and the census that year showed that there were more than 1 million Americans living beyond the Appalachian Mountains. Fulton sent his steamboat plans to Pittsburgh, but Nicholas and Lydia changed them to produce a larger, more stable boat. The steamboat New Orleans, the first on the western waters, was launched in May of 1811, and set out on her journey downriver on August 26. There were at first only minor problems. The water level was too low to pass the falls of the Ohio at Louisville, so Nicholas took advantage of the lull by taking the steamboat back up the river to Cincinnati, proving that it could easily outpace any keelboat going upriver.
Lydia, who had scandalized the matrons of Pittsburgh by accompanying her husband on the trip while eight months pregnant, had her second child in Cincinnati. On the last day of November, soundings at the falls showed that the water had risen enough to allow five inches of clearance for the steamboat, and the Roosevelts set out again. They sent their two children around the falls by carriage, and successfully ran the treacherous passage.
Full article on separate page...
Latest From LaRouche
More on Rohatyn
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Erbenheim, December 18, 2005
Reports on some European reactions to my "Tale of Two Bozos" [See InDepth, this week], say that some of the locals there complain that they do not understand the substance of my objections to Felix Rohatyn's latest scheme for luring and looting prospective investors. The problem is not that they do not understand; their problem is that, for special reasons, they do not wish to understand what should be quickly obvious to any intelligent and literate adult person.
Auto Reconversion Can Lead the Way To U.S. Recovery
by EIR Staff
In Spring 2005, economist/statesman Lyndon LaRouche publicly warned the U.S. Senate to prepare now to avoid the consequences of the forthcoming likely bankruptcy of General Motors Corporation. Not only the losses of jobs and homes, and effective bankruptcies of cities and counties, even states; worse, without the machine-tool design capability centered in the automotive (and aerospace) industry, the United States will be condemned to virtual 'Third World' status for at least a generation. This, amidst a world depression crisis which, like that of the 1930s, cannot be mastered except with the help of American world leadership.
Rebuilding the U.S.A.
Travel Among Cities
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Among the notable accomplishments of President John Quincy Adams, during his term as U.S. Secretary of State under President James Monroe, was his contribution to the elaboration of the future geography of our continental nation, as situated between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and our Canada and Mexico borders.
The Auto Industry Can Help Build New Nuclear Plants
by Marsha Freeman
The recent shift in economic policy by the leadership of the Democratic Party, toward a return to the approaches of Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, poses the question: To rebuild the economy, what infrastructure projects must be at the top of the nation's agenda? First, are the immediate critical needs, such as the rebuilding of the ravaged Gulf Coast. Beyond that, the deficit in basic U.S. infrastructure, such as safe bridges and roads, and modern transportation and clean water systems, is in the trillions of dollars.
Building a High-Speed Railway Network
Earlier this year, Richard Freeman and Hal Cooper published a study on the requirements for upgrade of the heart of the U.S. rail system, in two phases, to electrified high-speed rail moving freight at about 100 mph, and then later to magnetically levitated rail, at upwards of 300 mph (EIR, June 10, 2005). They charted first the double-tracking and electrification of 26,000 route-miles, and then onwards to a total of 42,000 route-miles, the heart of the network, which carry65% of our freight and 70% of our intercity passengers, although constituting only 29% of our total rail mileage.
Sales Drop, Strike Threat Leave Auto One Way Out
Auto sales in the United States for the first half of December fell by 14% from December 2004; this pointed to the fourth straight month of dismal sales after two months of 'incentive madness' sales in the Summer. The drop was again across the board, including the Japanese automakers: Despite launching a new round of discounts, GM's sales dropped 17%, Ford's sales plunged 25%, and Chrysler's fell 19%. Sales for Toyota slid 6%, Honda's declined 3%; while sales at Hyundai and Nissan fell 20% and 14%, respectively. Auto sales were also falling in Europe in 2004-05, in Japan from 2003-04, and even in China. This underlies the 'big league sports'-type hyping of a contest between GM and Toyota for 'Number 1'; they are debating over pieces of a pie which is shrinking because of a 'globalized' fall in real wages.
- A Toll the Nation Can't Afford
North American auto sales are falling for all producers, and the nation's largest autoand auto partsmakers alone are carrying out or planning shutdowns of 47 plants with 62,000 production workers, from now to 2008. The facilities' workforces, sizes, and capabilities are given in Table 1...
Cheney and His Patsy, Bush, Face Impeachment Furor
by Jeffrey Steinberg
'Impeach, impeachment, and impeachable are words now back in prominent usage, as the result of the antics of Dick Cheney and his patsy, George W. Bush,' Lyndon LaRouche commented on Dec. 22. LaRouche was referring to the firestorm of Congressional and judicial reactions to the Vice President's openly totalitarian assertion that, as the result of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, there are no Constitutional limits on the power of the U.S. Presidency.
In Memoriam
Eugene McCarthy: He Acted To Restore Our Nation's Purpose
by Nina Ogden
On Dec. 10, Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, the dear friend of Lyndon LaRouche and his movement, died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 89. In 2002, when he began to struggle with Parkinson's disease, McCarthy had reluctantly moved to a retirement home in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C., which he typically referred to as a 'cruise ship on the River Styx.' It is truly poetic justice that Gene McCarthy's death has unleashed the image of the power of a youth movement challenging the legitimacy of an administration's unjust war.
A Tale of Two Bozos
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Dec. 13, 2005
The tale was told more or less as follows. During one of those occasional silly seasons which the French call revolutions, a revolting pair of academics were sipping beverages in a favorite cafe´, while successive clusters of revolutionaries raced past the cafe´ on the street outside. Suddenly, one of the pair in the cafe´ stood upright, grabbing his hat, scarf, and coat, exclaiming: 'That is my revolution which just passed; I must go and lead it!'
More on Rohatyn
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Erbenheim, December 18, 2005
Reports on some European reactions to my 'Tale of Two Bozos,' say that some of the locals there complain that they do not understand the substance of my objections to Felix Rohatyn's latest scheme for luring and looting prospective investors. The problem is not that they do not understand; their problem is that, for special reasons, they do not wish to understand what should be quickly obvious to any intelligent and literate adult person.
Britain's Economy: Going, Going . . .
by Mary Burdman
Like the rotten old house in Charles Dickens's Little Dorrit, the British economy is teetering. Last year's speculative frenzy in the housing market was apparently squashed in 2005, so now some are talking of housing prices going on 'crabwise'but this cannot last for long. In reality, the situation is like that unreal morning in Dickens's book, after the great speculator Mr. Merdle's famous bank had already crashed, but none of the victims knew it yet. Now, the housing inflation bubble, the 'basis' of the whole crazy structure, is ready to go.
German Leaders Call For Reregulation
by Rainer Apel
All of a sudden, calls for state intervention into the economy have become popular in Germany, among leading politicians. The paradigm-shift in the United States, with increasing interest in the role of the state, after the Katrina disaster and in connection with the crisis in the automobile sector, has been noted by politicians in Germany. And the fact that the hardline neo-con faction failed to get a majority of votes in the national elections in September, so that a Grand Coalition of Christian and Social Democrats had to be formed, instead, also played a role, in creating a more pro-state environment here.
Argentina, Brazil Pay Off Debt To IMF; Bankers Nervous
by Cynthia R. Rush
During the week of Dec. 11-17, the governments of Brazil and Argentina unexpectedly announced that they would pay off the balances owed the International Monetary Fund (IMF) before the end of this year. On Dec. 13, Brazilian Finance Minister Antonio Palocci told reporters that the Lula da Silva government would dip into its sizable $63 billion in reserves to pay the $15.56 billion it owed, noting this would save $900 million in interest payments. Two days later, Argentine President Ne´stor Kirchner announced that he would also use Central Bank reserves to pay an outstanding balance of $9.8 billion, saving $1 billion in interest payments. While IMF Managing Director Rodrigo Rato nominally 'welcomed' both actions, he was decidedly unenthusiastic about Argentina's decision.
'The Guy Upstairs' Doesn't Take Polls
by Dean Andromidas
Since Histadrut Chairman Amir Peretz assumed chairmanship of Israel's Labor Party on Nov. 9, the country has been hit with one political earthquake after another. Peretz changed the agenda from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's security and 'maybe' peace, to a clear and decisive call for negotiations for a real peace with the Palestinians, and a new socio-economic agenda that will give not just military security, but social security to the Israeli people.
The Flagellants of Val di Susa And the Danger of Bonapartism
by Claudio Celani
A popular upsurge has stopped the construction of a vital transport infrastructure link, the Turin-Lyon high-speed railway line, which is planned to connect Lisbon, Portugal to Kiev, Ukraine, running south of the Alps, as part of the 'Corridor 5' trans-European project. Although the suspension of the construction site is said to be only temporary, in expectation of clarifying alleged environmental issues, the development has to be seen in the context of growing European-wide 'Flagellanttype' mass movements, promoted and used by profeudal oligarchical forces in a strategy to overthrow the institutions of the nation-state. As Lyndon LaRouche had forecast years ago, globalization is unleashing Jacobin mobs, which are used to justify the introduction of police-state, anticonstitutional regimes, as recently seen in France as a response to the upsurges in the 'banlieues,' the slums surrounding Paris.
Book Review
New Research Sheds Light on Prussian-American Relations
by Michael Liebig
Preussen und die USA 1850-1867: Transatlantische Wechselwirkungen (Prussia and the USA 1850-1867: Mutual Influences Across the Atlantic)
by Enno Eimers
Duncker & Humblot,Berlin,2004
Enno Eimers' weighty tomealmost 700 pagesis an example of thorough academic work. He has gone to the Prussian Secret State Archives and to the U.S. National Archives in Washington, to review original documents covering the period between 1850 and 1867. Not an easy read perhaps, but a veritable gold mine for anyone who would seriously explore Prussian-American relationsso, one plunges enthusiastically into its depths.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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