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Published: Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006
This Week You Need To Know:
On Jan. 5, 2006, in a front-page story, the Wall Street Journal identified Judge Samuel Alito, President George W. Bush's nominee to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the U.S. Supreme Court, as a leading proponent of the savagely unconstitutional doctrine of the "unitary executive." The idea of the "unitary executive," which forms the core dogma of the ultra-right-wing Federalist Society,
to which Judge Alito belongs, is more properly identified by its modern historical namethe Führerprinzip, authored by the Nazi regime's anointed "Crown Jurist" Carl Schmitt. Schmitt's doctrine, that the charismatic head of state is the law, and can assert absolute dictatorial authority during periods of emergency, has been used to legitimize every totalitarian regime in the West, from Hitler, through Gen. Francisco Franco in Spain, through Gen. Augusto Pinochet in Chile, to President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney in the United States.
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
Next: "Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy" |
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"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
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"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in History
January 10-16, 1853
The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Reaches the Ohio River at Wheeling
It was with a great sense of triumph that the citizens of Wheeling on the Ohio River celebrated the arrival of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad on Jan. 12, 1853. It had been a long, 25-year battle against mountainous terrain and a major national depression, but there was finally a railroad line that linked Baltimore and Washington, D.C. with the Ohio, and to the West ran a series of railroads that provided access to Chicago and the Mississippi. Wheeling, already known as the "Nail City," was eager to begin manufacturing rails and other supplies for the railroad in her many iron foundries.
In 1818, the National Road had reached Wheeling, a strategic location which had been a major river crossing point used by the Indians, due to the large island which divided the broad Ohio into two narrow sections. George Washington, searching for the easiest passage to the Ohio Valley, had invested in lands in the area and encouraged settlers to move there. Washington was familiar with ironmaking through his father's work with the Principio Iron Works, and encouraged the building of iron forges in each new settlement.
The Conestoga Wagons which travelled the new National Road carried both passengers and produce, but as both agriculture and manufacturing grew, there was a need for faster transportation which could carry heavier loads. On July 4, 1828, two different modes of transportation began a race from the eastern seaboard to the Ohio. The first was the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, whose cornerstone was laid by President John Quincy Adams. It was to be the fulfillment of Washington's Potomac Canal project to build a transportation corridor along the Potomac River and through the mountains.
The second form of infrastructure was the newly developed railroad. In February of 1825, inventor John Stevens had constructed a half-mile circular track on his land in Hoboken, New Jersey, and whisked his guests around it at six miles an hour on a railroad car powered by a steam engine. The Stockton & Darlington Railroad in England ran its first demonstration in September of that same year. Two years later, a group of Baltimoreans sponsored a bill in the Maryland Legislature authorizing a railroad line to be built from Baltimore to Wheeling.
Laying the Cornerstone
The ceremony laying the cornerstone for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad attracted tens of thousands of people. The celebration began with a grand parade, which featured 5,000 participants. In addition to Revolutionary War veterans and members of Congress, the parade contained representatives of almost all the occupations of the areafarmers, carpenters, millers, bakers, blacksmiths, weavers, stonecutters, printers, steam-engine makers, sailmakers, and ship captains. Many of the trades were highlighted on floats. For example, dairy workers churned butter, blacksmiths pounded anvils, and the printers' float had a press which turned out copies of the Declaration of Independence.
The cornerstone was dedicated by 91-year-old Charles Carroll of Carrollton, the last living signer of the Declaration of Independence. Carroll's presence at the dedication also had another significance: His father, Charles Carroll of Annapolis, had worked with the Principio Ironworks in colonial days, as had George Washington's father. Charles Carroll of Carrollton had also invested heavily in iron production in Maryland, utilizing ore from the Arundel Formation, which runs southwest from Baltimore into Virginia. The forges and iron foundries near this formation would be used to supply the rails and cars for the new railroad.
The stone which Carroll dedicated that day said that the new railroad would perpetuate the "happy Union of these Confederated States." The Baltimore Gazette reported that the projected railroad would "make the East and the West as one household, in the facilities of intercourse and the feeling of mutual affection."
In addition to the investments by private individuals, the City of Baltimore, the State of Maryland, and later the state of Virginia also contributed to the railroad's funds. A report written just before the Civil War explained how these investors viewed the functions of infrastructure such as railroads: "The great object of the companies has not been so much to derive a direct profit from the investment, as to cause the construction of a highway, which should by its operation increase business, enhance the value of property, and swell the floating capital of the country by making available considerable productions of industry, which before were not marketable, since the influence of a railroad in a new district is perhaps, if not to create, at least to bring into the general stock more capital than is absorbed in its construction.
"Thus in the last twenty-five years, a thousand millions of dollars have been spent in the construction of roads, and yet capital is proportionally more abundant now than before this vast expenditure, and land has, in railroad localities, increased by a money value greater than the cost of the roads! We have seen that before the operation of canals, land transportation was, and is now, remote from these works, one cent per mile per hundred. If a barrel of flour is then worth in market five dollars, a transportation of 300 miles would cost more than its whole value; but by rail it may be carried from Cincinnati to New York for one dollar. Thus railroads give circulation to all the surplus capital that is created by labor within their circle. It is on this principle that may be explained the immense prosperity that has been seen to attend the enormous expenditure for railroads, particularly during the last ten years."
The Baltimore & Ohio was authorized to raise five million dollars in capital, and could begin work with one million. In the summer of 1828 it employed several officers from the U.S. Army's Topographical Corps to map out part of the road. Then members of the Army Corps of Engineers were loaned to the company to ensure successful construction. The first section was completed to Ellicott's Mills, and was extended to Point of Rocks in 1832. But work was halted for several years at the gorge where the Shenandoah and Potomac meet, for both the C&O Canal and the B&O Railroad claimed the narrow space between the cliffs and the waters of the Potomac.
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Latest From LaRouche
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
By the time leading Democrat Lyndon LaRouche takes the podium at his next webcast on January 11, 2006 (www.larouchepub.com or www.larouchepac.com), the United States will have either reached, or be on the verge of, a crucial turning point. On the political side, the bipartisan momentum now growing toward the removal of the Vice President for Torture and War, Dick Cheney, from office should have come to a head. On the economic side, the accelerated crisis of the U.S. auto industry, which is being threatened with both bankruptcy and physical dismantling, by financial vultures representing the international banking establishment, will have reached the point where decisive reconstruction action must be taken.
Judge Samuel Alito and The 'Führerprinzip'
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On Jan. 5, 2006, in a front-page story, the Wall Street Journal identified Judge Samuel Alito, President George W. Bush's nominee to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the U.S. Supreme Court, as a leading proponent of the savagely unconstitutional doctrine of the 'unitary executive.' The idea of the 'unitary executive,' which forms the core dogma of the ultrarightwing Federalist Society, to which Judge Alito belongs, is more properly identified by its modern historical name the Führerprinzip, authored by the Nazi regime's anointed 'Crown Jurist' Carl Schmitt.
The Schmittlerians Were Also Behind Pinochet's Fascist Coup
by Cynthia R. Rush
In 2006, former Chilean dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte (ret.) mayfinally go to trial for the Nazi-style atrocities committed during his 17-year rule, from the time of the bloody Sept. 11, 1973 coup that overthrew President Salvador Allende Gossens, until he left power in 1990. Although to date Pinochet's legal team has successfully kept him from going to trial, recent court rulings stripping him of his immunity as a former head of state, and sending him to the police station for mug shots and fingerprinting, suggest that a trial isn't far off.
Rohatyn, Pinochet, And the 'Unitary Executive'
Three giant steps transformed ITT from the obscure operator of a telephone system in Puerto Rico, into a world conglomerate: 1)Acontract to run the whole Spanish telephone system for then-fascist dictator of Spain, Primo de Rivera, in 1923; 2) Lucrative business in German war industry, after ITT founder Sosthenes Behn became the first American businessman to meet dictator Hitler in 1933; and, 3) The wild merger spree run by Lazard Fre`res and Felix Rohatyn from 1961 into the 1970s.
The Federalist Society March Through the Institutions
As EIR reported last week, the same right-wing, tax-exempt foundations that are behind the fascist Carl Schmitt revival of the past 20 yearsattempting a coup against the U.S. Constitutionhave also bankrolled a 'Schmittlerian' march through the judicial institutions, via the misnamed Federalist Society. We provide detailed profiles here of the Society and its numerous tentacles.
Impeach Dick Cheney
Libby's Drafts of Powell's UN Speech Could Be 'Smoking Gun'
by Michele Steinberg
On Feb. 7, 2003, Lyndon LaRouche, then a candidate in the 2004 Democratic Presidential primaries, warned the nation especially the other Democratic Party candidatesafter the Feb. 5, 2003 speech delivered to the UN Security Council special session on Iraq, by then-Secretary of State Colin Powell, that Powell was the 'apparent victim of a hoax.'
Abramoff Plea Dooms DeLay, Speeds Sinking of Cheney-Bush
by Anton Chaitkin
Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to conspiracy, mail fraud, and income tax evasion, in two agreements with federal prosecutors Jan. 3 and 4. Tolessen a potential 30-year prison sentence, he must fully cooperate in the growing criminal probe of that 'K Street' Congressional and lobbying apparatus created by Tom DeLay and increasingly run by Vice President Dick Cheney.
From the Congress
Conyers Demands Inquiry On 'Impeachable Offenses'
The following document was issued by the House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff, on December 20, 2005.Wepublish here the table of contents, and the Executive Summary. The full document can be found at Iraq Report 109th Congress http://www.house.gov/judiciary_democrats/index.html
- Call for Investigation By Select Committee
The following is House Resolution 635, submitted Dec. 18, 2005, which was referred to the Committee on Rules by Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, calling for the creation of a Select Committee to investigate the Bush/Cheney Administration.
Strategic Map:
Bush-Cheney Actions Proliferate Hotspots
As the political screws turn ever tighter on the CheneyBush Administration, the Cheney warmongers have worked overtime to create new flashpoints internationally, in order to maintain their policy of 'perpetual war.' As EIR has documented abundantly, Cheney's Hitlerian philosophy calls for maintaining a permanent state of crisis, the better to justify the dictatorship which he wants to put in place.
Hatred of Free Trade Sweeps Morales Into Bolivian Presidency
by Gretchen Small
Campaigning against the existing economic and political system, Evo Morales was elected President of Bolivia on Dec. 18 with the highest vote of any Presidential candidate in decades. With a majority of just under 54%, Morales was the first candidate to win in the first round of a Presidential election since 1982. He swept not only the poorer areas of Bolivia, but also won a significant middle class vote, including a surprising 30% in the wealthier region of Santa Cruz. His Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) party won only two of the country's nine governor races, but it won a majority in the Chamber of Deputies, and is only two short of a majority in the 27-member Senate.
Russian Proposal to Iran on Nuclear Reprocessing Is Workable
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Since the following reports were written, new developments around the accelerated attacks on Syria must be taken into account in assessing the implications of situation described by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach. The shattering calamities hitting the U.S. Bush-Cheney Administration, have brought the role of the United Kingdom's Blair government more prominently into focus. Shades of Sykes-Picot, the British Foreign Office, flanked by France, have assumed a controlling role in the regional developments of the Southwest Asia region.
Regime-Change Threat On Horizon in Syria
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
It's official: A coup against the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad is in the works. None other than would-be golpista (coup maker), former Syrian Vice President Abdel Halim Khaddam, made the announcement in an interview to the Saudi daily al-Sharq al Awsat on Jan. 6. Speaking from his residence in Paris, Khaddam said he was organizing the Syrian opposition to 'create the right atmosphere for the Syrian people to topple the regime.' He added: 'This regime cannot be reformed, so there is nothing left but to oust it. The Syrian people will be the ones to oust it.' Khaddam claimed that he had no contact with outside forces, and was merely acting in the interests of his beloved country.
Book Review
Revive the Legacy of Russia's Sergei Witte
by William Jones
Count Sergei Witte and the Twilight of Imperial Russia
by Sidney Harcave
Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2004
328 pages, hardbound, $59.95
This biography of the last great political figure of late Tsarist Russia, Count Sergei Witte, is a very timely publication. Apart from the 1969 monograph by Theodore von Laue, 'Sergei Witte and the Industrialization of Russia,' the Harcave work is one of the few extant biographies in English of this remarkable individual. Harcave, a professor emeritus of history at the State University ofNewYork at Binghamton, is well qualified to deal with his subject, having published in 1990 a comprehensive edition of Witte's memoirs, which he translated into English, based on two, sometimes differing, accounts left by Witte in his archives, now located at Columbia University.
Globalization: Merely Unfair, or Is It Genocide?
by Dennis Small
In the days leading up to the Doha round of the World Trade Organization, meeting in Hong Kong Dec. 13-18, 2005, Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim took to the pages of the International Herald Tribune to issue a policy statement on globalization and free trade, on behalf of the Lula da Silva government. Given Brazil's leadership role among developing sector nations, and the country's obstinateand sometimes successfulresistance over more than a decade to the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) lunacy (and other ruses) emanating from Washington, Amorim's statement takes on broader significance.
Youth Flight Leaves 'No Future' Rust-Belt States
by Paul Gallagher
A recent series of articles in the Detroit press highlighted the steady flow of college-educated young people out of Michigan focussing on the sons, daughters, and grandchildren of autoworkers who are living through the collapse of the U.S. auto industry in the Midwestand into service industry and financial jobs in other regions, in particular the non-union South.Astinging irony was the number of such youth moving South to work in 'management' in Arkansas or some related part of the right-to-work, cheap-labor corporate empire of Wal-Mart Stores. During 1995-2000, Michigan lost, according to Census Bureau reports, almost 40% of its population of college-educated, single young people, from 42,600 down to 26,600; the only state with a worse drain of youth was Pennsylvania. There could be no more dire indicator of the 'no-future' economic crisis centered around the decay of the formerly-productive, industrialized regions of the United States under 'globalization and free trade,' and the now nearirreversible loss of the productive capabilities and skilled labor forces of those states.
Lyndon LaRouche in Germany
Nuclear Power Is Crucial for Survival
At a meeting of the LaRouche movement in Europe on Dec. 29-30, Lyndon LaRouche was asked about the revival of the German economy, and its role in the survival of Europe. Here are excerpts from his replies. See EIR, Jan. 6, 2006, for his initial presentation.
Germans Rediscover Nuclear Power
by Rainer Apel
With the defeat of the 'red-green' coalition (Social Democrats and Greens) in the Sept. 18, 2005 elections in Germany, there was hope among many that this also meant the end to an entire era of radical ecologism, which among other things had led to a foul government-industry deal in 2000, to phase out nuclear power by 2020. Many hoped that the Social Democrats, after the divorce from the Greens and their new Grand Coalition marriage with the Christian Democrats, would now begin to argue for a return to nuclear power.
National Economy:
How JFK Mobilized TheU.S. for Recovery
by Marsha Freeman
The leading faction of the Democratic Party is now poised not only to rid the United States of the Cheney/Bush Administration political dictatorship, but to overthrow 40 years of failed and self-destructive policies that have turned the U.S. economy into a heap of rust. In this effort, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and others have invoked the Apollo program of President John F. Kennedy as the model which should be followed.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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