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Published: Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006
*Paid for by Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Ctte.
This Week You Need To Know:
On Jan. 19, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales issued a 42-page unclassified legal opinion defending the Bush Administration's indefensible illegal spying on Americans. The Gonzales document represented one of the most radical and Sophistic assertions of the Carl Schmitt doctrine of unbridled Presidential dictatorshipotherwise known as the Führerprinzipclaiming that the President's authority as Commander-in-Chief allows him to take actions which are "beyond Congress' ability to regulate," and "affords the President, at minimum, the discretion to employ the traditional incidents of the use of military
force," including the full range of National Security Agency (NSA) capabilities to conduct domestic spying.
Informed of the Gonzales document, Lyndon LaRouche declared: "This proves the case. This document, probably dictated by Vice President Dick Cheney and his chief of staff and general counsel David Addington, simply confirms that this Administration is in the hands of a fascist cabal. Nobody who is concerned and thinking clearly can, in their right mind, support the nomination of Samuel Alito to the United States Supreme Court under these conditions." LaRouche pondered, "Is President Bush prepared to ask for the resignation of his Attorney General, over this flagrant violation of the spirit and letter of the U.S. Constitution?"
for the
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy" |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in History
January 24 30, 1945.
In the Midst of a Raging World War, FDR Calls for an All-Out Attack on Polio
On the occasion of President Franklin Roosevelt's birthday on January 30, it became traditional for him to address the "Birthday Balls" which were held to raise money for the fight against infantile paralysis. On his birthday in 1945, however, Roosevelt had already left the country on his way to the Yalta Conference. But because the fight against polio was a crucial one, Roosevelt's wife Eleanor read his speech over the hookup to the balls.
There had been a major polio epidemic in America in 1944, with the dreaded disease hitting over 18,000 children and adults. Unlike the situation in earlier epidemics, especially the major one of 1916, this time the medical infrastructure was in place to ensure a high survival rate as well as follow-up therapy for those who suffered crippling side effects. But there was still no cure, and no vaccine against the highly communicable disease.
Roosevelt's efforts, first through the Warm Springs Foundation, and then through the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, had been able to ensure adequate care for victims of polio. He had also succeeded in making Americans aware that with a major effort, they could contribute to finding a vaccine or a cure. Defeating polio had become a national project, and in 1945, the Foundation grossed over $18 million.
The success of the fundraising stemmed in part from an idea of comedian Eddie Cantor. Roosevelt had asked him to think about how the Foundation could get a million men to contribute a dollar a year. Instead, Cantor suggested that people be asked to mail dimes to the White House, calling it the "March of Dimes" against polio. Answering the call that was sent out every year in the weeks before the birthday balls, Americans sent millions of dimes to the White House; so many, in fact, that the President's assistants, his children, and many other staffers had to assist the mailroom in opening the letters.
When Roosevelt's 1945 Birthday Ball address was broadcast, there were significant medical developments on the horizon. In 1948, microbiologist John Franklin Enders and his colleagues Frederick Robbins and Thomas Weller were able to grow a virus in a medium of living cells. This was a major breakthrough in virology, because up to that time, it had only been possible to grow viruses in living chicken embryos, a process which could produce only a very small number of viruses for research purposes. Growing viruses in cell tissue had been tried before, but after a few days, the material had always been ruined by the growth of bacteria.
Enders was Chief of Research in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital Medical Center in Boston, and his research group was attempting to find a cure for mumps. He realized that adding the new antibiotic penicillin to the nutrient mixture would suppress the growth of bacteria, and when the experiment succeeded, his research group turned its attention to the polio virus. The virus was successfully grown in tissue scraps, proving that sufficient quantity of the virus could be produced for research on producing a vaccine.
In 1949, Dr. Jonas Salk was chosen by the Infantile Paralysis Foundation to lead their research, and he used the culture method discovered by Enders. In 1952, the nation suffered the worst polio epidemic in its history, with almost 58,000 recorded cases. The research on developing a vaccine was pressed forward by the Foundation, which took out a large loan to supplement its income. By 1954, nationwide field trials of the Salk vaccine were in full swing, involving almost 2 million children in 44 states, who were called the "Polio Pioneers." Exactly ten years after Roosevelt's death, on April 12, 1955, the Foundation announced that the Salk vaccine was effective and safe, and mass inoculations began.
In 1945, this wonderful outcome was still ten years in the future, but Roosevelt was very aware that the fight against polio and the fight against the Nazis, with their evil view of the crippled and retarded as "lives not worthy to be lived," were just different aspects of the overall battle for human dignity. He made it clear that night in his address to the Birthday Balls: "I am sorry that wartime circumstances make it impossible for me to talk with you personally tonight on my birthday. I have asked Mrs. Roosevelt to read this brief message on my behalf to the many millions of Americans who contribute to the fight against infantile paralysis.
"This year, if I had a birthday cake, there would be 63 candles on it. But the years they represent seem very few to me tonight because your great generosity has made this day a testament to youtha promise to our children that the bright tomorrow for which we fight throughout the world will not be dimmed by the shadow of infantile paralysis at home.
Full article on separate page...
Latest From LaRouche
How To Capitalize A Recovery
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Today, as then, the personable and the popular sway the public; today, as then, little men with little minds loom too large for the public good.
Hanson Baldwin, 1960.
December 19, 2005
Very often in life, not only individuals, but even entire nations, are ruined, because they, like the foolish King Croesus, had been content to ask the wrong question, and then interpret the answer in a way which caused the ruin which they brought upon themselves. For example, even leading governments, such as our own, have frequently, like ancient Croesus, accepted the answer they had received when they had asked the wrong question of an inherently unreliable source. Such sources are typified by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, or the sundry actually, or implicitly Synarchist representatives of the ever-Delphic, Mont Pelerin Society and American Enterprise Institute.
...full article, PDF file
How To Capitalize A Recovery
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
December 19, 2005
Very often in life, not only individuals, but even entire nations, are ruined, because they, like the foolish King Croesus, had been content to ask the wrong question, and then interpret the answer in a way which caused the ruin which they brought upon themselves. For example, even leading governments, such as our own, have frequently, like ancient Croesus, accepted the answer they had received when they had asked the wrong question of an inherently unreliable source. Such sources are typified by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, or the sundry actually, or implicitly Synarchist representatives of the ever-Delphic, Mont Pelerin Society and American Enterprise Institute.
Dems Must Follow LaRouche's Lead, Sink Alito Nomination
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On Jan. 19, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales issued a 42page unclassified legal opinion defending the Bush Administration's indefensible illegal spying on Americans. The Gonzales document represented one of the most radical and Sophistic assertions of the Carl Schmitt doctrine of unbridled Presidential dictatorshipotherwise known as the Führerprinzip claiming that the President's authority as Commander-in-Chief allows him to take actions which are 'beyond Congress' ability to regulate,' and 'affords the President, at minimum, the discretion to employ the traditional incidents of the use of military force,' including the full range of National Security Agency (NSA) capabilities to conduct domestic spying.
House Dems' Hearing Exposes Danger Of Bush's Executive Power Grab
by Edward Spannaus
Denied a hearing room by the Republican leadership, Democratic membersof the House Judiciary Committee held a well-attended hearing, in a basement catering room, on Jan. 20, at which witnesses and Members of Congress warned of the danger to the Constitution which is posed by the Administration's claim of unlimited executive power. The hearing was held by Judiciary Committee Democrats, after committee chairman James Sensenbrenner (Wisc.) had ignored an earlier request for a hearing on the Administration's wiretapping program, which had been submitted to him by all 17 Democrats on the committee. The hearings came the day after the Justice Department released a 42-page memorandum attempting to justify the Administration's use of warrantless electronic surveillance by the National Security Agency (NSA) (see article, p. 46), which threw down the gauntlet to the Congress, with its claim that Congress can do nothing to rein in the President's 'inherent powers' as Commander in Chief. The DOJ memo was dissected and discredited in detail by both Congress Members and hearing witnesses.
- Retired Military Demand That Bush Ban Torture
Twenty-three retired admirals and generals on Jan. 18 sent a letter to President Bush, demanding full and forceful implementation of the McCain Anti-Torture Amendment. Gen. Joseph Hoar, USMC (ret.), former Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Central Command, and Adm. John Hutson, USN (ret.), former Judge Advocate General of the Navy, gave a press conference on Jan. 19 releasing the letter, which we reprint below...
Apply LaRouche Doctrine To Extinguish Flames of War
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Southwest Asia is up in flames: threatened coup d'état in Damascus; mounting casualties and political stalemate in Iraq; political in-fighting in Lebanon; instability in Israel; and, threatened military strikes against Iran. Only an empiricist fool would suggest that these are discrete phenomena, each generated by processes internal to each nation. Instead, they are parts of a forest fire sweeping the region, a fire lit by many matches, from many hands, but according to one intention. Thus, an approach for stabilizing the region as a whole, as laid out in the 'LaRouche Doctrine' of April 2004, is required to quench the flames before they spread further.
- Nuclear Strife With Iran: Where Is the Solution?
by Jürgen Hübschen, Colonel (GS), ret.
Col. Jürgen Hübschen, retired from Germany's Air Force, was German defense attaché in Baghdad during 1986-89. He worked in Latvia for several years with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and served in the German Defense Ministry until March 2004. EIR published an interview with him on Aug. 6, 2004, and a transcript of a briefing to EIR staff in our issue of April 8, 2005.
Pakistan in Turmoil May Complicate U.S. Plans
by Ramtanu Maitra
A deadly missile released from a U.S. aircraft in the dark of night, in the early hours of Jan. 14, killed 18 people and destroyed three houses on the outskirts of the village of Damadola Burkanday, in the Bajaur district in Pakistan's populous North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), bordering Afghanistan. A number of Pakistani civilians were killed. According to the Pentagon, the targets were al-Qaeda's number-two man, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and the top Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, who were supposedly scheduled to attend a feast in that village.
Shadows of Kissinger and Brzezinski Loom Over Cambodia
by Mike Billington
Cambodian police executed an arrest warrant on Kem Sokha, the president of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, on Dec. 31, for defamation of Prime Minister HunSen, regarding accusations that the Prime Minister had sold out national interests in a border deal with Vietnam. As he was led away to police headquarters, Kem Sokha was surrounded by a group of his supporters, including U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia Joseph Mussomeli and British Ambassador David Reader. The American diplomat was less than diplomatic in his protest over the arrest, suggesting that the regime of Hun Sen is moving 'inexorably toward a one-party state,' and that it 'becomes difficult to take these trappings of democracy as the real thing.'
Ibero-America 'Presidents' Club' On the Move
by Valerie Rush and Dennis Small
Argentine President Néstor Kirchner telephoned Chile's President-elect Michelle Bachelet after learning that Bachelet had swept the polls Jan. 15 with over 53% of the final-round vote, soundly defeating billionaire Harvard-trained fascist Sebastián Piñera. Accepting his hearty congratulations, Bachelet assured Kirchner that she considers relations with neighboring Argentina 'strategic' to her country, and that she will travel there shortly.
Probe Ross/Rothschild Factor In the Sago Coal Mine Disaster
by Paul Gallagher
The revelation that 'equity fund' corporate predator Wilbur L. Ross began buying the debt of Anker West Virginia Coal Co. in September 1997, and had his lieutenant in apparent operational control of the company by May 2003 (see Interview below), should be a focusalong with lax safety regulation by the Federal Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)of a full investigation by Congress of the Jan. 2 Sago Mine explosion, and the resulting deaths of 12 miners.
- W. L. Ross and Co., and The Anker Coal Disaster
Mark Reutter is the author of Making Steel: Sparrows Point and the Rise and Ruin of American Industrial Might (2004), which examines the bankruptcy proceedings of Bethlehem Steel and the company's takeover by Wilbur L. Ross (see www.makingsteel.com for more), who controls the Sago coal mine. Reutter was interviewed by Paul Gallagher on Jan. 18.
GOP Medicare Drug Plan A Slow-Working Katrina
The face of the Newt Gingrich-Tom DeLay scam called 'Medicare reform' became clear on Jan. 1, 2006, when the long-awaited prescription drug benefit program passed by the DeLay-controlled Congress in 2003 went into effect. According to media reports around the country, and leading elected officials, the plan's implementation, especially for low-income seniors who are eligible for both Medicaid (meanstested indigent care) and Medicare (the senior citizen entitlement), resulted in a disastrous cutoff of, and/or price-increase in, life-saving medication for tens of thousands of seniors. Responsible officials in more than a dozen states were forced to step in with emergency aid, in order to prevent predictable deaths. The National Senior Citizens Law Center and representatives of a number of state governments called it 'a major public health crisis.'
The Enemy of European Labor Is Maastricht
by Rainer Apel
In a well-coordinated, unprecedented labor union action, more than 40,000 longshoremen and ship pilots on Jan. 11 staged a walk-out in about 50 ports of Europe, notably the big ports in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The protests were against the European Commission's Port Package II plan, for further deregulation of ports, resulting in a dismantling of traditional standards of loading-unloading, and of safety and health protection.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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