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Published: Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2006
*Paid for by Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Ctte.
This Week You Need To Know:
On Jan. 25, 2006, Lyndon LaRouche issued his most impassioned statement to date, demanding that the U.S. Senate defeat the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, on the grounds that Alito is a Nazi who promotes the judicial outlook of Hitler's "Crown Jurist," Carl Schmitt. Under the title "1933 And Now," LaRouche wrote:
"Clearly, even most leading Senate Democrats have failed to grasp the essential issue of Alito. They have obviously failed to relive the experience of those, during January and February of 1933, who failed to recognize what should have been the obviously already looming danger of an Adolf Hitler dictatorship. Their cowardice then created the conditions under which Hitler was made a dictator in the immediate aftermath of Hermann Göring's '9/11,' the setting of fire to the Reichstag.
...full article, PDF Format
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy" |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in History
January 31 February 6, 1774
The British Ministry Tries To Humiliate Benjamin Franklin, To No Avail
On Jan. 31, 1774, the British government informed Benjamin Franklin by letter to his home in London that he had been fired from his position as Deputy Postmaster of America. This, even though Franklin had built the postal service into an efficient and profitable system which greatly benefitted both Britain and America. The motivation for the firing was both fear and revenge: fear of Franklin's influence in both countries, and revenge for the recent Boston Tea Party.
The move against Franklin occurred two days after the attempt to pillory him in the meeting hall called the "Cockpit," ostensibly for revealing the contents of policy documents sent by royal officials in America to a member of the British Privy Council. These were called the "Hutchinson Letters," after Massachusetts Royal Governor Thomas Hutchinson, who had written many, but not all, of them. During the Stamp Act crisis of the 1760s, Lord Grenville, the promoter of that looting scheme, had asked his secretary to request reports from various American royal authorities as to what should be done. Hutchinson, in particular, was vocal in support of suppressing the Americans, writing that, "There must be an abridgement of what are called English liberties."
Benjamin Franklin had appeared before the House of Commons in 1766 to present America's case against the Stamp Act, and his efforts had resulted in the act's repeal and the fall of the ministry of Lord Grenville. However, the East India Company continued its looting policies, leading it inexorably toward bankruptcy. By 1772, its vast influence was woven into the very fabric of the British government, and the company succeeded in putting through legislation which compelled the American royal governors to be paid from the revenues of the Townshend Act, specifically from the tax on tea. Thus, any possible influence over these officials from their constituents was to be nullified. Massachusetts sent a petition opposing this method of paying royal officials, but the King rejected it.
When the judges of the Superior Court in America were added to the list of officials to be paid from East India Company revenues, the Boston Town Meeting reacted quickly. It published a pamphlet in November of 1772 which described the violations of American rights and denied that Parliament had any authority over America. Royal Governor Hutchinson made an address to the Massachusetts Assembly on Jan. 6, 1773 in which he stated that there could be no allegiance to the King without subordination to Parliament as well. Hutchinson portrayed the perils that Massachusetts would face if it rejected Parliament, but the Assembly responded that "there is more reason to dread the consequences of absolute uncontrolled power, whether of a nation or a monarch, than those of a total independence."
In December of 1772, Benjamin Franklin had come into possession of the reports sent to Lord Grenville from the royal agents in America. Grenville had circulated the letters among his friends and political allies, and at the time of his death in 1770, the letters had not been returned. There were also copies of the reports which were making the rounds in London, and either Franklin was able to obtain them, or, as another rumor had it, they were given to him by a member of Parliament. Whatever the source, Franklin sent them to Speaker Cushing, telling him to show them to members of the Assembly, but not to copy or publish them.
Cushing at first did as he was asked, but feelings against Hutchinson were running so high that on June 2, 1773, he read the letters in public to the Massachusetts Assembly, and by June 17 the letters' contents had been printed and were being reprinted throughout the colonies. As this was going on in America, Franklin, on June 4, was sending Cushing the news of Parliament's spectacular reduction of British duties on exported East India Company tea, enabling it to be sold in America for a much cheaper price than smuggled Dutch tea. Franklin commented that the British thought the Americans would operate only on the basis of obtaining a bargain, whereas actually they understood the future enslavement which lurked behind the lower prices.
On June 23, the Massachusetts Assembly petitioned the King to remove both Hutchinson and Andrew Oliver from office, and Franklin, as London representative of Massachusetts, presented the petition to Lord Dartmouth. By August, the Hutchinson Letters were reprinted in London, and gossip ran rife as to who had obtained them. During that fall, Franklin was engaged in writing a series of polemics, trying to show the Britons the folly of their policies toward America. On Sept. 11, he published the satiric "Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One," and on Sept. 22 appeared "An Edict by the King of Prussia," in which the Prussian King supposedly claimed sovereignty over England by right of supposed prior settlement in some misty past era.
After these pieces appeared, Franklin received a letter from his sister, Jane Mecom, in which she said she hoped that he would be the instrument of restoring harmony between America and Britain. He replied that he would be very happy to restore harmony, but that his strategy for accomplishing it had changed. "I had used all the smooth words I could muster, and I grew tired of meekness when I saw it without effect. Of late therefore I have been saucy."
Franklin talked about his two polemical pieces, saying that, "I have held up a looking-glass in which some ministers may see their ugly faces, and the nation its injustice. Those papers have been much taken notice of. Many are pleased with them, and a few very angry, who I am told will make me feel their resentment, which I must bear as well as I can, and shall bear the better if any public good is done, whatever the consequences to myself.
"In my own private concerns with mankind, I have observed that to kick a little when under imposition has a good effect. A little sturdiness when superiors are much in the wrong sometimes occasions consideration. And there is truth in the old saying, that 'if you make yourself a sheep, the wolves will eat you.'"
Although no one had guessed who had sent the Hutchinson letters to America, matters soon came to a head. The brother of Lord Grenville's secretary became convinced that John Temple, a government official sympathetic to America, had obtained the letters, and he challenged Temple to a duel. Temple injured his foe, but a second duel was pending. To prevent further bloodshed, Franklin inserted a notice on Dec. 25 in the London Chronicle, saying that, "I alone am the person who obtained and transmitted to Boston the letters in question." Franklin wrote, "They were not in the nature of 'private letters between friends.' They were written by public officers to persons in public station on public affairs, and intended to procure public measures; they were therefore handed to other public persons who might be influenced by them to produce those measures. Their tendency was to incense the Mother Country against her colonies, and by the steps recommended, to widen the breach, which they effected." Furthermore, the letters themselves expressed the fear that if their contents became know, agents of the colonies might try to return them to America. "That apprehension, was, it seems, well founded; said Franklin, "for, the first agent who laid his hands on them thought it his duty to transmit them to his constituents."
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Latest From LaRouche
LaRouche Addresses the Youth Movement:
The Fight To Stop Alito and Bring Back Classical Culture and Economics
Lyndon LaRouche addressed the LaRouche Youth Movement's Los Angeles cadre school on Jan. 28, 2006.
...The main issue, of course, today, internationally, is the Alito nomination. This is a pivot-point in world history. It's comparable, not quite of course, but it's comparable by implication to the Reichstag's Fire and Carl Schmitt's certification of Hitler as a dictator, which Hitler remained from that date on, in the immediate aftermath of the Reichstag's Fire, which was set by Hermann Goering, until 1945, until he died....
The Alito Fight:
LaRouche Says 'No' To Germany 1933-34
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On Jan. 25, 2006, Lyndon LaRouche issued his most impassioned statement to date, demanding that the U.S. Senate defeat the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, on the grounds that Alito is a Nazi who promotes the judicial outlook of Hitler's 'Crown Jurist,' Carl Schmitt. Under the title '1933 And Now,' LaRouche wrote: 'Clearly, even most leading Senate Democrats have failed to grasp the essential issue of Alito. They have obviously failed to relive the experience of those, during January and February of 1933, who failed to recognize what should have been the obviously already looming danger of an Adolf Hitler dictatorship. Their cowardice then created the conditions under which Hitler was made a dictator in the immediate aftermath of Hermann Go¨ring's '9/11,' the setting of fire to the Reichstag.
- Documentation
International Media Expose U.S. 'Schmittlerian' Revival
With the spotlight being trained by the international LaRouche movement on the Nazi character of the CheneyBush Administration, which has adopted the Fu¨hrerprinzip of Hitler's 'crown jurist' Carl Schmitt, the international media has begun to pick up on this reality. Here are three examples...
Capitulation to Fascists Can Be Deadly: Take Germany, Spring 1933-August 1934
by Steve Douglas
Adolf Hitler was installed as Chancellor of Germany on Jan. 30, 1933, by the aged President Paul von Hindenburg, during the depths of a raging world depression. Hitler's hold power as he was sworn in as Chancellor was anything but absolute. Even though Hitler had been installed as Chancellor, his Nazi Party remained in the distinct minority in his own Cabinet, holding only 3 of the 11 posts. Furthermore, the treacherous technocrat Franz von Papen, a former Chancellor and close personal friend of President Hindenburg, was named Hitler's Vice Chancellor. He had secured a promise from Hindenburg that Hitler would never be allowed to meet with the President except when in the presence of von Papen, who was to act as a kind of 'Co-Chancellor,' and keep Hitler on a 'short leash.'
Schmitt's Justification Of Hitler's Blood Purge
On the night of June 30, 1934the 'Night of the Long Knives'Chancellor Adolf Hitler ordered the murders of many tens (perhaps hundreds) of his political opponents. Among them were Gen. Kurt von Schleicher, who had preceded Hitler as Chancellor; von Schleicher's wife; and Gen. Ferdinand von Bredow, von Schleicher's long-time aide-de-camp; as well as many leaders and associates of the SA Brownshirts of Ernst Ro¨hm, including Ro¨hm himself. The murders were perpetrated by death squads that were handpicked from the ranks of Herman Go¨ring's Gestapo and Heinrich Himmler's SS.
Democratic Forum Takes Up Apollo-Style Economic Program
by Rochelle Ascher
A standing-room-only crowd of more than 500 people, including many Congressmen who returned to Washington, D.C. early to attend, participated Jan. 19 in a follow-up forum on the 'Innovation Agenda,' first presented by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in a speech at Harvard University on Dec. 2. The forum, held in the Cannon Caucus Room, was titled 'A Commitment to Competitiveness To Keep America Number 1,' and followed the much-publicized joint HouseSenate Democratic event devoted to exposing Republican corruption.
Capital Budgeting for Economic Growth: Eisenhower's National Defense Highway Act
by Richard Freeman
In the Jan. 27, 2006 edition of EIR, Lyndon LaRouche delivered a clarion call for a return to sanity on the part of Washington, D.C. policymakers in both the Congress and the Executive branch. In a feature essay, 'Deficits As Capital Gains: How To Capitalize a Recovery,' LaRouche called for the establishment of a separate Federal Capital Budget, distinct from the annual budget of Federal operating costs, to launch a massive infrastructure recovery program, vital to reversing the nation'snownear-fatal slip into a post-industrial horror show. Such a Federal Capital Budget, properly conceived, LaRouche wrote, would more than pay for itself through infrastructure improvements, productive job expansion, and expanded physical economic growth. Therefore, it should not be considered part of the government's operating costs, but, rather, a source of wealth-creation.
- Documentation
President Eisenhower: Build America's Roads
On Feb. 22, 1955, President Dwight Eisenhower delivered this message to the Congress. Our unity as a nation is sustained by free communication of thought and transportation of people and goods. The ceaseless flow of information throughout the Republic is matched by individual and commercial movement over a vast system of inter-connected highways criss-crossing the Country and joining at our national borders with friendly neighbors to the north and south. Together, the uniting forces of our communication and transportation systems are dynamic elements in the very name we bearUnited States. Without them, we would be a mere alliance of many separate parts.
U.S. Auto Capacity Is 'Excess' Until Congress Acts on Retooling
Two months after its chairman William Ford, III spoke in Washington on the need for an industrial revival in the United States, and diversification in the auto industry, Ford Motor Company announced on Jan. 23 that, effectively, onequarter of its already-reduced North American industrial capacity is 'excess.' Some 30,000 hourly production workers' jobs are to be lost, and several U.S. communities devastated, as a result.
Bill Ford's Message On Auto
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
This memo was written on Nov. 26, 2005. It is republished from the Dec. 9, 2005 EIR. I
f we allow the U.S. auto-manufacturing industry to be destroyed, the U.S.A. becomes a virtual 'Third World' nation overnight. 1. The nation's machine-tool-design capability, most of which is tied up in the U.S. auto-manufacturing firms, is lost. 2. The loss of employment of that machine-tool design segment of that part of the labor-force, means many times that number of employees out of jobs, with no other place to go. 3. The loss of auto plants means an economic disaster, approaching ghost-town proportions, for what are already highly vulnerable entire towns, counties, and cities, even states of the union throughout many parts of the country. This could set off a chain-reaction collapse much, much worse than President Herbert Hoover's foolish reaction to the 1929 crash, a Hoover program which cut the U.S. economy in half over the 1930March 1933 interval.
- LaRouche Open Letter To Bill Ford
Lyndon LaRouche's Nov. 23, 2005 public letter to Ford Motor Company Chairman and CEO Bill Ford is reprinted below from EIR, Dec. 9, 2005. After the public letter, LaRouche's follow-up memorandum is reprinted from the same issue of EIR.
- Follow-Up on Ford Letter Auto and World Economic Revival
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Nov. 24, 2005
On the subject of my letter to Chairman Bill Ford, there is clearly much more to the matter than I stated there. What I stated is valid as far as the subject there goes, but the continuing success of what I propose depends upon the assumption that certain other measures, of broader implications, are taken in support of what I outline in that letter. I identify several among the crucial such points here.
- The Auto Crisis: What LaRouche Said, And What Happened
Since the crisis of the U.S. automobile industry escalated into mass layoffs and plant shutdowns early last year, Lyndon LaRouche has issued one initiative after another, calling for Federal government intervention to save this irreplaceable core of the U.S. machine-tool sector, and for retooling the auto sector to producenot more carsbut maglev advanced rail technology, and other vital infrastructure for the nation and the world.Wereview here LaRouche's statements, the breaking developments in the collapse, and the response of constituency leaders.
Report From Germany
Stop the Casino Economy!
by Rainer Apel
Cases of insolvency on the unregulated 'gray capital' market show the urgent need for financial market regulation. The recent bankruptcies of several investment funds inGermany demonstrate that 'any casino is a more regulated place, than what you find in the 'gray capital'market ofGermany,' an investment expert told this author.
Kirchner Rallies S. America To 'Build the New Times'
by Dennis Small
'The idea of South America as the Cinderella of the world is over. We don't want to be the backyard anymore; we want to take an active part in building the new times that await us.' These words were spoken by Argentine President Ne´stor Kirchner on Jan. 18, 2006, during a visit to neighboring Brazil. Kirchner was addressing a joint session of Brazil's Congress, a distinction bestowed on very few visiting dignitaries.
Nazi Alito's Friends Lose in Chile Elections
by Cynthia R. Rush
When Michelle Bachelet, the Socialist candidate of Chile's governing Concertacio´n coalition, wonan overwhelming victory in the second round of Chile's Presidential elections Jan. 15, she didn't just defeat the single candidate of the rightwing Alliance for Chile coalition, billionaire business magnate Sebastia´n Piñera. With 54% of the vote, more than the 51% that current Socialist President Ricardo Lagos won in 2000, the former Health and Defense Minister delivered a stinging blow to the fascist apparatus that installed Hitlerian dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte in power in the savage Sept. 11, 1973 military coup that overthrew and murdered democratically elected President Salvador Allende Gossens.
- One in Four Israelis Is Living in Poverty
by Dean Andromidas
The Israeli government's National Insurance Institute (NII) on Jan. 23 released a devastating report on the increase in poverty over the five years that Ariel Sharon has been Prime Minister. Between 2000 and 2005, the poverty rate among Israel's 6 million citizens increased from one in five people to one in four, as half a million people sank below the poverty line. The population increased by 8%, but the poor increased by 45%, going from 1,088,100 in 2000 to nearly 1.6 million in 2005. The percentage of the population that is poor increased from 18.8% in 2000 to 23.6% in 2005.
Philippines Is Dragged Along In Cheney's Drive for Fascism
by Mike Billington
[These] quotes come from different sides of the world, yet represent very similar circumstances:
'There would be no system of checks and balances as we now have. . . . In other words, they can do pretty much what they want, and there is nothing people can do to stop them, except mount a revolution or a coup d'e´tat.' ...
Negotiations with China, Russia Offer Way Out of Iran Crisis
by Michele Steinberg
Expressing agreement with the statements of Lyndon LaRouche, that Russia's offer to provide enriched uranium fuel for Iran's nuclear power reactors is an acceptable course of action, a retired former U.S. Cabinet official told EIR, however, that he is very concerned that the United States is not doing everything that is possible to work with Russia and China to find a diplomatic solution for the Iran nuclear issue. Much more is possible, he warned.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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