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Published: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2006
This Week You Need To Know:
In a pointed warning to those pushing a near-term military confrontation with Iran, Lyndon LaRouche declared, on Feb. 3: "An Iran confrontation or even a more limited military strike against Syria, would be merely a fuse. The bomb, that would be detonated by any such action, is the blowout of the entire global financial and monetary system."
LaRouche further warned that, while leading provocateurs for such confrontation inside the Bush Administration, led by Vice President Dick Cheney, are wholly ignorant of the "monetary bomb" that they are dangerously close to detonating, "no such naïveté is to be found among the London-centered Synarchist circles who are orchestrating this showdown." "The same City of London-centered Synarchists who are promoting a one-world fascist 'post-Westphalia' bankers' dictatorship," LaRouche added, "have been pulling the strings of certain radical Islamists since the time of the Sykes-Picot Treaty and the 1920s British Intelligence sponsorship of the Muslim Brotherhood.
...more ...full article, PDF format.
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy" |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
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"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
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Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in History
February 7 13, 1809
On Lincoln's Birthday: Recalling His Efforts To Unite the Republican Party Around a Moral Principle
There is no better way to mark Abraham Lincoln's birthday on Feb. 12 than to look at a lesser-known phase of his life, after his 1858 defeat in the campaign to win the U.S. Senate seat held by Stephen A. Douglas. Lincoln had won the popular vote, but the Illinois Legislature cast its majority vote for Douglas. Rather than withdraw from politics at a time when a great crisis faced the nation, Lincoln dedicated himself to inspiring the Republican Party to face that crisis.
"The cause of civil liberty must not be surrendered at the end of one or even 100 defeats." "Never forget that we have before us this whole matter of right or wrong." Driving, often alone, in an open buggy across the prairies and plains, Abraham Lincoln made these statements, and others like them, to audiences in Iowa, Kansas, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Ohio. It was the late winter and spring of 1859, and Lincoln was rallying Republicans in particular, and Americans in general, to keep fighting against the doctrine of "popular sovereignty," a term coined to mask the extension of slavery into every corner of the nation.
What worried Lincoln and others around him was that some members of the new Republican Party had become discouraged and were tempted to grasp at the coattails of Douglas, who was the leading national advocate of "popular sovereignty." Some Republicans were even speaking of supporting Douglas in the upcoming 1860 Presidential election, and had previously even considered backing him for the Senate against their own candidate, Abraham Lincoln.
The slippery Douglas, who was losing the support of Southern Democrats, was attempting to attract Republicans by telling them that he had opposed enacting a slave code that would protect slavery in the national territories. He also reminded them that he had fought against the reopening of the African slave trade. Lincoln feared that Douglas was positioning himself so that if he lost the Democratic nomination, he would "bolt at once, turn upon us, as in the case of Lecompton, and claim that all Northern men shall make common cause in electing him President as the best means of breaking down the Slave power."
Disputes over secondary issues were also erupting in the Republican Party, setting one potential candidate or state grouping against another. Lincoln set out to stop this bickering in its tracks, and to remind everyone of the overriding principles for which they were fighting. And although he was trying to establish party harmony, Lincoln did not hesitate to oppose sections of the party when their moral compass became clouded.
There was a strong nativist movement in Massachusetts, and when that state's Republicans endorsed a constitutional provision requiring a two-year waiting period before naturalized citizens could vote, Lincoln opposed it forcefully. "I have some little notoriety for commiserating the oppressed condition of the Negro," said Lincoln, "and I should be strangely inconsistent if I could favor any project for curtailing the existing rights of white men, even though born in different lands, and speaking different languages from myself."
Lincoln began his task of reminding the Republicans that they must unite to save the nation, by delivering a major speech in Chicago on March l, 1859, his first political speech since the end of his Senatorial campaign. After thanking his fellow Republicans for supporting his campaign, he referred to events during that contest which he wanted them to consider carefully:
"I understand that in some speeches I made I said something, or was supposed to have said something, that some very good people, as I really believe them to be, commented upon unfavorably, and said that rather than support one holding such sentiments as I had expressed, the real friends of liberty could afford to wait awhile.
Full article on separate page...
Iran Showdown Is The Fuse For A Global Monetary Bomb
by Jeffrey Steinberg
In a pointed warning to those pushing a near-term military confrontation with Iran, Lyndon LaRouche declared, on Feb. 3: 'An Iran confrontation or even a more limited military strike against Syria, would be merely a fuse. The bomb, that would be detonated by any such action, is the blowout of the entire global financial and monetary system.'
Shades of Sykes-Picot Accord Are Cast Over Southwest Asia
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Why should French President Jacques Chirac launch a crusade for regime change in Syria, after having successfully guided an international campaign to expel Syrian troops from Lebanon, and to reorganize the political landscape in Beirut? Is it due to his grief over the February 2005 killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, who was his close associate for years? Is it because he believes Damascus was involved in the murder, and therefore should be punished?
Palestinian Elections
Honest, Fair, Safe And Without Violence
by Dean Andromidas
'The elections were completely honest, completely fair, completely safe, and without violence,' declared former U.S. President Jimmy Carter about the Palestinian elections. Carter led a team of international observers at the elections on Jan. 26, where Hamas won 76 of the 135 seats in the Palestinian Parliament. 'My hope is that [when] Hamas assumes a major role in the next government, whatever it might be, it will take a position on international standards of responsibility,' said Carter, who has long supported Hamas participation in the Palestinian government. Carter also called on international donors to continue to support the Palestinian National Authority.
Germany Youth Candidate:
Renew Leipzig's Heritage
by Rainer Apel
The candidacy of Karsten Werner, a 21-year-old member of the LaRouche Youth Movement in Germany, for the office of mayor in Leipzig, is important far beyond the boundaries of the city of Leipzig itself, and also beyond the election date, Feb. 5.
After Alito Fight, The War Continues
by Edward Spannaus
In a capitulation which moves the United States closer to the possibility of the imposition of a fascist dictatorship, the United States Senate confirmed the nomination of Federalist Society Nazi Samuel Alito to the United States Supreme Court on Jan. 31, by a vote of 58-42.
That shameful confirmation vote could only take place, because of the earlier 72-25 vote in the Senate, on Monday, Jan. 30, which defeated the effort by Massachussetts Senators John Kerry (D) and Edward Kennedy (D) to organize a filibuster to block the Alito nomination. After that vote, which cleared thewayfor the confirmation vote, Democrat Lyndon LaRouche issued the following statement...
LaRouche Dialogue With Youth
The General Welfare Is The Constitution's Core
Lyndon LaRouche addressed a cadre school of the LaRouche Youth Movement in Los Angeles, Calif. on Jan. 28, 2006. The following is his answer to one of the questions after his presentation...
Congress To Fight On Patriot Act, Spying
by Edward Spannaus
On Dec. 16, the United States Senate blocked, by filibuster, the renewal of the USA/Patriot Act, in what was universally described as a 'stinging rebuke' to the Bush-Cheney Administration. Four Republican Senators joined with 43 Democrats in a successful vote against cutting off debate. That December morning, the Senate, and the whole nation, had been shocked by the New York Times revelation that the Administration had been using the National Security Agency (NSA) for a program of warrantless electronic surveillance of Americans, in clear violation of laws passed by Congress.
Schmitt Set Precedent, Leader Can Change Law
by Steve Douglas
The precedentif not the specific model and inspirationfor the Federalist Society-championed, unconstitutional practice of Presidential signing statements, is to be found in the legal doctrine that Nazi 'Crown Jurist' Carl Schmitt espoused on behalf of the government of German Chancellor Heinrich Bru¨ning in 1930. While the parliamentary Reichstag which Schmitt confronted differed from the U.S. Congress in obvious ways, nonetheless, the Schmittian drives for the arrogation of all power into the hands of a 'unitary executive' Presidential dictatorship in both cases are, essentially, identical.
Carl Schmitt's Hobbesian State
by Anno and Elisabeth Hellenbroich
Worried commentaries about the U.S. turn toward policies based on the philosophy of Hitler's 'Crown Jurist' Carl Schmitt, have appeared recently in German newspapers. For example, one in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, with the headline 'Boomerang: America Unmasks Itself with Its Criticism of the BND [German intelligence service],' begins by discussing the Iraq War, undertaken against 'international law.'
Cheneyacs Militarize U.S.-Mexican Border
by Valerie Rush
The Bush/Cheney Administration has plans to set up concentration camps right inside the United States, and in a grotesque parallel to the Krupp/IG Farben-sponsored 'work camps' in Hitler's Germany. The contract to build and run the U.S. camps has already been granted to Cheney's old firm Halliburton, already made infamous for its corrupt looting practices in war-ravaged Iraq. And plans are already afoot to provoke precisely the kind of border chaos that will supply the inmates for those camps.
Science and Technology:
West Virginia Coal Crisis: A Matter of Criminal Negligence?
by Paul Gallagher and Mark Bender
With far less public notice and comment by policy-makers, the same process of replacement of union by non-union work, which is threatening the U.S. auto and auto parts industries, has hit the nation's coal mines since the 1990sespecially during the reign of 'Energy Task Force Cheney.' In the country's new strip-mining center, the Powder River Basin of Cheney's Wyoming and Montana, the mine workforcelargely never unionizedhas paid with the lack of health care and pension benefits, and often with lower wages. But in the older, largely deep-mining Appalachian center from West Virginia and Kentucky down to Alabamawhere 'distressed' mines are being acquired and stripped of their unions along with their coalminers are paying with their lives.
British Reconsider New Nuclear Plants
by Marsha Freeman
After 30 years of insanity and anti-science folly, some leading governments, including both Britain and the United States, are 'going nuclear.' On Jan. 19, the leader of the Amicus union in Great Britain, representing more than 1 million public and private sector workers, issued a statement urging the British government to deal with the impending energy crisis, or 'the UK could face blackouts, job losses, and rocketing household fuel bills over the next five years.'
Russia's Putin Charts Nuclear Power Revival
by Rachel Douglas
Addressing Russia's Security Council Dec. 22, 2005 on 'Russia's role in world energy security,' President Vladimir Putin boasted about his country's position as the world's number one natural gas exporter and number two crude oil exporter a status that fills Russian coffers, but is hardly the sign of a healthy economy, for a nation of 143 million people. But Putin also called attention to the prospects for renewed development of nuclear power, something that could mark a major shift within the Russian economy and have big implications for countries that would buy nuclear plants from Russia.
The Real Danish Model: Building Infrastructure
by Poul E. Rasmussen
During the past year, a strange ghost has haunted the discussions about how to revive the depression-stricken European economies. It has appeared on many occasions in the political debates in France, and it moved across the stage during the Bundestag elections in Germany last Fall. It was presented to the public as the Wunderwaffen to end all economic woes in a 'humane way'that is, not through the brutal and bloody austerity which is usually administered to ailing economies, as dictated by the gospel of Anglo-Saxon liberal economics.
Lessons of The Alito Fight
Why should anyone be surprised that the Bush Administration is now moving hellbent for leather toward military confrontation with Iran? This was the lawful, and widely forecast, result of the U.S. Senate's decision not to fight effectively to stop the Alito confirmation. It was a grave mistake for leading Senate Democrats not to follow LaRouche's advice and call the Federalist Society's Alito the fascist that he is. Now, the Administration is coming forward with its fascist, imperial war policyand the gauntlet has been thrown down once more.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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