Published: Tuesday, Apr. 4, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 14
This Week You Need To Know:
Halliburton's War
by Jeffrey Steinberg
President George W. Bush landed in a Navy S-3B jet on the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, off the California coast, on May 1, 2003. In what may go down in history as the most expensive pre-election campaign stunt by a sitting American President, Bush delivered the words that now haunt his Presidency: "Mission accomplished."
President Bush was referring to the Iraq War, which had commenced on March 19, 2003. By May Day, the "hot" combat phase of the war had ended, with 170,000 American troops, 35,000 British troops, and a smattering of other "Coalition" forces occupying the capital city of Baghdad and a number of other Iraqi cities and towns. Saddam Hussein and his two sons were in hiding, the insurgency that would soon grip the country had not yet begun in earnest, but, as the world now knows, the "mission" was, and still is, anything but "accomplished."
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
A flotilla of small boats, led by a barge called the "Adventure Galley," floated through the fog on the Ohio River early on the morning of April 7, 1788, and stopped when the stockade of Fort Harmar came into view. The frontier fort guarded the confluence of the Muskingum River with the Ohio, and this spot also marked the beginning of the land which the Ohio Company had agreed to purchase from the U.S. government. The settlers who stepped ashore that morning, at the future town of Marietta, were veterans of the Revolutionary War and their families, who were following a plan for the settlement of the Ohio Valley which had been laid out by George Washington.
Serious planning for the settlement of Ohio had begun at the Continental Army's New Windsor Cantonment even before the end of the Revolutionary War. The Continental Congress had promised, on Sept. 20, 1776, that those who enlisted in the Continental Army would receive a bounty of government land on which they could establish a home and farm. Officers and men were also supposed to receive a monetary bonus at the end of the war. But, by 1783, the pay for both officers and men was seriously in arrears, and the Continental Congress had no power to compel the separate states to contribute money to pay the army.
The lack not just of money, but of food, clothing, and supplies was so desperate that some began to talk of mutiny, desertion, or marching on Congress to obtain redress. Many officers and men had been unable to support their families, and had been forced to sell off their land or personal possessions to raise funds. In this situation, General Washington and the cooler heads among his officers proposed that the army take its bonus in the form of land in the Ohio River Valley, and build a major settlement there. Washington had been familiar with the Ohio Country since 1753, when he carried a message to the French forts near Lake Erie, and he had scouted and surveyed it many times since.
Exactly five years before the settlers landed at Marietta, on April 7, 1783, one of Washington's officers at New Windsor, Col. Timothy Pickering, wrote a letter to a friend describing the discussions that were going on in the army: "But a new plan is in contemplation, no less than forming a new state westward of the Ohio. Some of the principal officers of the army are heartily engaged in it. About a week since the matter was set on foot and a plan is digesting for the purpose. Inclosed [sic] is a rough draft of some propositions respecting it, which are generally approved of. They are in the hands of General Huntington and General Putnam for consideration, amendment, and addition.
"It would be too tedious to explain to you in writing all the motives to attempt this measure, and all the advantages which will probably result from it. As soon as the plan is well digested, it is intended to lay it before an assembly of the officers, and to learn the inclination of the soldiers. If it takes, an application will be made to Congress for the grant, and all things depending on them. I shall have much to say to you on this subject."
In the following month, on June 16, a petition signed by 288 officers of the Continental Army was sent to Congress, asking for Ohio Valley land for any officer or soldier who had served for three years. That same day, Gen. Rufus Putnam, who was to lead the settlers to Marietta, wrote to Washington asking him to write to Congress himself to back up the soldiers' petition.
Putnam also proposed that a chain of forts be built on the Scioto River from the Ohio to Lake Erie to guard the prospective settlers against attacks by the British-allied Indians. The Ohio Valley and Great Lakes Indians had been repeatedly encouragedthe British called it "blooding the Indians"to attack America's Western settlements during the Revolution. The continued British military presence at Detroit, Niagara, and Oswego, despite the provisions of the Treaty of Paris which ordered them to withdraw to Canada, was a grim reminder of what might face any settlers in Ohio.
In that same letter to Washington, Putnam also laid out how the army was thinking about the actual settling of the land in Ohio. The soldiers had not fought and defeated the British Empire in order to allow the same oligarchical European land practices to get a foothold in America. "That the petitioners, at least some of them, are much opposed to the monopoly of lands, and wish to guard against large patents being granted to individuals, as in their opinion such a mode is very injurious to a country, and greatly retards its settlement, and whenever such patents are tenanted, it throws too much power into the hands of a few." As time passed, the American pattern of land ownership seemed normal, but to visiting Europeans it was a remarkable change from the hierarchical and still largely feudal system of Europe.
George Washington wrote the next day to the President of the Congress, urging him to support Congressional legislation for the settlement. In closing, Washington wrote: "I will venture to say it is the most rational and practicable scheme which can be adopted by a great proportion of the officers and soldiers of our army, and promises them more happiness than they can expect in any other way. The settlers being in the prime of life, inured to hardship, and taught by experience to accommodate themselves in every situation, going in a considerable body, and under the patronage of government, would enjoy in the first instance advantages in procuring subsistence, and all the necessaries for a comfortable beginning, superior to any common class of emigrants, and quite unknown to those who have heretofore extended themselves beyond the Appalachian Mountains. They may expect, after a little perseverance, competence and independence for themselves, a pleasant retreat in old age, and the fairest prospects for their children."
But Congress delayed acting on the army's petition, partly due to the fact that the new nation still had a Confederation government that was very weak. In April of 1784, Putnam wrote to Washington about the delay, saying that, "From these circumstances and many others which might be mentioned, we are growing quite impatient; and the general inquiry now is, when are we going to the Ohio?" Two years later, there was still no decision on the Ohio Valley lands, but on March 3, 1786, a group of former Continental Army officers met in Boston and founded the Ohio Company of Associates to begin to settle the Northwest Territory. Rufus Putnam was named chairman of the company, and Rev. Manasseh Cutler was named as negotiator with the Continental Congress.
Cutler helped to draft the document which would become the Northwest Ordinance on July 13, 1787. He and the members of the Ohio Company insisted that a clause be inserted which would prohibit slavery in the new territory. By this time, many soldiers had been forced to sell their bonus certificates for less than their value or make financial arrangements that tied them to their present location. As a result, the number of settlers heading for Ohio was much smaller than originally planned, but the soldiers' families still carried out the method of orderly settlement in groups, rather than the older method of single families building a cabin in the wilderness far from their neighbors.
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Latest From LaRouche
Here is Lyndon LaRouche's press conference, which was attended by two media representatives and several youth. After the press conference, LaRouche talked with some of the youth and supporters who had attended.
InDepth Coverage

Halliburton's War
by Jeffrey Steinberg
President George W. Bush landed in a Navy S-3B jet on the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, off the California coast, on May 1, 2003. In what may go down in history as the most expensive pre-election campaign stunt by a sitting American President, Bush delivered the words that now haunt his Presidency: 'Mission accomplished.'
- What Rohatyn Wants To Hide
As moderator of a panel discussion of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Public Infrastructure Commission, held at the National Press Club March 27 (see article, p. 41), CSIS president John Hamre quashed any mention of Felix Rohatyn's remarks on privatizing the U.S. military. Hamre implied that the LaRouche Youth Movement questioner was lying about the 2004 Middlebury College privatization conference sponsored by Rohatyn and George Shultz. He told the LYM questioner...
Halliburton's Gross Profiteering Record In Cheney's Iraq War
by Carl Osgood
Halliburton may be the most corrupt and scandal-tainted company ever to get contracts from the U.S. Government, but that reputation doesn't seem to be slowing it down one bit. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) released a report on March 28 which shows that the corruption continues despite a growing list of complaints, audits, and investigations into Halliburton's performance, almost from the time the Iraq war began in March 2003. What Waxman's new report proves, by implication, is that despite the documented criminality, Halliburton continues to rob the taxpayer blind$11 billion so farwhile it remains protected by the Bush Administration, which still refuses to investigate Halliburton's conduct.
Today's Neo-Feudalism And the Crusades
by Gerald Rose
At the Oct. 9, 2004 conference at Middlebury College on 'The Privatization of National Security,' sponsored by Felix Rohatyn and George Shultz, Prof. Peter Feaver of Duke University said: 'In fact what we are seeing is a return to neofeudalism. If you think about how the East India Company played a role in the rise of the British Empire, there are similar parallels to the rise of the American quasi-empire.'
National Economy:
LaRouche Brings Water, Power Proposals to Mexico
by Gretchen Small
U.S. statesman and Democratic party leader Lyndon LaRouche returned to Monterrey, Mexico on March 29, invited to address the 27th Symposium on International Economics: 'Visionomics: Challenges and Proposals for Mexico,' held on the campus of the Monterrey Technological Institute. LaRouche first addressed a forum at that prestigious institute in March 1981, when he laid out a perspective for the United States and Mexico to reach a long-term 'oil-fortechnology' accord as the only pathway to securing prosperity and peace on both sides of the border for decades to come.
Power, Water, and Transport: The Prospect for Mexico
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Here is Mr. LaRouche's speech as delivered on March 30 to the 27th International Economics Symposium, 'Visionomics: Challenges and Proposals for Mexico,' at the Monterrey Technological Institute in Monterrey, Mexico.
Congress Reads 'My Pet Goat' As Planes Hit U.S. Auto Towers
by Paul Gallagher
Perhaps the most devastating week in the U.S. auto industry's long history ended on March 31 with a mild letter of protest by 14 Members of Congress, but no sign of movement towards action to preserve and use America's most versatile industrial capability. While the 50,000-worker Delphi Corporation was demanding clearance in bankruptcy court to virtually liquidate itself in North America, and General Motors was in a desperate scramble to try to avoid bankruptcy, U.S. auto sales in the first quarter fell below the level of 1999. Clearly, at least 50% of the unparalleled machine-tool capacity represented by the auto sector, is effectively now unused, awaiting a move by a Congress which is informed how to intervene to use it, but lacks the will.
- Interview: Mark Sweazy
'LaRouche's Solution Will Work for Us'
Mark Sweazy is president of UAW Local 969, in Columbus, Ohio. Marcia Merry Baker interviewed him on March 21.
- State Leaders Move To Save Auto Industry
As the leading auto companies continue to teeter on the brink of bankruptcy, and auto parts companies proceed to shed hundreds of jobs, legislative leaders in a number of states are moving ahead with the approach proposed by Democratic leader Lyndon LaRouche one year ago: Demand that Congress take emergency action to save the auto industry, and retool for production of desperately needed national infrastructure.
Walter Reuther's 1940 Plan
Using the Machine-Tool Principle To Save the U.S. Industrial Republic
by Richard Freeman
There is a successful historical precedent for retooling, conversion, and diversification of the collapsing U.S. auto sector, as Lyndon LaRouche has proposed since April 2005. Between 1940 and 1944, under the leadership of President Roosevelt, the United States retooled its auto factories as a leading part of the economic mobilization for World War II. Little known, is that among the forces who pushed through this proposal, a central role was played by the United Auto Workers union. A UAWfounder and president, Walter Reuther, a highly skilled machinist, along with other skilled labor leaders, were a powerful political and moral force for the conversion of the auto industry into the 'Arsenal of Democracy.'
- Reuther's 'Atoms for Peace'
From Reuther's 'A separate opinion to the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy, submitted as a member of the Panel on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy' Jan. 25, 1956.
In the cold warin freedom's struggle against the forces of Communist tyrannyin the struggle for the hearts and minds of menspeed, all speed, in harnessing the atom to man's peaceful needs, can be decisive. ...
Rohatyn's Suez Booted Out of Argentina
by Cynthia R. Rush
Any American who wants a glimpse of what kind of 'infrastructure development' fascist Felix Rohatyn has in mind for the United States, should take a hard look at what just happened in Argentina.
- After LYM Intervention
Rohatyn Repudiates FDR on Infrastructure
A panel discussion of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Public Infrastructure Commission, created by synarchist banker Felix Rohatyn in 2004, took an unexpected turn at the National Press Club March 27, when some 25 LaRouche Youth Movement organizers began to ask questions of the speakers. Felix Rohatyn, and his cohort, former Republican Sen. Warren Rudman, had come to raise the Capitol Hill profile of their 'National Infrastructure Commission,' but instead they showed their acute awareness that they and their fascist 'infrastructure' schemes are in a battle with Lyndon LaRouche's Congressional influence and activity.
Destabilization Spreads Over Europe, Both East and West
A dramatic wave of instability is sweeping through Europe, East and West, threatening to topple governments, and creating the danger of Bonapartist, or even fascist, regimes. The primary responsibility for this upheaval, particularly in the West, can be attributed to the Maastricht Treaty, which has imposed a regime of ever-deepening austerity on the nations of Western Europe. The Eastern states, while not under Maastricht, have suffered from its results, due to the lack of orientation toward economic development on the part of the industrialized nations of the West, and the International Monetary Fund itself.
The British Monarchy And Hitler
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 26, 2006
Prince Philip's retrospective view of his Nazi family connections coincides with a pair of developments around the recent campaign to dumpDick Cheney's British cronies of the Prime Minister Tony Blair British government. Not only King Edward VII, but German members of the family of both Prince Philip and his uncle Dickie Mountbatten, were, for a time, deeply committed, aristocratic members of the Nazi Party apparatus. This must be considered against the background of the accelerated efforts of Cheney accomplices, George Shultz and banker Felix Rohatyn, to privatize U.S. military and intelligence institutions, along the lines of Adolf Hitler's SS.
Interview: Mikhail Khvostov
Unfair Sanctions Against Belarus Won't Stop Our Independent Development
Mikhail Khvostov is the Ambassador of Belarus to the United States. Ambassador Khvostov earlier served as Ambassador to Canada, and then went on to become an advisor to the President of Belarus. Between 2000 and 2003, he served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus. William Jones interviewed him at the Belarus Embassy in Washington, D.C. on March 16.
Voters Lash 'Orange' President in Ukraine
by Rachel Douglas
'The opposition had nothing to offer anybody,' was the comment I heard from one after another Belarusian acquaintance, in the wake of that country's election, with its failed, Westernbacked attempt to stage yet another 'color revolution' in Eastern Europe. One week later, on March 26, the Our Ukraine party of President Victor Yushchenkothe former opposition leader who was victorious in the Orange Revolution just 15 months beforefailed miserably in Parliamentary elections. It turned out that he hadn't had anything to offer, either.
Defend Germany Against Globalized Fascism!
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche is the chairwoman of the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (Bu¨So) in Germany. She issued the statement excerpted here on March 24; it has been translated from German. Germany today is facing an explosion: Hospital doctors are striking for a 30% pay increase; primary care doctors are afraid of losing 30% of their practice; public service employees launch a lengthy protest; civil servants and even police are joining in.Ametal workers strike is looming. The massive attack on living standards of the long-term unemployed and pensioners is getting worse. In many cities, there is unrest because of the unprecedented wave of privatization and the takeover by the [financial] 'locusts.'. . .
Berlin Conference Puts on the Table A Bold New Proposal for Iran
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
As became clear in the course of a conference held in Berlin on March 27-28, which brought together various sides of the conflict, relatively straightforward alternatives do exist, to the threats of military aggression against Iran voiced by the neoconservatives around Tony Blair, Dick Cheney, John Bolton and company.
Interview: Dr. Tim Guldimann
The ICG Proposal for Negotiation With Iran
Dr. Guldimann is the former Swiss Ambassador to Iran. He presented the International Crisis Group's (ICG) proposal for solving the conflict, at the Berlin conference of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt. Muriel Mirak-Weissbach interviewed him on March 28.
Interview: Dr. Ali Soltanieh
Iran's Position on Nuclear Controversy
H. E. Ambassador Dr. Ali Soltanieh is the permanent representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in Vienna. Muriel Mirak Weissbach interviewed him at the Berlin conference of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt on March 28.
Netanyahu Smashed: It's The Economy, Stupid!
by Dean Andromidas
After a crushing defeat in the Israeli elections on March 28, the knives are out for Benjamin 'Bibi' Netanyahu. Bibi, who is the darling of Vice President Dick Cheney and his synarchist controller George Shultz, led the Likud, a party that had been in power for most of the last three decades, into political oblivion. With Netanyahu's downfall, plans by Cheney and Shultz for a major Israeli role in a new Middle East war, with an attack on Syria, or Iran, have been shelved, for the time being.
Russia, India, China Seek 'Mechanism' for Trilateral Cooperation
by Ramtanu Maitra
Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to China March 21-22 put a slew of strategic issues on the table for discussion and made it evident that the leaders in Moscow, Beijing, and New Delhi are moving forward to assert themselves in a multi-polar world.
Growing Backlash to 'Coup On the Installment Plan'
by Edward Spannaus
In a significant institutional show of force against the unilateral, dictatorial actions of the Bush-Cheney Administration, four senior Federal judges, who have all served seven-year terms on the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court, testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on March 28. They appeared in support of the bill being proposed by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), which would require the Administration to submit its domestic surveillance program to the FISA Court for review on its constitutionality.
Interview: Dr. Justin Frank
George Bush Is a Very Destructive Man; He Needs To Be Removed From Office
Dr. Justin A. Frank, a Washington, D.C.-based psychoanalyst and Professor of Psychiatry at George Washington University Medical School, was interviewed by Jeffrey Steinberg on March 26, 2006. Dr. Frank is the author of the bestselling book, Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President (HarperCollins: hardcover 2004, paperback 2005).
Stop the Occupation of Iraq!
As of March 31, 2006, three years and one week after the start of the 'preventive war,' it must be admitted by every moral American that there is no 'democracy' in Iraq. Unity talks continuously stall out, after major bombings and slaughters, and now the elected Shi'ite majority leaders are accusing President Bush of trying to appoint a puppet leader to replace Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jafaari, and are asking for U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad to be recalled as Ambassador.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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