Published: Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 18
This Week You Need To Know:
A number of senior U.S. policymakers responded instantaneously to Lyndon LaRouche's April 20 document, "World System on Weimar Collapse Curve," with shocked recognition that their own timetable for a major, top-down political shakeup of the Bush White House, was way off the mark. LaRouche's highlighting of the Weimar-style hyperinflationary spike in primary commodity prices over the past 16 months (see EIR, April 28, 2006), and his forecast that the present global financial system cannot survive the third quarter of 2006 without a major change in policy, suddenly pushed the issue of Vice President Dick Cheney to the top of the strategic agenda.
LaRouche zeroed in on Cheney at the start of his April 27 international webcast, published in full in this issue. After walking the audience through the documentation of the strategic commodities price explosion, LaRouche declared: "This means that the present system is finished! And it's finished this year, unless dramatic interventions to radically change the situation are made by the U.S. government. Which means you've got to get the nerd out of the White House. And Cheney first."
LaRouche continued: "Cheney, I understand, could be in deep trouble, this week, or next week. It's already in process. There's no chance this nation would survive, number one, unless we change the composition of the Presidency. Because this President will never do what's required. He hasn't got the brains to do it, and he'd be 'agin it'sort of like the Mortimer Snerd of the White House.
...full article, PDF
for the
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
On March 5, 1933, the day after his inauguration, President Franklin Roosevelt called Congress into extraordinary session in order to deal with a steadily escalating banking crisis. A plan to halt the crisis had been developed in the weeks leading up to his inauguration, and when it was about to be implemented, Roosevelt delivered his first "Fireside Chat" over the radio on March 12 to inform the American public about what he and the Congress were doing to reverse the situation.
Once the banking situation was stabilized, Roosevelt moved on to deal with other serious problems such as unemployment, and to send legislation to Congress which would establish the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Again, the President reported to the American people, this time in his Second Fireside Chat on May 7.
Roosevelt began by reminding his audience of the purpose of his fireside chats: "On a Sunday night a week after my Inauguration I used the radio to tell you about the banking crisis and the measures we were taking to meet it. I think that in that way I made clear to the country various facts that might otherwise have been misunderstood and in general provided a means of understanding which did much to restore confidence.
"Tonight, eight weeks later, I come for the second time to give you my report, in the same spirit and by the same means to tell you about what we have been doing and what we are planning to do.
"Two months ago we were facing serious problems. The country was dying by inches. It was dying because trade and commerce had declined to dangerously low levels; prices for basic commodities were such as to destroy the value of the assets of national institutions such as banks, savings banks, insurance companies, and others. These institutions, because of their great needs, were foreclosing mortgages, calling loans, refusing credit. Thus there was actually in process of destruction the property of millions of people who had borrowed money on that property in terms of dollars which had had an entirely different value from the level of March 1933. That situation in that crisis did not call for any complicated consideration of economic panaceas or fancy plans. We were faced by a condition and not a theory.
Full article on separate page...
Latest From LaRouche
April 26, 2006
On Thursday, April 20th, I issued my warning that, unless a drastic policy-change intervened, the world as a whole was now on the course toward a systemic monetary-financial collapse of a type comparable to that which was experienced by Weimar Germany during the second half of 1923. ...full article, PDF version
InDepth Coverage

Lyndon LaRouche and Mark Sweazy, April 27, 2006
Photo Credit: Stewart Lewis
'Upside-Down Loans' Show End Of Greenspan's Housing Bubble
by Richard Freeman
In its last two issues, EIR has reported the characteristics of the U.S. housing/real estate bubble's collapse in two economically very different areas: the industrial layoff-ridden upper Midwest states; and the so-called 'golden housing market' of the Washington, D.C. suburbs' star performer, Loudoun County, Virginia. The series will explore the method by which Greenspan enlarged the housing bubble, through the use of mortgage-backed securities. Here we turn to the 'red die marker' of the fact that a national collapse is under way, the epidemic negative-equity situation known colloquially as 'upside-down mortgage loans.'
Lyme Disease in Loudoun County
Tick, Tick, Tick . . .
Time Running Out on Housing Bubble
by Marcia Merry Baker
... Loudoun County now has the double-distinction of being both the Ground Zero county for bursting of the real estate bubble (see 'As LaRouche Warned: Loudoun County Real Estate Bubble Is Ready To Implode,' EIR, April 28, 2006), and also for a disease rate associated with the bubble-producing speculative insanity. Loudoun stands as a proof-of-principle of how violating what's best for the economy, is dangerous for your healthman or beast.
Promising Signs in Germany of New, Pro-Industrial Optimism
by Rainer Apel
After decades of languishing under the Green ideology that says that growth, science, and technology are all 'bad,' Germany is showing signs of a resurgence of pro-industrial optimism. This is essential to rebuild a nation that has been hardhit with unemployment, and where the hedge fundsknown as 'financial locusts'are trying to gobble up what remains of industry.
A 'Marshall Plan' For the Niger Delta
The following article was excerpted and edited from reports sent to EIR by Lawrence Fejokwu, a researcher and journalist living in Nigeria, who has collaborated with EIR in disseminating the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche there. The MarshallPlan-type proposal he discusses is intended to alleviate the extreme poverty that exists in the Niger Delta oil-producing region of southern Nigeria.
World News:
Cheney's Ouster Is Key to U.S. Survival
by Jeffrey Steinberg
A number of senior U.S. policymakers responded instantaneously to Lyndon LaRouche's April 20 document, 'World System on Weimar Collapse Curve,' with shocked recognition that their own timetable for a major, top-down political shakeup of the Bush White House, was way off the mark. LaRouche's highlighting of the Weimar-style hyperinflationary spike in primary commodity prices over the past 16 months (see EIR, April 28, 2006), and his forecast that the present global financial system cannot survive the third quarter of 2006 without a major change in policy, suddenly pushed the issue of Vice President Dick Cheney to the top of the strategic agenda.
Book Review
Securing the Good Of the Other
by William C. Jones
The Battle for Peace: A Frontline Vision of America's Power and Purpose
by Gen. Tony Zinni, USMC (ret.) and Tony Klotz
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006
256 pages, hardcover, $24.95
In the flurry of mostly banal publications which appeared over the last year, authored by numerous self-styled 'experts' about how to 'fix' a system which has obviously failed, whether it be the post-war debacle in Iraq, or the failure to act after Hurricane Katrina, Gen. Tony Zinni's (ret.) The Battle for Peace comes as a breath of fresh air.
LYM on Mexican Elections
'Forget the Chair: The Heads Are Empty!'
by Gretchen Small
To hear the media chatter, the biggest issue of the first debate between Mexico's Presidential candidates on April 26, was 'the empty chair.' Andr´es Manuel Lo´pez Obrador, the candidate of the Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD), who has led the polls for months, refused to participate in this one, agreeing to debate his four opponents only once before the July 2 election.
Science and Technology:
The Beauty of Completing The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
The U.S. pioneered the full nuclear fuel cycle, but gave it up in the 1970s, following a Ford Administration policy written under the direction of Dick Cheney. Marjorie Mazel Hecht reports.
Characteristics of the Current Crisis
How the World Has Changed
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
April 26, 2006
On Thursday, April 20th, I issued my warning that, unless a drastic policy-change intervened, the world as a whole was now on the course toward a systemic monetary-financial collapse of a type comparable to that which was experienced by Weimar Germany during the second half of 1923.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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"Our Purpose is to organize people to contribute, intellectually and otherwise, to the organizing of a mass-based movementa Gideon's Army, but with mass-base potential and actual supportto mobilize the members of Gideon's Army to study, to read, to think, to consult together, to organize together, to try to reach out and influence broader and broader layers of the population."
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
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