Published: Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 25
This Week You Need To Know:
The Great Secret of Economics
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
June 4, 2006
Some years back, during one among my relatively frequent visits to Florence, I chanced to be seated on the hillside looking down, across the River Arno, into the streets of Florence. I was startled by the realization that I was seated, at least approximately, where Boccaccio had been seated in his account of the writing of his famous Decameron. It was clear to me, thus, that the stories told, were reflections on the moral decadence rampant in that Lombard League which had collapsed into a dark-age condition as a result of that ruling partnership of Venetian financier oligarchy with Norman chivalry which had collapsed the population of Europe by about one-third, and the number of European parishes by approximately one-half.
Boccaccio's Decameron, like Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, like the Pantagruel and Gargantua of François Rabelais, and the Don Quixote of Miguel Cervantes, and Dante Alighieri's Commedia before them, typifies the way in which great tragedians have sometimes treated the subject of the most horrible catastrophes which man's foolish policies have inflicted upon decadent cultures lacking essential features of the moral fitness to survive. When mankind is confronted with the outcome of a great folly of his society in such degrees, as in the U.S.A. and western and central Europe today, it is the poet alone who can use the power of irony to enable the mind to cope with the task of recognizing the great folly of his age, such as the great global tragedy which threatens the continued existence of civilization for the several coming generations now immediately before us all.
...complete article, PDF
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" |
June 9, 2006 |
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
The Great Depression of the 1930s usually conjures up images of unemployed adult men standing on lines at soup kitchens, or riding in freight cars and living a precarious existence in hobo camps. Actually, one-third of the unemployed during the depression were young people under the age of twenty-five, and many of them became wanderers desperately looking for work. This was a matter of special concern to President Franklin Roosevelt, for he knew that this young generation, hungry and discouraged and limited in their future prospects, was going to have to continue fighting for improvements in the general welfare of the nation.
In March 1934, President Roosevelt wrote a letter to the chairman of the Citizens' Conference on the Crisis in Education which discussed some of his concerns. He wrote: "That our educational institutions have suffered much within the past few years is evident. Because of a lack of funds, thousands of schools have closed early this year and many have eliminated highly essential services.
"Although the effects of the present lack of adequate educational opportunities on our national life may not be noticeable today, the time may soon come when dire effects will be apparent. It is, therefore, the responsibility of every American to see that the great strides that we have made in education since Colonial times shall not be lost. It is also his responsibility to see that the schools march forward, that the scope of education become such as to provide educational opportunities for every person from early childhood into adult life. One group that we need to consider especially are the many youths who are not in school and who are apparently drifting."
On June 26, 1935, President Roosevelt issued an Executive Order establishing the National Youth Administration. In an accompanying statement, the President said: "I have determined that we shall do something for the Nation's unemployed youth because we can ill afford to lose the skill and energy of these young men and women. They must have their chance in school, their turn as apprentices and their opportunity for jobsa chance to work and earn for themselves. In recognition of this great national need, I have established a National Youth Administration, to be under the Works Progress Administration."
Roosevelt's executive order set up a National Advisory Board, with similar boards in states and municipalities. "On these Boards," said the President, "there shall be representatives of industry, labor, education, and youth because I want the youth of America to have something to say about what is being done for them." The Executive Director of the project was Aubrey Williams, and he served under Harry Hopkins, the Director of the WPA.
President Roosevelt wrote about his goals for the organization and how it was organized, looking back from the year 1937. "The young people of the United States who had been caught in the depression," wrote FDR, "had special problems in addition to those shared with their elders. Their needs were greater and more far-reaching than the immediate demands of food, clothing, and shelter. They were confronted with the problem of an education, a beginning in a trade or a career, and, above all, the prevention of the natural effects of long idleness and continued frustration. Theirs was a spiritual as well as a physical problem.
"Certain Provisions of the NRA [National Recovery Act] codes increased the difficulty of the problem. Most industries had abolished employment of persons under 16 years of age, a condition which resulted in the immediate discharge of 1,500,000 employed youth. The adoption of minimum wages served also to keep out of employment vast numbers of young people otherwise eligible, because employers who had to pay a definite minimum naturally selected their employees from the vast number of unemployed adults rather than young persons. The result was to swell the number of the hopeless young people looking for jobs, or just 'hanging around' on the street corners, or aimlessly wandering around the country.
"The first direct attack upon this problem was the establishment of the Civilian Conservation Corps. This gathered approximately a half-million boys and young men from the streets and from idleness into a healthful outdoor environment of work. However, the CCC was no help to girls and young women, or to young people who wished to continue in school or college, or to those millions of young men, who, for various reasons, could not be separated from their families. Of course, during this time the enrollment in the colleges where tuition fees were charged was continuing to slump.
Full article on separate page...
Hello Democrats, my name is Lakesha Rogers, and I am running for your Democratic Party Chair. I am running because this nation is in great danger. We are in danger right now, of losing our great nation, losing our Constitution, and losing the principles which shaped this great Republic! We're losing those principles, because thugs like Dick Cheney, Tom DeLay, have destroyed our country, and the values which we represent. We have to take them back! This is why I've launched a campaign with the slogan, "Out of the Bushes and into the Future." And those of you who know what that means, know that we must fight now, to take Texas back, and take this nation back. [applause]
...complete article, PDF
InDepth Coverage

The Great Secret Of Economics
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
June 4, 2006
Some years back, during one among my relatively frequent visits to Florence, I chanced to be seated on the hillside looking down, across the River Arno, into the streets of Florence. I was startled by the realization that I was seated, at least approximately, where Boccaccio had been seated in his account of the writing of his famous Decameron. It was clear to me, thus, that the stories told, were reflections on the moral decadence rampant in thatLombardLeague which had collapsed into a dark-age condition as a result of that ruling partnership of Venetian financier oligarchy with Norman chivalry which had collapsed the population of Europe by about one-third, and the number of European parishes by approximately one-half.
The Fight for the Future Of the Democratic Party
by Harley Schlanger
The business-as-usual atmosphere which generally characterizes the race for state chair in the Texas Democratic Party was shattered this year, as an angry insurgency has broken loose in the party. This was reflected in the balloting at the state convention in Fort Worth the weekend of June 10-11, in which a run-off was forced between the 'establishment's' choice for chair, Boyd Richie, and former State Rep. Glen Maxey.
Driving this insurgency were Lakesha Rogers, a member of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM), and Charlie Urbina-Jones, a labor lawyer from San Antonio. While Urbina-Jones fought to make the party both more inclusive, and more combative against the faction of so-called 'moderate' Democrats, which has presided over the catastrophic collapse of the party in Texas, it was up to Rogers and the LYM to put the programmatic issues on the table.
Interview: Lakesha Rogers
Texas Dems Make Way for LaRouche
Harley Schlanger interviewed LaRouche Youth Movement leader Lakesha Rogers on June 12, immediately after the conclusion of the Texas Democratic convention. Here are excerpts.
How Many Shocks To Jolt Congressional Action on Auto?
by Paul Gallagher
LaRouche PAC and LaRouche Youth Movement forces, joined by state legislators and union leaders, met 30 Members of Congress or their staffs on June 8-9, pressing for Lyndon LaRouche's proposed emergency legislation to save closing auto plants and make them the center of a national infrastructure-building program. LaRouche PAC organizers then brought the same mobilization to the national convention of the United Auto Workers (UAW) June 11-15.
The LaRouche Plan for a High Technology New World Economic Order
Here is Lyndon LaRouche's opening statement to a June 15, 2006, video conference on 'The Role of Oil in the Transition to Nuclear Energy,' organized by the LaRouche Youth Movement and Executive Intelligence Review. His remarks to audiences in Mexico and Argentina (where the meeting was held in an auditorium at the Argentine Congress), were simultaneously translated into Spanish.
Globalization Devastated Machine-Tool Industry in Russia
by Rachel Douglas
'The Russians just bought our entire assembly line at auction,' an auto industry trade unionist told my associate over the phone. And which Russians would that be? It was easy find out: Type 'Sterling Heights, Michigan' in the Cyrillic alphabet, enter it into a Russian-language search engine, andvoila`!
Interview: Steven Larchuk
Fight Under Way for Universal, Non-HMO Insurance in Pennsylvania
Steven B. Larchuk is a Pennsylvania attorney who is chairman of the Pennsylvania HealthCare Solutions Coalition and an expert on proposed legislation for universal health care in Pennsylvania. He was interviewed by Patricia Salisbury by phone, at a June 7 press conference in the state capital of Harrisburg, which was announcing the introduction of the legislation into the Pennsylvania House by State Rep. Linda Bebko-Jones (D).
The Development of American Machine Tools
by Pamela Lowry
Huge mountains of Iron Ore are already discovered; and vast Stores are reserved for future Generations: This Metal, more useful than Gold and Silver, will imploy Millions of Hands, not only to form the martial Sword, and peaceful Share, alternately; but an Infinity of Utensils improved in the Exercise of Art, and Handicraft amongst Men...
SCO Summit Revives Model of 'Eurasian Land-Bridge'
by William Jones
On the occasion of its fifth anniversary, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) held its annual summit meeting in the city of its founding, Shanghai, China. Lasting three days, June 14-16, the meeting brought together not only the heads of state of the member nations of the SCO, but also the four observer nations, including India, Pakistan, Iran, and Mongolia, representing the overwhelming majority of the world's population.
Cheney Pushing To Escalate Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
by Dean Andromidas
The latest cycle of violence between Israelis and Palestinians threatens to spin out of control and throw the region into a new and more brutal military confrontation, leading to hundreds of casualties on both sides. On top of this, intra-Palestinian fighting threatens to erupt into civil war between the Fatah and Hamas, which could bring on a total collapse of the Palestinian National Authority.
LaRouche: Targetted Killings Are 'Nazi-like'
On June 9, Lyndon LaRouche was asked to give an assessment of the claims by George W. Bush, Tony Blair, and Donald Rumsfeld, that the death of Iraq-based al-Qaeda leader, Musb al-Zarqawi, was a 'victory' in the war in Iraq.
Peruvian Elections: Defeat for Synarchism
by Luis Va´squez Medina
The second round of the Peruvian Presidential elections represented a significant setback for the international Synarchist plan to turn Peru into a narco-republic, and to submerge the entire South American continent into chaos and destabilization.
Now, More Than Ever: Impeach Dick Cheney
by Jeffrey Steinberg
'If Vice President Dick Cheney is not impeached by the U.S. Congress or otherwise forced from office during the immediate weeks ahead, the United States will probably not survive the onrushing global financial explosion that is coming before the end of the year, and before the November 2006 midterm elections.' This is the latest assessment from Democratic Party statesman and leading political economist Lyndon LaRouche.
Webb Victory in Virginia Marks Democratic Phase-Shift
by Nancy Spannaus
The resounding victory of former Reagan Cabinet member and Secretary of the Navy James Webb in the Virginia Senatorial Democratic primary on June 13, marks a 'phase shift' in Democratic Party orientation, of a very positive nature.
More Advanced Nuclear Plants on World Agenda
by Marsha Freeman
The nuclear industry worldwide is gearing up for the introduction of new nuclear plants. According to industry representatives, new manufacturing facilities are being built to meet the anticipated demand, and some long-unused facilities are being refurbished and reopened.
America's Scientists Need Us!
A Visit to General Atomics
by Jason Ross, LaRouche Youth Movement
Through 21st Century Science and Technology, members of the LaRouche Youth Movement in Los Angeles set up a trip to General Atomics' verdant San Diego location, for a top-level tour of the facilities.
A Turning-Point in History
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
June 12, 2006
The onrushing collapse of the post-1971 IMF, represents one of those periods in world history when great, and sudden changes in relations among nations, is the most crucial, and most immediate issue before all peoples and their governments,

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
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