Published: Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 29
This Week You Need To Know:
Friday, July 14, 2006
I bring no "good news." Only fools march to battle because the news is good; wise men march with grim and resolute determination, because they know the news is very bad.
Lately, while most of the U.S. Congress has been virtually sleeping through a months-long, lulling delusion, like that which Neville Chamberlain carried back to London from Munich, the world has been lurching toward the brink of a crisis which must be compared, at the very least, to the brink of outbreak of each of two so-called "world wars" of the last century. Actually, what is presently threatened for the immediate future, unless we act now to prevent it, would soon be something much worse than either of those wars. Do not look for the image of troops marching to battle; what is coming down the road now, is something most nearly comparable, in known history, to a nuclear-age version of the Hellish nightmare-scenes of the so-called "New Dark Age" which erupted in the Fourteenth Century, when the King of England repudiated his debts to the Lombard League's House of Bardi.
for the
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Rohatyn as Satan" |
July 20, 2006 |
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" |
June 9, 2006 |
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
On July 21, 1775, Benjamin Franklin began circulating a document in the Second Continental Congress which he hoped would start the delegates thinking about the present and future needs of America. He stated that it was only a draft, and that Congress could probably come up with a more perfect instrument. This proposal for an American republic was partially based on the Albany Plan of Union which Franklin had developed in June of 1754.
At that time, French troops and their Indian allies were moving from Canada to claim the Ohio Valley, and had defeated a small colonial force under George Washington at the Great Meadows. Franklin and his allies were eager to forge a union of the colonies to provide for self-defense and some form of representative body for the Americans, but the plan was rejected.
Now, in 1775, a much larger threat to America came from the British Empire, which was controlled by the rapacious East India Company. The Company was dead set on trampling American liberties in order to loot the continent dry, and didn't appreciate the fact that the freedoms enjoyed by the colonial Americans encouraged population growth and the beginnings of industrial development. Franklin had been doing battle in London against this anti-development policy since he arrived in Britain in 1757 as the agent of several of the Colonies.
Benjamin Franklin had followed a dual policy in trying to develop an American republic. On the one hand, America and Britain could remain one country if Britain itself followed a development policy for both. Toward that end, Franklin had worked with Matthew Boulton, Josiah Wedgwood, and other English inventors and mechanics to spark an industrial revolution in Britain itself. On the other hand, if Britain ultimately failed to allow technological progress in America, Franklin would back independence for America, based on the depth of republican citizenry and institutions which he himself had played the crucial role in developing.
As 1774 approached, East India Company control over the British government became so complete that a new set of laws for America explicitly took away the colonies' republican institutions and made all royal appointees and colonists alike legally responsible to the East India Company. The result was the Boston Tea Party, and when news of the protest reached London on January 20, 1774, the Empire wreaked its revenge on Benjamin Franklin, who was then residing in that city.
On January 29, he was summoned to appear before the privy council at the Cockpit, where Solicitor General Alexander Wedderburn railed at him for an hour with scurrilous accusations of thievery in the case of the Hutchinson letters. The letters, which were reports to Britain's Foreign Secretary from royal governors in America, put the Empire in a very bad light indeed, and had been given to Franklin by a member of Parliament who favored the American cause.
Despite the horrendous attack by Wedderburn, delivered before an aristocratic audience that hooted and laughed, Franklin refused to bend. Two days later, he was dismissed from his post as Deputy Postmaster General for America, but he stayed in London to try to defeat or modify the Boston Port Bill, which closed Boston to ships and put the city under martial law. To stop the bill, which would cause starvation and disease in Boston, Franklin even personally guaranteed the payment, from his own funds. for the tea dumped into Boston Harbor, for the tea dumped into Boston Harbor, but British Empire revenge carried the day.
During this period Franklin published biting satires on British policy, but he still tried to effect a reconciliation which would give America representation in Parliament. Although he could have been arrested and jailed at any time, Franklin continued to work for the colonies, and he was approached by Admiral Richard Howe and William Pitt, the Earl of Chatham, who were trying to work out a compromise. However, Howe and Pitt's idea of a compromise was the status quo before the Tea Party, not a development policy.
Franklin spent his last day in London with his good friend, the scientist Joseph Priestley, and then left for America on March 20, 1775. While he was at sea, the Americans drubbed the British Army at the Battle of Lexington and Concord. Franklin reached Philadelphia on May 5, while back in London, the British government had filed a court suit against him. On May 13, the court ordered the Sheriff of Middlesex to arrest him.
Franklin had not been back in Philadelphia for even twenty-four hours before the Pennsylvania Assembly unanimously elected him as a delegate to the Second Continental Congress, which opened in Philadelphia on May 10. A few days after he landed, Franklin wrote to his friend Joseph Priestley: "You will have heard, before this reaches you, of a march stolen by the regulars into the country by night, and of their expedition back again. They retreated twenty miles in six hours. The governor had called the Assembly to propose Lord North's pacific plan, but, before the time of their meeting, began cutting of throats.
Full article on separate page...
InDepth Coverage

The Strategic Significance of The Hit on India
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Friday, July 14, 2006
I bring no 'good news.' Only fools march to battle because the news is good; wise men march with grim and resolute determination, because they know the news is very bad.
Cheney Unleashes The Dogs of War
by Dean Andromidas
Vice President Dick Cheney has ignited a new Middle East war that threatens to spread from Israel and Lebanon, to Syria and Iran. As EIR recently exposed, (EIR June 30, 'Cheney and Netanyahu Conspiring for War'), this latest war was planned at a secret meeting between Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu, during a conference organized by the American Enterprise Institute in June at Beaver Creek, Colorado.
- Synarchist Bankers' Deep Hooks in Israel
by Allen Douglas
The private financier oligarchy, known as the Synarchist International, has its hooks deep into the Israeli economy and banking system, and they use this leverage to run Israel as a 'marcher-lord state,' serving the interests of their LondonParis-Amsterdam nexus, frequently in stark contrast to the genuine sovereign interests of the Israeli people. One of their key operatives is Bechtel's and JP Morgan Chase's 'economic hit man,' George Shultz, since his tenure as U.S. Secretary of State in the mid-1980s.
Afghanistan War Is Raging Out of Control
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
If the international military operation in Afghanistan has been such a smashing success, why do the British need to send in yet more reinforcements? The decision to do so was announced on July 11. Defence Secretary Des Browne told members of Parliament that the U.K. forces would be beefed up in southern Afghanistan, from 3,600 to 4,500 by autumn. To give the reason for the build-up, Browne cited military officials: The Taliban was putting up resistance 'in some places more virulent than expected,' and 'had drawn [the British] in sooner than we might have liked.'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., 2004
Southwest Asia: The LaRouche Doctrine
This statement by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. was released by the LaRouche in 2004 Presidential campaign committee on April 17, 2004, and appeared in EIR on April 30. Following the Democratic Convention in Boston in July, Democratic candidate Sen. John Kerry shifted to a more aggressive campaign, which he continued up to the November election. Unfortunately, his abandonment of what LaRouche here calls 'me, too' campaign postures, occurred very late in the electoral process.
Scientific Method:
'I Don't Believe in Signs'
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
June 22, 2006
The world as a whole is currently impelled toward threatened, early, general, physical breakdown-crisis of the trans-Atlantic monetary-financial system. The breakdown itself could be averted by methods which amount to a return to the outlook expressed in the great reforms made by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Rohatyn Steals Public Property Coast to Coast
by Marcia Merry Baker
As of this Summer, 22 out of 50 states have made changes in their laws to permit the sell-off of various of their public works to private parties. At least 43 such sell-off deals are up before state legislatures for considerationfrom cityor state-owned real estate (parks, housing, hospital sites, museums), to ports, airports, and especially highways. The City of Chicago recently sold a 90-year lease on its Skyway for merely $1.3 billion in upfront cash. On June 30, Indiana signed off on a 75-year private lease to its northern Indiana Turnpike for $3.85 billion. A 50-year lease on the 8.8-mile Pocahontas Parkway in Richmond, Virginia was let earlier this year for $522 million.
Transatlantic Initiative
Rohatyn Courts Mayors For Urban Looting
by Elke Fimmen
Lazard's Felix Rohatyn has been working, since at least 1999, to put together a forum for selected mayors from cities around the world, to convince them that globalization is here to stay, and they have to learn how to live with it. A big part of this organizing effort, is to sell U.S. and international mayors on the idea of privatizing large chunks of their taxpayer-funded urban infrastructure. Rohatyn's other goal, which he shares with all synarchist bankers, is to strip away the powers of the sovereign nation-state.
- Macquarie Bank Ltd's Imperialist Family Tree
Today's foremost owner of once-public infrastructure toll roads, ports, power servicesis the Australia-based Macquarie Bank Ltd, also operating through various subsidiaries including its Macquarie Infrastructure Group, Macquarie Airports, and Macquarie Communications Infrastructure Group. Macquarie also has three investment partnerships with Lazard: Macquarie Lazard Master Global Equities Fund; Macquarie Lazard Asia Pacific Share Trust; and Macquarie Lazard International Share Trust.
Renault Bid for GM Steps Up Cartelization
by Richard Freeman
The maneuvering of the Lazard-connected Renault-Nissan Motors to acquire a 20% share, or greater, of General Motors, represents an accelerated push to create a synarchistdirected world auto cartel, placing the advanced machinetool capacity of the auto sector in the hands of financiers, and above the control of sovereign nation-states.
Industry Gets Ready to Build New Nuclear Power Plants
by Marsha Freeman
In anticipation of orders from electric utilities for new power plants, the nuclear industry is beginning to make the investments necessary for this coming nuclear renaissance. Although a U.S. utility has yet to order a new power plant, the industry recognizes it must be ready to hit the ground running when orders come in.
Prof. Stanislav Menshikov
Russia Needs LaRouche's New Bretton Woods
A report on the June 27 EIR seminar in Berlin, written by Prof. Stanislav Menshikov, appeared in the July 7 issue of the Moscow newspaper Slovo, under the headline 'The Dollar and Russia.' The Russian economist, whose own remarks to the seminar were printed in last week's EIR, reported especially about the keynote speeches, delivered by 'the well-known American politician and theoretician of physical economy Lyndon LaRouche,' and Prof. Wilhelm Hankel of the Frankfurt Currency and Development Institute, with respect to the status of the dollar, which continues to serve as an international unit of account, despite its fluctuations and the underlying weakness of the debtstrapped U.S. economy.
Mexico Is On the Move; What's Wrong With U.S. Democrats?
by Gretchen Small
Since Mexico's July 2 Presidential elections, candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador has provided a lesson in the kind of leadership required, if a world suitable for human beings is to emerge out of the ongoing collapse of the international financial system. Declared the loser in Mexico's highly contested Presidential elections, painted as an authoritarian demagogue who refuses to play by the rules of today's system.
Kirchner: Fight With Ideas, for the Future
by Cynthia R. Rush
On the occasion of Venezuela's official entry into the Common Market of the South (Mercosur) as its fifth permanent memberBrazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay are the other fourArgentine President Néstor Kirchner urged six Presidents gathered in Caracas, Venezuela on July 4 to fight 'audaciously' for a regional integration process that will lift their populations out of poverty.
DLC Neo-Cons Spit on Franklin Roosevelt's Grave
by Jeffrey Steinberg
In 1946, barely a year after the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, his son and wartime aide, Elliott Roosevelt, published a stirring account of the late President, with a Foreword by his mother, Eleanor Roosevelt. In his own introduction to As He Saw It (New York: Duell, Sloan, and Pearce), Elliott Roosevelt explained why he was compelledindeed, drivento write the book.
Senate Judiciary Hearings Expose Hedge Fund Perfidy
by John Hoefle
In a rare burst of public service, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on June 28, shedding some badly needed light on the deliberately murky world of hedge funds. The stated reason for the hearing was to examine the problem of collaboration between the hedge funds and so-called independent stock analysts, to drive down the stock-prices of companies in which the hedge funds have taken short positions, an activity which committee chairman Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) said 'has enormous potential for very major impact on the markets.'
From the Associate Editor
The events in Southwest Asia and the Asian subcontinent during the second week of July seem almost too terrible to comprehend. I for one, lived many of my childhood years in an apartment building in the shadow of the beautiful Beirut lighthouse, which was bombed by the Israelis yesterday, July 15. I can almost hear a child's voice asking, 'Why did they have to bomb my lighthouse?' The question reflects the emotional reaction (despair) felt by most Baby Boomersand perhaps not a few others as wellas we view the horrific events of the day on our TV screens and in our newspapers...
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"Our Purpose is to organize people to contribute, intellectually and otherwise, to the organizing of a mass-based movementa Gideon's Army, but with mass-base potential and actual supportto mobilize the members of Gideon's Army to study, to read, to think, to consult together, to organize together, to try to reach out and influence broader and broader layers of the population."
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
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