Published: Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 30
This Week You Need To Know:
Lyndon LaRouche: ... An Israeli friend of mine, who is well-known in Israel and outside of Israel as a leading strategic thinker, had a discussion with my wife in the past 24 hours, on the situation in the Middle East. And he said, in his opinion, from the standpoint of Israeli interests, that what is going on now would not be continued much longer, in terms of Israeli aggression in the Middle East. Unless, he said, unless this is a strategic move, by other sources which are now pushing for an immediate response to an impending, general economic collapse of the world economic-monetary system.
In point of fact, the world economic-financial system, and much of the political system at the same time, is presently in the process of collapse. And for that reason, because there's a correlation between what's going on in Southwest Asia, what's going on in India, what was going on in the context of the G-8 summit in St. Petersburg, in Russia, we're on the verge of a condition tantamount to the Guns of August of 1914 and 1939. Now. We're not looking at a war of the type, we would class as World War I or World War II. We're talking about something worse, not less dangerous. We're talking about the danger of a general disintegration of global civilization. And it all is tied together with the present economic situation.
...full article, PDF
for the
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Rohatyn as Satan" |
July 20, 2006 |
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" |
June 9, 2006 |
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
With the Nazi invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, World War II broke out in Europe. In April of 1940, the Nazis invaded Denmark and Norway, and by May they had overrun the Netherlands and Belgium. By June 22, France had signed an armistice with Germany, and, shortly thereafter, with Italy as well. The Nazi occupation of these countries had serious implications for the Americas. One of the most chilling was the fact that several of the defeated nations had colonial possessions in both North and South America. If the Nazis occupied these territories as bases, the republics of the Western Hemisphere would face tremendous difficulties in withstanding the coming fascist onslaught.
President Franklin Roosevelt was acutely aware of the possible strategic problems involved, and as early as 1936 had made a tour of South America in order to promote unity among the various republics. In Buenos Aires, Argentina, he had delivered the keynote address at an Inter-American meeting which resulted in a number of treaties and bilateral agreements on security, promotion of trade, and cultural exchange. In his keynote, Roosevelt stated that the role of the American nations must be to consult with each other on their mutual safety against aggressors, to raise their living standards, to promote social and political justice, and to exchange commodities and ideas with other nations.
Once the disastrous Munich Pact, between Hitler and Britain's Neville Chamberlain, was signed in the fall of 1938, Roosevelt knew more urgent action was needed to safeguard the Americas. That December, he sent Secretary of State Cordell Hull to Lima, Peru, for the International Conference of American States. The Declaration of Lima, which came out of that conference, provided for consultation in case of a threat to the security of any member nation.
With the actual outbreak of war in Europe, President Roosevelt called for a Pan-American Conference to be held in Havana, Cuba, in the summer of 1940. Writing about the conference, Roosevelt said that, "The fall of France and other countries in Europe in June 1940, immediately raised the grave question as to the status of their colonial possessions in the Western Hemisphere. Obviously, if these possessions were to be ceded to, or seized in any way by the aggressor nations, or if any control over them were to be transferred, or if any impairment whatsoever were to be made in the sovereignty which existed at the time with respect to them, the results would be a matter of deep concern to all the American Republics. The principles of the American foreign policy, enunciated over one hundred years ago in the Monroe Doctrine, might eventually be placed in jeopardy.
"In order to consider the effect of European developments in the World War, and to devise means of meeting this new threat to the peace and security of the Western Hemisphere, the American Republics called together a formal meeting of their foreign ministers on July 21, 1940, in Habana [Havanaed.]. This meeting was convened in accordance with the procedure established in Buenos Aires in December 1936, and at Lima in December 1938.
"This meeting considered several other matters of inter-American interest in the emergency of the European and Asiatic wars; but its chief attention was devoted to formulation of a policy to be followed in the event of any attempted change in the sovereignty of European nations over any of their possessions in America."
Even before the foreign ministers assembled in Havana, the United States had put the Axis Powers on notice that the Monroe Doctrine could not be violated. Secretary Hull wrote that after the United States had been informed of the French armistice with Germany, he had "directed the representatives of the United States at Berlin and Rome to make a communication to the German and Italian Governments the pertinent paragraph of which is the following:
"The Government of the United States feels it desirable, in order to avoid any possible misunderstanding, to inform Your Excellency that in accordance with its traditional policy relating to the Western Hemisphere, the United States would not recognize any transfer, and would not acquiesce in any attempt to transfer, any geographic region of the Western Hemisphere from one non-American power to another non-American power.
"The Governments of France, Great Britain, and the Netherlands were informed in the same sense.
"The Senate itself has also given evidence of its adherence to the policy which I have outlined above through the passage of S.J. Resolution 271 on June 17, 1940, 'approving nonrecognition of the transfer of any geographic region in the Western Hemisphere from one non-American power to another non-American power, and providing for consultations with other American republics in the event that such transfer should appear likely.'"
Full article on separate page...
As the planet is being stricken with a worldwide Pericles' Athens syndrome, many among us take a linear, Euclidean approach to the events playing out around us. However, the ostensible build-up of "bad news," becomes less obscure, when one begins to understand the situation in the way that Lyndon LaRouche does. The method of identifying the underlying forces causing our Congress to leave their balls behind in the doctor's office (from which they received a relevant amount of Viagra instead), and the method of diagnosing every individual problem as a function of a superseding process of global disintegration, is the truthful, unique quality of problem-solving that LaRouche understands. This is the method he used to identify Felix Rohatyn, in his July 20 webcast (and previous webcasts), as not only a major culprit in the forced collapse of American industrial capacity, but how that action also reflects Rohatyn's Nazi roots.
...full article, PDF
InDepth Coverage

LaRouche Acts in Crisis
'The world economic-financial system,' said Lyndon LaRouche, 'and much of the political system at the same time, is presently in the process of collapse. And for that reason, because there's a correlation between what's going on in Southwest Asia, what's going on in India, what was going on in the context of the G-8 summit in St. Petersburg, in Russia, we're on the verge of a condition tantamount to the Guns of August of 1914 and 1939. Now. We're not looking at a war of the type we would class as World War I or World War II. We're talking about something worse, not less dangerous. We're talking about the danger of a general disintegration of global civilization.'
Israel at the Gates of Moscow
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On the weekend of June 17-18, 2006, Vice President Dick Cheney huddled with former Israeli Prime Minister and Likud Party head Benjamin Netanyahu, and former Israeli Cabinet minister Natan Sharansky, at a conference in Beaver Creek, Colorado, hosted by the American Enterprise Institute. While the precise contents of the discussions were never made public, Netanyahu loudly advertised that he would immediately fly back to Israel to meet with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his 'ex-prime ministers' kitchen Cabinet groupwhich also includes Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres and former Labor Party Prime Minister Ehud Barakto deliver the marching orders from Cheney.
Report from Israel: Dangerous Delusions
by Dean Andromidas
It is a dangerous delusion to see the current Israeli-Lebanese conflict as simply a struggle between Israel and the Hezbollah. Israel is now fighting a two-front war that threatens to spread to Syria and Iran, based on a war plan pushed by Vice President Dick Cheney and his agent Benjamin Netanyahu, and brought into the government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. If not stopped, this war will prove to be far more dangerous and destructive to both Israel and Lebanon than the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Unlike in 1982, when the U.S. at least made a pretense of mediating the conflict, the Bush Administration has given Israel full freedom of action to bomb Lebanon into the Stone Age. In effect, Bush promises to wipe out Hezbollah, no matter how many Israelis and Lebanese have to die.
Report from Beirut: Nation in Jeopardy
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Under the blows of Israeli aerial bombardments, beginning July 11, every major piece of Lebanese infrastructure has been destroyed: the Beirut airport and sea port, other sea ports, railways lines and stations, the Beirut-Damascus highway and other roads, telecommunications, electricity facilities, orphanages, hospitals, and food warehouses. According to Finance Minister Jihad Azour, $2 billion worth of damage has been done by the Israeli bombings.
'Clean Break' Called For Invasion in 1996
Here are excerpts from 'A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,' the 1996 strategy for Israel's new Prime Minister, Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu, by a team led by U.S. neo-cons such as Richard Perle, and including other then-Bush Administration officials Douglas Feith and David Wurmser, and Hudson Institute official Meyrav Wurmser. The auspices were the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies in Jerusalem.
- Barak Betrayed Clinton
by Jeffrey Steinberg
In an interview published July 18, 2006 in Ha'aretz, Maj. Gen. Uri Sagi (IDF-ret.) called for Israel to negotiate a peace agreement with Syria. Sagi has unique credentials to put forward this idea. After retiring from active-duty military service (he was the head of the IDF Intelligence Corp from 1991-95), Sagi was Israel's chief negotiator with Syria. In late 2000, following the collapse of the Camp David II talks between the United States, Israel, and the Palestinian Authority, Sagi engaged in detailed negotiations with then-Syrian President Hafez al-Assad. At the last moment, then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak backed out of the deal.
Mexico: The Return of Operation Juárez
by Dennis Small
Two crucial strategic questions were posed by the giant 1.5 million-person demonstration in Mexico City's central plaza, the Zo´calo, on Sunday, July 16beyond the immediate issue of vote fraud in the Mexican Presidential election of July 2, as charged by candidate Andrés Manuel Lo´pez Obrador.
The Alliance Between Lincoln and Juárez
by David Ramonet and Rubén Cota Meza
It would appear that there is no option but to continue the struggle with what we have, with whatever we can, and as far as we can. Forward then! No one should lose heart.
Benito Juárez, April 1865
LaRouche on Argentine Radio
'The Planet Requires A Moral Mobilization'
The following telephone interview with Lyndon LaRouche was broadcast live on July 19, 2006, on Radio FM Cultura, in Cordoba, Argentina, on the eve of the July 20-21 summit of Mercosur (the Common Market of the South) in that city. The interviewer was Héctor Go´mez.
LaRouche's Warning Circulates in Russia
As a guest on the Radio Govorit Moskva (Moscow Speaking) program, 'Direct Dialogue With Yuri Krupnov,' July 14, Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum presented the central idea from Lyndon LaRouche's statement on the oncoming strategic crisis, 'The Strategic Significance of the Hit on India' (EIR, July 21). A transcript was posted several days later on the station's website, and further circulated by the AKS information agency and others, bringing LaRouche's warning to a wide audience in Russia.
It Will Take a Great Crisis To Get a New Bretton Woods
by Prof. Wilhelm Hankel
Prof. Wilhelm Hankel gave this speech to EIR's Berlin seminar on June 27, which was on the need for a New Bretton Woods, and to counter the synarchist bankers' drive to plunge the world into a New Dark Age. Professor Hankel's speech has been translated from German, and subheads added. Frank Hahn was the moderator. Lyndon LaRouche's keynote address appeared in EIR on July 7; speeches by other participants appeared in that and subsequent issues, and are available at www.larouchepub.com.
EIR Berlin Seminar
Globalization vs. Economic Development: Views from Eastern Europe
Here are the contributions from several individuals from Eastern European countries, to the EIR Berlin seminar on June 27. Jonathan Tennenbaum chaired the panel. The speakers are Dr. Zbigniew Kwiczak of Poland, Dr. Jan Carnogursky of Slovakia, and Dr. Stanislav Fischer and Dr. Tibor Vasko of the Czech Republic. Other speeches have been published in recent issues of EIR.
LPAC Submits Testimony to Senate: Save Agriculture,Dump Globalization
This testimony, entitled, 'Breakdown Phase of Globalization Now Grips Agriculture; Launch FDR-Style Emergency Measures for Economic Recovery,' was prepared by EIR's Marcia Merry Baker, and submitted by the LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) on July 20, 2006 to the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee, to become part of the record of the Northeast Region, Farm Bill Field Hearing, July 21, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The field hearings are being held in preparation for the drafting of the next five-year farm law.
Macquarie Bank Takes The Low Road
by John Hoefle
The essence of the craft in magic, is to distract the audience with flashy movements and sounds, scantily clad females, and the like, to keep the audience occupied while the magician performs what are in reality rather mundane tricks. The magician is selling a fantasy, counting on the audience to believe the illusion rather than seeing through it to the trick behind. The scam called privatization is one of these magician's tricks, in which something bought and paid for by the public is transferred to private hands, for the purpose of making the public pay through the nose to use it. One of the best examples of this is the conversion of roads that have been built for public use, with public tax dollars, into privately held toll roads, which then charge the public for using their own roads.
- Highway Robbery?
LaRouche: 'Don't Pay the Tolls!'
by Marcia Merry Baker
There is a frenzy of toll-road takeovers under way in the United States, and at the same time, a fury of resistance. Leading the charge for the infrastructure grab is Macquarie, and its Infrastructure & Specialized Funds Division. Its website presents a global map of 95 of its holdings, giving listings by continent and country. Dozens more are under discussion for takeover...
Beyond Contempt
Right now, around the world, the United States is being held in contempt in most nations and among most people in the world. This contempt has been growing rapidly under the past two years of this administration. There was sympathy for the United States over what happened in New York and Washington, D.C. on Sept. 11, 2001. But the credit, the sympathy accumulated then, is now dissipating, with the economic crisis, and the threatened war in Iraqthe Mideast Warbeing the principal drain, which is making the United States be viewed increasingly as an object of contempt, not only in what Mr. Rumsfeld calls 'Old Europe,' but throughout most of the world as a whole. ...
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"Our Purpose is to organize people to contribute, intellectually and otherwise, to the organizing of a mass-based movementa Gideon's Army, but with mass-base potential and actual supportto mobilize the members of Gideon's Army to study, to read, to think, to consult together, to organize together, to try to reach out and influence broader and broader layers of the population."
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
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