Published: Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 32
This Week You Need To Know:
August 2, 2006
The renowned psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelheim once explained, there are some slaves who, then as now, regarded their chains and rags as ornaments to be worn with pretense of pride. Today, the slavish mind says, "Since the system will never change, we can only influence our slave-master (the predators controlling the Democratic Leadership Council or others), by trying to influence that beast from beneath, and take his donations of faith-based-initiatives money when we can."
Therefore, now is the time for currently leading political figures of much of the world to stop repeating the silly sophistries of the idiots whispering at their elbows, and, instead, to face the reality of the current global situation.
Consider the following puzzle:
The policies of the current U.S. government are being dictated by those who intend to have an immediate further outbreak of war, with the objective of eliminating all national sovereignties, including that of the U.S.A., by methods of so-called "globalization." This is being directed by the international financier circles which, typified by that same past Synarchist International's Felix Rohatyn of today, are already working to destroy the U.S. from within.
for the
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Rohatyn as Satan" |
July 20, 2006 |
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" |
June 9, 2006 |
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
In the spring and summer of 1941, the prospects for any European nation to survive the Axis onslaught looked grim. Both Britain and then Russia were under heavy attack by the Nazis, and President Franklin Roosevelt felt it was necessary to have a personal meeting with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in order to coordinate plans. To make the preliminary arrangements, Roosevelt sent Harry Hopkins to London as his personal representative. From there, Hopkins also travelled to Moscow to consult with Marshall Josef Stalin to determine what aid the USSR might need to continue its massive resistance to the recent Nazi invasion of its territory.
The meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill, and their respective civilian and military staffs, took place at sea Aug. 9 through Aug. 12, aboard the American cruiser Augusta and the British battleship Prince of Wales, near Argentia, Newfoundland. The meeting covered not only military matters, but also the principles for which the Allies were fighting and the kind of world which they would like to help build after the war was over.
In the months before he embarked for the meeting, President Roosevelt mapped out his ideas for a joint declaration which would be issued to provide a rallying point for the Allies as well as for the occupied nations. He emphasized that the post-war world should be based on principles of freedom, justice, security, and access to raw materials and natural resources.
The declaration of free access to raw materials was resisted by the British, who still hoped to reinstall their empire after the war. They insisted the declaration must be watered down, on the basis that they would have to obtain the agreement of all the British Dominions before they could commit to such a principle. The British were also anxious to include a strong condemnation of Japanese aggression and to formulate plans to curb further Japanese expansion, but Roosevelt felt this provision might incite Japan to launch immediate war and refused to include it in such a general declaration of principle which applied to all mankind.
Roosevelt and Churchill also wrote a letter to Stalin, suggesting a meeting on long-term policy and how the resources of Britain and America could be allocated to help the USSR fight the Nazis. Stalin answered affirmatively, and the British and American delegations arrived in Moscow at the end of September. The result was the signing of the First (Moscow) Protocol by the three powers, which laid out the Lend-Lease items which would be supplied to Russia.
The official statement was sent out by the ships' radio operators on Aug. 14, once each head of state was safely on his way homeward (it became known as the Atlantic Charter not because it applied to nations touching the Atlantic, but because of the location where it was written). After Japan and Germany declared war on the United States, other nations who were fighting the fascists also declared their support for the Atlantic Charter. On Jan. 1, 1942, the Ambassadors of the Allied Nations signed the Charter at the State Department and at the White House, and this became known as the Declaration of Washington.
On the first anniversary of the Atlantic Charter, President Roosevelt sent a letter to Prime Minister Churchill which said, "We based, and continue to base, our hopes for a better future for the world on the realization of these principles. A year ago today the Nations resisting a common, barbaric foe were units or small groups, fighting for their existence.
"Now, these Nations and groups of Nations in all the continents of the earth have united. They have formed a great union of humanity, dedicated to the realization of that common program of purposes and principles set forth in the Atlantic Charter, through world-wide victory over their common enemies. Their faith in life, liberty, independence and religious freedom, and in the preservation of human rights and justice in their own lands as well as in other lands, has been given form and substance and power through a great gathering of peoples now known as the United Nations."
"When victory comes, we shall stand shoulder to shoulder in seeking to nourish the great ideals for which we fight. It is a worth-while battle. It will be so recognized through all the ages, even amid the unfortunate peoples who follow false gods today."
President Roosevelt was acutely aware that the Nazi system was not merely political, but was a vicious economic system of looting those populations that fell under its sway. Therefore, he stressed the economic declarations of the Atlantic Charter, and on its second anniversary mentioned the Social Security system he had inaugurated as one example of the type of economic security which was needed worldwide. In closing his 1943 second anniversary statement, he wrote: "We are determined that we shall gain total victory over our enemies, and we recognize the fact that our enemies are not only Germany, Italy, and Japan: they are all the forces of oppression, intolerance, insecurity, and injustice which have impeded the forward march of civilization."
The Atlantic Charter read as follows:
"The President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, representing His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, being met together, deem it right to make known certain common principles in the national policies of their respective countries on which they base their hopes for a better future for the world.
"First, their countries seek no aggrandizement, territorial or other;
"Second, they desire to see no territorial changes that do not accord with the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned;
"Third, they respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live; and they wish to see sovereign rights and self-government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them;
"Fourth, they will endeavor, with due respect for their existing obligations, to further the enjoyment by all states, great or small, victor or vanquished, of access, on equal terms, to the trade and to the raw materials of the world which are needed for their economic prosperity;
"Fifth, they desire to bring about the fullest collaboration between all Nations in the economic field with the object of securing, for all, improved labor standards, economic advancement, and social security;
"Sixth, after the final destruction of the Nazi tyranny, they hope to see established a peace which will afford to all Nations the means of dwelling in safety within their own boundaries, and which will afford assurance that all the men in all the lands may live out their lives in freedom from fear and want;
"Seventh, such a peace should enable all men to traverse the high seas and oceans without hindrance;...
Full article on separate page...
Like the little boy in Hans Christian Andersen's famous story, the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) appears to be the only ones left on Capitol Hill who are unafraid to tell the truth. As Lyndon LaRouche has stressed on many occasions, the Congress's recent foolish behavior, first in allowing the U.S. auto sector to be gutted, and now with their nearly unanimous support for Israel in what could become World War III, threatens to bring on the collapse of civilization. The members of Congress, especially those within the Democratic Party, have been swindled by fascist financier Felix Rohatyn. They are now carrying on their sophist's charade, in the vain hope that no one will point out their naked immorality.
InDepth Coverage

Who Is Behind World War III?
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
August 2, 2006
The renowned psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelheim once explained, there are some slaves who, then as now, regarded their chains and rags as ornaments to be worn with pretense of pride. Today, the slavish mind says, 'Since the system will never change, we can only influence our slave-master (the predators controlling the Democratic Leadership Council or others), by trying to influence that beast from beneath, and take his donations of faith-based-initiatives money when we can.' Therefore, now is the time for currently leading political figures of much of the world to stop repeating the silly sophistries of the idiots whispering at their elbows, and, instead, to face the reality of the current global situation.
- Has the President Cracked Up?
The President's Obsession!
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
August 3, 2006
Leading circles within the U.S. today are gravely concerned with an apparent, serious disturbance of President George W. Bush, Jr.'s current state of mental health. His obsession with the prospect that a reluctant Israeli government's launching of the current war against Lebanon might provide the Republican Party ticket a much-desired 'October Surprise' for the coming November general election, has gone glassy-eyed.
Will 'October Surprise' Trigger World War III?
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On Jan. 11, 2006, keynoting an international webcast in Washington, D.C., Lyndon LaRouche issued a pointed warning about the danger of a new Mideast war. He spoke of a possible 'fake weapons of mass destruction' hoax, orchestrated by Vice President Dick Cheney and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Stop World War III!
LaRouche Doctrine for Southwest Asia
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche is the chairwoman of the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity party (Bu¨So) in Germany. She released this statement on July 31, and it is being circulated as a mass petition, gathering signatures of support. The Bu¨So is currently campaigning in the city elections in Berlin on Sept. 17, with a slate of candidates headed by mayoral contender Daniel Buchmann, a member of the LaRouche Youth Movement. For more information, see www.bueso.de.
World Corporations: The Globalization 'Blob' Spreads Its Economic Control
by EIR Economics Staff
We now face an unprecedented degree of private global control over key sectors of industry, agriculture, energy, and raw materials, and even sovereign government functionsfrom military logistics to health care to roadways. Globalization is no longer in the 'trend' stage. It has reached the point where nations are dependent on a narrowing base of production, under ever more privatized control. This comes about at a time of price hyperinflation, and impending crash of the monetary/ financial system itself, following decades of 'casino economics.' Two features of the situation must be fully understood: the nature of the globalizers; and the extent of their control.
Profound Policy Brawl Is Behind Demands To Dump Blair
by Jeffrey Steinberg and Scott Thompson
A broad majority within the British Establishment has delivered a 'sayonara' message to Prime Minister Tony Blair. In a series of stinging media attacks, which began while Blair was in Washington, conferring with George Bush, Blair was told that his time is up, and that he should depart from 10 Downing Streetpronto.
Lebanese Religious Leaders Unite In Call To Stop Israeli Aggression
On Aug. 1, shortly after the tragic deaths of the civilian families of Qana from Israeli bombings, the Christian and Muslim religious leaders of Lebanon met in Bkerke, the seat of the Maronite Patriarchate, at the invitation of Patriarch Cardinal Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir, to issue an appeal to the world, to stop the Israeli aggression against Lebanon. The meeting has barely been reported in the United States, and the statement of unity has been virtually blacked out by the English-language press. A Lebanese contact told EIR that ours would be the first publication to print the unity statement in English.
Will Russia and America Again Recognize a Common Enemy?
by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Despite the decades-long adversarial relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union, during the Churchillorchestrated 'Cold War,' any informed U.S. patriot should know that Russia and America have been close allies at practically every crucial point of history. The positive relationship goes back to before the U.S. republic was born, to the great Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, the father of the principles of the American Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, who at the same time advised Czar Peter the Great on building up Russia's scientific and technological capabilities, through the creation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Mexico's 'Forgotten Man' Seizes Streets, History
by Gretchen Small
A new phase of struggle opened July 30 in Mexico, when Presidential contender Andre´s Manuel Lo´pez Obrador, addressing as many as 3 million people packed in and around Mexico City's central plaza, the Zo´calo, called upon Mexicans to set up 47 'permanent encampments' in the heart of the city, and man them 24 hours a day, until the Federal Electoral Court orders a vote-by-vote, polling station-by-polling station, recount of the contested July 2 Presidential election.
'Wise Words' of Zepp-LaRouche Now Heard Weekly on Germany's LYM Radio
by Abdul-Aliy Muhammad, LaRouche Youth Movement
The governing institutions of Europe show blushing and despairing ignominy, while most 68ers show utter obstinance, as wouldmake Denial himselfbowhis head in disgrace.Many deluded others would rather compose fantasia than deal with real crises on the plain.Andlastly, the heads of state of Europe are running headlong into a mosh pit fitted by Rohatyn and his like, here in 'Old Europe.'
'Pericles' Paulson Delivers Speech Reeking of Schacht
by Nancy Spannaus
The much awaited first public utterances of the new Bush Administration Secretary of the Treasury occurred at Columbia University in New York City on Aug. 1. And if anyone was expecting a change from the sophistry of the Bush League, they were proven to have been sorely disappointed.
'Locust' Lone Star Belongs to Texas Circles Backing Bush
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
The author leads the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity Party, Bu¨So, in Germany.
The American private equity firm Lone Star, and its associated mortgage banking broker, Hudson Advisors, are now in the process of taking homes away from thousands of Germans, using methods that have nothing to do with the original conditions under which the mortgages were taken. According to Der Spiegel magazine, the methods by which these robber capitalists demand usurious interest payments, forced sales, and 'for 35,000 euros destroymylife,' as one victim charged, are in all probability illegal, and in any case, absolutely inhuman. It is scandalous, but not surprising, that Lone Star and Hudson Advisors are connected to financial circles in Texas around the Bush family.
- Behind the Texas Locusts
Lone Star was founded in 1996 by John Grayken, a prote´ge´ of Texas billionaire Robert Bass, one of the Bass brothers of Ft. Worth. A quick look at the Bass family milieu provides a snapshot of the synarchist nest which has played a role in controlling the Bush family, as well as the political rightwing in the United States. The Bass family inherited its money from their uncle, Sid Richardson, the 'bachelor billionaire,' and then used
Industry Is Rebuilding Its Nuclear Manufacturing Capacity
by Marsha Freeman
It has become clear to at least one company planning to build new nuclear power plants in the United States, that the industrial and manufacturing infrastructure that existed in the 1970s, and has been dismantled, must be rebuilt.
Interview: Academician Erik Galimov
Vernadsky Institute Probes Earth, Oceans, and Space
Academician Galimov was interviewed by EIR's Technology Editor, Marsha Freeman, in Beijing, China, on July 26, during the 8th conference of the International Lunar Exploration Working Group. At that conference, Galimov presented the Institute's controversial theory of the origin and creation of the Moon. Further coverage of that conference will appear in EIR.
Report From Germany
Stop the Sell-Out of Germany!
by Rainer Apel
Locust funds, on a takeover offensive, are seeking a Summer of spectacular inroads into the German economy.
The Democrats' New Suit
by Niko Paulson, LaRouche Youth Movement
Like the little boy in Hans Christian Andersen's famous story, the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) members appear to be the only ones left on Capitol Hill who are unafraid to tell the truth. As Lyndon LaRouche has stressed on many occasions, the Congress's recent foolish behavior, first in allowing the U.S. auto sector to be gutted, and now with their nearly unanimous support for Israel in what could become World War III, threatens to bring on the collapse of civilization. The members of Congress, especially those within the Democratic Party, have been swindled by fascist financier Felix Rohatyn. They are now carrying on their sophist's charade, in the vain hope that no one will point out their naked immorality.
The Morgan Fascist Coup Plot and How FDR Defeated It
by L. Wolfe
Some 12 years ago, this news service published a report on the 1930s fascist coup plot against the Franklin D. Roosevelt government, led by a Morgan-centered cabal of powerful financial interests; the coup would have replaced FDR with a puppet government whose policies would be controlled by a cabal of wealthy financial plutocrats. As the report made clear, the intention of the conspirators was to use the anarchy and chaos produced by the coup, to eliminate for all time the threat to their power represented by the U.S. Presidency and U.S. Constitution.
U.S. Senators Once Did Fight Fascism!
by Allen Douglas
We must never again leave it to cartels to manage independently our international economic affairs. It has been disastrous in the past; it would be catastrophic in the future.
U.S. Sen. Harley M. Kilgore, reflecting on the findings of his 1945 Senate investigative committee's hearing on 'Cartels and National Security.'
That Far-Away Look in His Eyes!
Since the beginning of Israel's attacks on Lebanon, it has become increasingly apparent tomany relevant leading figures of the U.S.A. and abroad, that President George W. Bush, Jr. has gone over the edge. There is some debate over whether the President's expressed state of mind reflects his vision of Armageddon, or, in the alternative, the more earthly obsession with his administration's preparations for a preNovember-election 'October Surprise.' Whatever the 'vision thing' in the President's rabid stare, there is no doubt among relevant, increasingly numerous, leading circles around Washington, D.C., that within the withering ranks of the Bush-Cheney inner circle, there is something about the President himself which echoes the last days of ancient Rome's Emperor Nero.
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"Our Purpose is to organize people to contribute, intellectually and otherwise, to the organizing of a mass-based movementa Gideon's Army, but with mass-base potential and actual supportto mobilize the members of Gideon's Army to study, to read, to think, to consult together, to organize together, to try to reach out and influence broader and broader layers of the population."
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
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