Published: Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 39
This Week You Need To Know:
On April 23, 1983, an unlikely collection of government agents, journalists, and right-wing money-bags gathered at the Manhattan East Side home of investment banker and self-styled Anglophile literati "spook" John Train. The purpose of the "salon" session, and two subsequent gatherings at the same venue in the Autumn of 1983 and the Spring of 1984, was to execute a black propaganda "hit" campaign against Lyndon LaRouche, in conjunction with an
already-ongoing bogus government "national security" probe into LaRouche, which had been launched in January 1983.
The effort would lead, by 1986, to a massive para-military police raid on LaRouche publishing offices and on LaRouche's home in Leesburg, Virginiaintended to provoke a shootout, in which LaRouche could be murdered; a string of Federal and state frame-up prosecutions, leading to jail sentences of up to 86 years for LaRouche and colleagues; and the illegal bankrupting of a string of LaRouche publications and companies, including a tax-exempt science foundation.
...full article, PDF
This Week's News Updates:
for the
Duration: |
Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"A World-Historical Moment" - From Berlin |
Sept. 6, 2006 |
"Rohatyn as Satan" |
July 20, 2006 |
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" |
June 9, 2006 |
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
On Sept. 28, 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt travelled to Oregon to dedicate the massive Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River. Bonneville was designed to be part of a coordinated irrigation, navigation, and electric-power project which included the still-under-construction Grand Coulee Dam further up the Columbia. This was the third time that Roosevelt had travelled to the Oregon site, and he had seen the potential of the Columbia River's untapped power on his first visit, when he stumped the area during his 1920 Vice Presidential campaign.
Plans for the Bonneville Dam dated back to 1933, when the National Industrial Recovery Act was passed as a measure to put people back to work on both large and small public works projects. When President Roosevelt signed the legislation on June 16, he said: "In my Inaugural, I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country."
One of the ways in which to encourage the growth of modern, high-technology industry, at the same time as providing a better life for America's citizens, was the provision of inexpensive electric power. Roosevelt had invited the World Power Conference to hold its third meeting in Washington, D.C. in September of 1936, and at the end of his speech to the gathering of almost 3,000 delegates from 52 nations, he told them what he was about to do to dramatically increase America's supply of power.
Said the President, "At Boulder Dam on the mighty Colorado the gates were closed months ago; a great lake has come into being behind the dam; generating equipment has been installed in the power plant; and at this moment the powerful turbines are awaiting the relatively tiny impulse of electric current which will flow from the touch of my hand on the button which you see beside me on the desk, to stir them to life, to stir them into creative activityto generate power. Boulder Dam, in the name of the people of the United States, to whom you, Boulder Dam, are a symbol of greater things in the future, and in the honored presence of guests from many Nations, I call you to life!"
In the same speech to the conference, Roosevelt cited a statement by Dr. Charles Steinmetz, a noted electrical engineer and scientist, who said, "electricity is expensive because it is not widely used, and at the same time it is not widely used because it is expensive." Said Roosevelt, "Notwithstanding reductions in rates and increase of consumption since his daywhich, by the way, have demonstrated the truth of his wordshis observation still holds true. There is a vicious circle which must be broken, and a wise public policy will help to break it."
The construction of Boulder Dam had been planned before Roosevelt became President, and he had helped to speedily bring it on line. But Bonneville and Grand Coulee Dams were Roosevelt's special projects in the Pacific Northwest, and he signed the allocation of funding for them on Sept. 26, 1933. Ten months later, he visited Oregon and Washington to see what had been accomplished, and told his audience that "It has been my conception, my dream, that while most of us are alive we would see great sea-going vessels come up the Columbia River as far as the Dalles.... And, when we get that done and moving, I hope that we can also make navigation possible from the Dalles up, so we may have barge transportation into the wheat country."
"There is another reason for the expenditure of money in very large amounts on the Columbia. In fact there are a good many reasons. While we are improving navigation we are creating power, more power, and I always believe in the old saying of 'more power to you.' I do not believe that you can have enough power for a long time to come, and the power we shall develop here is going to be power which for all time is going to be controlled by Government."
Senator Dill of Washington State looked up a speech that Roosevelt had made in Spokane during the 1920 campaign, and Roosevelt quoted from it. It began: "Coming through today on the train has made me think pretty deeply. When you cross the Mountain States and that portion of the Coast States that lie well back from the ocean, you are impressed by those great stretches of physical territory, just land, territory now practically unused but destined some day to contain the homes of thousands and hundreds of thousands of citizens like us, a territory to be developed by the Nation and for the Nation."
Roosevelt continued, "I could not help thinking, as everyone does, of all that water running down unchecked to the sea." Fourteen years later, the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam, with its development of irrigation, was expected to take care of the resettlement and employment of 500,000 people, mostly dislocated farm families from the drought-ravaged Great Plains and other areas with poor soil quality.
By early 1937, the Bonneville Dam was nearing completion, and Roosevelt appointed a committee on national power policy to make suggestions for the administration of the Bonneville project. These recommendations were sent to Congress on Feb. 24, and included provisions to ensure that the electric power generated by the Bonneville Dam was used to further the general welfare and not used by small groups of monopolists. The administrator of the dam was authorized to provide electric transmission lines, substations, and other facilities to bring the inexpensive power to the consumers.
Furthermore, "In order to insure that the power development at Bonneville project will be carried out for the benefit of the general public, and particularly of domestic and rural consumers, the administrator should, in disposing of electric energy, give preference and priority to public and cooperative agencies, namely to states, districts, counties, and municipalities, including agencies or subdivisions thereof, and to cooperative organizations of citizens not organized or doing business for profit but primarily for the purpose of supplying electric energy to their members as nearly as possible at cost."
Fifty percent of the electric energy produced was reserved for sale to such public and cooperative agencies, and in case of conflicting or competing applications between public and private agencies, the public or cooperative agencies, such as farm cooperatives, were to be given priority. No application from a public or cooperative agency could be denied on the grounds that a proposed bond issue necessary to enable such an agency to distribute the power had not yet been authorized or marketed.
Finally, in September, Bonneville Dam was ready to come online, and the President wended his way toward the dedication, stopping in various cities and towns of the West as he travelled. In Boise, Idaho, Roosevelt stated that "One reason why a President of the United States ought to travel throughout the country and become familiar with every state is that he has a great obligation to think about the days when he will no longer be President, to think about the next generation and the generation after that."
Full article on separate page...
Latest From LaRouche
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. addressed a Berlin webcast on Sept. 6, in which a Washington, D.C. audience also took part by videoconference. As we reported in our previous two issues, the discussion focussed around a 50-year program for Eurasian and world developmentand how to overcome the obstacles to that program.
...full article, PDF
InDepth Coverage

John Train and The Bankers' Secret Government
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On April 23, 1983, an unlikely collection of government agents, journalists, and right-wing money-bags gathered at the Manhattan East Side home of investment banker and self-styled Anglophile literati 'spook' John Train. The purpose of the 'salon' session, and two subsequent gatherings at the same venue in the Autumn of 1983 and the Spring of 1984, was to execute a black propaganda 'hit' campaign against Lyndon LaRouche, in conjunction with an already-ongoing bogus government 'national security' probe into LaRouche, which had been launched in January 1983. The effort would lead, by 1986, to a massive para-military police raid on LaRouche publishing offices and on LaRouche's home in Leesburg, Virginia intended to provoke a shootout, in which LaRouche could be murdered; a string of Federal and state frame-up prosecutions, leading to jail sentences of up to 86 years for LaRouche and colleagues; and the illegal bankrupting of a string of LaRouche publications and companies, including a tax-exempt science foundation.
- Reagan on the SDI
The following are excerpts from President Ronald Reagan's historic speech of March 23, 1983, announcing the program for a Strategic Defense Initiative.
John Train's Fascist Capture of Television
by Anton Chaitkin
John Train's mentor, Sir Cyril Northcote Parkinson, told him to 'capture television' for the right wing, because it was more important than the schools, and that's exactly what Train set out to do. In 1987, four years after Train met with representatives of the bankers' CIA faction, U.S. Justice Department, private foundation moguls, and selected media outlets in his 'Get LaRouche' salon, Train created the Northcote Parkinson Fund to use those same forces to gain the control Sir Cyril had mandated.
Profile: 'Get LaRouche' Taskforce
Train Salon's Cold War Propaganda Apparat
by Barbara Boyd
As Jeffrey Steinberg's article in this section recounts, 30 days after Lyndon LaRouche's proposal for what became the Strategic Defense Initiative was endorsed by President Ronald Reagan, John Train convened his salon of hack journalists and dirty-tricks operatives on April 23, 1983, with the goal of destroying Lyndon LaRouche.
Paris Review: Train's Dirty Secret
by Tony Papert
Art serves to celebrate the divine within us, the distinctly human but also God-like capacity for intellectual creativity. But most Americans alive today have never experienced art in that sense, and, if the worst is allowed to come to the worst, they never will. Why not?
Eurasian Dialogue:
LaRouche, Chinese Experts in Dialogue on New Bretton Woods
In last week's issue, we published the paper presented by Prof. Dai Lunzhang, and former chief economist of the Central Bank of China, first vice president of the China International Economic Relations Society. Coauthors of his paper were Dr. Zhang Yun and Dai Jun, M.A. in international relations. Following the webcast, those authors sent to Mr. LaRouche a detailed series of follow-up questions, which he answers here in depth.
- Appendix:
Argentina's Kirchner Calls at UN for 'New Financial Architecture'
Following are excerpts from the Sept. 21, 2006 speech given by Argentine President Ne´stor Kirchner before the United Nations General Assembly, New York. In his speech, President Kirchner insists that the International Monetary Fund and similar institutions have failed in promoting development, and 'in many cases, with their conditionalities, have acted in a contrary sense, preventing development.'
Strategic Overview:
Western Europe Hangs by a Thread
by Lyndon H. LaRouche,Jr.
September 19, 2006
The recent crisis in France's oncoming Presidential elections exposes the fragility of all western and central Europe in face of the onrushing, global strategic crises caused, chiefly, by the failure of the U.S.A., so far, to rid itself of the succubus of the current Bush-Cheney Administration. Germany hangs by a thread; Italy's economy is sitting, rocking on the porch, waiting for the arrival of the economic undertaker with the right prices; the former Comecon regions of eastern Europe are dying on the vine; Germany's potential role in resistance to the catastrophe menacing it from current U.S. policy, depends upon partnership with a government of France, a combination which can say a definite 'No!' to the pressures of both the U.S. Bush Administration and London.
On the Press Hoax Against the Pope
Britain's Bernard Lewis And His Crimes
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
September 17, 2006
Let the faithful of Islam hear my warning words, before it is too late for us to prevent a terrible consequence for all humanity!
Who Is President of Mexico: The Banks, or the Street?
by Gretchen Small
Two diametrically opposed projects are contending for power in Mexico today, each with a President-elect at its head. One, led by Andre´s Manuel Lo´pez Obrador, claims its legitimacy from natural law, the right of all peoples to a government dedicated to protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The other, led by Felipe Caldero´n, was 'elected' with vote fraud orchestrated by international synarchist bankers who are intent on looting Mexico to the bone.
Israeli Generals Revolt Against War Policy
by Dean Andromidas
The manifest failures of Israel's war in Lebanon have created a revolt within the Israeli military establishment, especially among some of the country's most respected retired officers. There have been calls for the resignation of Chief of Staff Gen. Dan Halutz, along with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Amir Peretz. While much of the criticism has focussed on the failings of the management of the war, the more astute of these officers are questioning whether Israel should have launched it in the first place.
LaRouche Organizes Dialogue For a New World Economic Order
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
The chairwoman of the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (Bu¨So) in Germany issued this statement evaluating the situation in the country following the Sept. 17 election in Berlin. It has been translated for EIR from German.
El Salvador: Toward A New Dark Age?
by Christine Bierre
For over 30 years, Lyndon LaRouche and his associates have warned that the policies of deregulation and financial globalization will lead the world to a new dark age. How often have people accused us of exaggerating? And yet, this is happening every day before our very eyes.
John Bolton Subverts The UN Charter
by Mike Billington
Yet another crime against international law was committed by the Bush Administration on Sept. 15 at the United Nations, whenJohn Bolton, the U.S. Ambassador to the UN, succeeded in coercing enough members of the Security Council, by one means or another, to pass a motion placing the nation of Myanmar on the Security Council agenda.
Largest Hedge Fund Collapse Since the LTCM Case of 1998
by Lothar Komp
Measured in lost capital, about $6 billion, this is the greatest collapse of a hedge fund internationally since the collape of Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) in September 1998, which collapse at the time brought the world financial system to the edge of the abyss.
Report from 'Ground Zero'
What Bankers Really Fear in Housing Crash
by L. Wolfe
After months of attempting to deny that there was any real problem in the U.S. housing market, the world's leading bankers and speculators are expressing alarm at the size of the bubble they have createdthe largest in financial history. With huge numbers of unsold new homes colliding with an even larger number of existing homes that have been thrust onto the market in recent weeks by panicky homeowners, the concern in Wall Street, the City of London, and in other financial capitals is not with a crash in home equity values, which many so-called experts have now conceded is inevitable, but with the effect that this blowout will have on the financial system.
WHO Backs DDT Use To Stop Malaria
by Marjorie Mazel Hecht
The World Health Organization's announcement Sept. 15 that it will back DDT spraying on the inside walls of houses to kill or repel malaria-carrying mosquitoes is very good news. The reversal of WHO's 30-year policy against DDT brings the hope that the relentless disease, which now kills one African child every 30 seconds, can be brought under control. Malaria sickens and debilitates 500 million people a year, killing about 1 million of them; the majority of the dead are women and children on the African continent.
There Can Be No Compromise With White House Lawlessness
by Nancy Spannaus
Upon news of the 'compromise' between leading militaryconnected Senators and the White House on legislation which would regulate the interrogation and trial of so-called terrorists, Lyndon LaRouche insisted that there shouldn't be a bill on this issue at all. The Supreme Court has ruled that the Bush Administration has to abide by the Geneva Conventions and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, LaRouche said, and that spells out what is required in clear language. The only reason Cheney and Bush want a bill is in order to try to again sanction torture and get immunity for their past crimes. There should be no bill at all.
Primary Election Results Build Toward End of the 'Truman Era'
by Patricia Salisbury
Election results in primaries held in a number of states in the final election round prior to the Nov. 2, 2006 midterm elections bear out Lyndon LaRouche's message to the Democratic Party leadership and base: The critical issue in determining the future of the nation and its institutions is to end the 'Truman Era' and return to the axioms and orientation of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Schwarzenegger Gets a New Script, As Shultz, Rohatyn Outflank the Dems
by Harley Schlanger
The beginning of the end for the campaign of Democratic gubernatorial nominee Phil Angelides came back on Jan. 6, 2006five months before he won the Democratic primary when the controllers behind Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger outflanked the Democrats, by getting Arnie to announce, in his State of the State address, that he had decided to promote a bogus plan of infrastructure projects for the state.
California Democrats Axioms Split at FDR Legacy Club Meeting
by Nick Walsh, LaRouche Youth Movement
The third meeting of the Franklin Roosevelt Legacy Democratic Club in Los Angeles was principled and powerful the night of Sept. 14, as a total of 90 people arrived, about 60 of those being full-time members of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM), and another 20 being new youth political contacts.
You Could Call It Treason
The loss of tens of thousands of jobs in the U.S. auto sector, and the devastation which this is beginning to cause in the five-state area centered on Michigan and Ohio, has finally begun to hit the front pages of the U.S. press. Republicans and Democrats alike are screaming for attention from the Federal government, from the President on down, to what is an existential question for millions of Americans.
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