Published: Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 43
This Week You Need To Know:
War Party on Campus: Lynne Cheney's Circles Call for Mass Murder
by Harley Schlanger
On Oct. 16, 2006, with the mid-term election less than three weeks away, and time slipping away for a Bush-Cheney Administration "October Surprise" military strike against Iran, a speaker told students at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) that a genocidal attack against Muslims was required to generate "a resurgence in the pride for Western civilization."
In covering this speech, the Daily Bruin on Oct. 17 reported that the speaker, Dr. Yaron Brook, the executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI), warned that "Islamic totalitarian states pose a severe threat to the security of the United States," adding that a way to defeat these regimes "is to kill up to hundreds of thousands of their supporters." This, he said, would "shrink popular support for extremist ideas to a small minority of the population," instead of the 40% which he claims supports such regimes now.
...full article, PDF
This Week's News Updates:
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"A World-Historical Moment" - From Berlin |
Sept. 6, 2006 |
"Rohatyn as Satan" |
July 20, 2006 |
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" |
June 9, 2006 |
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
By 1810, the British Empire had embarked on an attempt to recapture the former colonies which had been lost to the Empire by the successful American Revolution. British ships were actively harassing American commerce, and the British Navy was kidnapping American seamen from their ships and forcing them into British military service. In this crisis, the leading American inventors who had been dealing with steam navigation advocated the development of steam-powered warships.
Oliver Evans, who had designed the first fully-automated flour mill, and was about to build steamboats for the Ohio River, proposed warships with armored decks. John Stevens, who had invented the screw propeller for steamships, proposed a sophisticated design that was eventually brought to fruition by his son just before the Civil War. And Robert Fulton, after the success of his steamboat on the Hudson River, began turning his thoughts to the designs for torpedoes and submarines which he had developed in France.
By early 1810, Fulton was giving a series of lectures in Washington, D.C. on the subject of the "Mechanism, Practice and Effects of Torpedoes. His talks were well-attended by U.S. Senators and Representatives, who subsequently allocated $5,000 for the Navy Department to conduct research on the subject. In 1813, Fulton patented the Columbiad gun, which fired below the surface of the water in order to hit enemy ships below the waterline. Fulton's largest project, however, was the design and construction of a massive steam-powered warship which could defend America's harbors.
When the War of 1812 began, the memory of the disastrous British occupation of New York City during the Revolution was still fresh in people's minds. Using the present technology, there seemed to be no way to defend the harbor and city against the awesome power of the British fleet. But Robert Fulton was instrumental in forming the Coast and Harbor Defense Association, which contracted to build a steam warship at the cost of $320,000, provided that Congress would reimburse the group when the ship succeeded. In March 1814, Congress so agreed. Fulton also contracted to build a similar ship to protect the City of Baltimore and its harbor.
Building a large ship of any kind was a very difficult undertaking, because the British Navy had blockaded the American coast, so no imported goods could reach America, and no material could be moved up or down the coast by water. All supplies had to move laboriously on wagons, utilizing the very primitive American roads. Nevertheless, Fulton worked night and day to gather the materials, and the keel of his new ship was laid on June 29, 1814. By Oct. 29, the warship, without its armaments and engine, was ready to be launched. Fulton named it the Demologos (Word or Spirit of the People), but the Navy christened it as the Fulton the First.
Fulton designed the first steam warship in the world with a double hull, measuring 167 feet long, 56 feet wide, and 13 feet deep, weighing 2,475 tons. He anticipated the basic principle of the ironclad by building her sides and deck of five-foot-thick lumber, which protected the paddle wheel between the twin hulls. For armament, he called for thirty 32-pounders shooting red-hot shot, and added a hose attached to a steam pump which could spray the enemy decks, forcing the sailors below and wetting the guns so they could not fire. The ship's engine was to have 120 horsepower.
The British were keeping a close watch on the development of the ship, and the exaggerated press accounts in Europe reflected their growing fears. The Edinburgh Evening Courant reported the warship's capabilities as follows: "Length on deck, three hundred feet; breadth two hundred feet; thickness of her sides, thirteen feet of alternate oak plank and cork woodcarries forty-four guns, four of which are hundred pounders; quarter-deck and forecastle guns, forty-four pounders; and further to annoy an enemy attempting to board, can discharge one hundred gallons of boiling water in a minute, and by mechanism, brandishes three hundred cutlasses with the utmost regularity over her gunwales; works also an equal number of heavy iron pikes of great length, darting them from her sides with prodigious force, and withdrawing them every quarter of a minute!"
Full article on separate page...
Latest From LaRouche
The Case of Poor Marcel Lefebvre:
Liberalism As Anti-Liberalism
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
October 17, 2006
Citizens! Your Honors! Let us recall Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth. The Liberally fascist-in-fact, Sister Lynne Cheney, is the relevant, veritably modern Lady Macbeth who virtually picked her husband out of a trash bin, is today's more appropriate example of a particular form of the evil which that pair represents, in menacing civilization globally today. It is therefore notable, that she plays that role as of a type actually much closer to the tragic figure of the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, than Lefebvre's implicit defense of the post-Hitler prototype of fascism might suggest to the unwitting.
...full article, PDF
InDepth Coverage

Liberalism As Anti-Liberalism
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
October 17, 2006
Citizens! Your Honors! Let us recall Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth. The Liberally fascist-in-fact, Sister Lynne Cheney, is the relevant, veritably modern Lady Macbeth who virtually picked her husband out of a trash bin, is today's more appropriate example of a particular form of the evil which that pair represents, in menacing civilization globally today.
Lynne Cheney's Circles Call for Mass Murder
by Harley Schlanger
On Oct. 16, 2006, with the mid-term election less than three weeks away, and time slipping away for a Bush-Cheney Administration 'October Surprise' military strike against Iran, a speaker told students at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) that a genocidal attack against Muslims was required to generate 'a resurgence in the pride for Western civilization.' In covering this speech, the Daily Bruin on Oct. 17 reported that the speaker, Dr. Yaron Brook, the executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI), warned that 'Islamic totalitarian states pose a severe threat to the security of the United States,' adding that a way to defeat these regimes 'is to kill up to hundreds of thousands of their supporters.'
FDR Club Debates Mass Organizing Strategy With Calif.Dem Leader
by Sky Shields
Oct. 12 saw the fourth monthly meeting of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Legacy Democratic Club, the official LaRouche arm of the California Democratic Party. In keeping with the club's mission, each month's meeting has consistently brought the best of the Democratic Party's elected leadership into an environment where they can be developed by their exposure to the LaRouche Youth Movement's university on wheels, and the products of the LYM's organizing among labor, industry, and scientific-engineering professionals.
The CIA Is Not Demanding The Right To Torture Prisoners
EIR: When President Bush announced the transfer of the 14 detainees on Sept. 6 to Guantanamo, he gave the impression that the CIA was very anxious to proceed with these interrogations, but they couldn't do it because of the Supreme Court, and he said we've gotten all this valuable information, and we have to proceed with this. What is wrong with that picture?
For The Record:
How I Terrorized the Fascist!
by Lyndon H.LaRouche, Jr.
October 15, 2006
Very few Americans, and also others, realize how much of the ruin our nation and their lives have suffered, increasingly, since February 1983, is the side-effect of the fraudulent charges and conviction directed against me as an immediate reaction to President Ronald Reagan's March 23, 1983 presentation, in which the President confirmed what I had presented in my role in conducting a back-channel discussion, over the interval February 1982-1983, with the Soviet government, a proposal which President Reagan named 'a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).'
How John Train Targetted LaRouche
This Jan. 20, 1992 deposition was filed by EIR reporter Herbert Quinde, who conducted a thorough investigation of how banker John Train organized a defamation campaign against Lyndon LaRouche and his associates, carried out through the media. It was submitted to the United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia, in the case of United States v. Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., William F. Wertz, Jr., and Edward W. Spannaus, as a Motion to Vacate, Set Aside, Correct Sentence under 28 USC section 2255. It was filed Jan 22, 1992.
London Leaves U.S. To Hold the Bag In Iraq-Afghanistan Debacle
by Dean Andromidas
The British security establishment has signalled that Her Majesty's troops will be pulled out of Iraq sometime soon, leaving the United States holding the bag, in a mess which London was instrumental in creating. This is precisely at a time when powerful New Yorkand London-based financial interests, through their lackey, Vice President Dick Cheney, are about to unleash a military attack on Iran. London has indicated that it will not stop Cheney, while positioning itself to exploit new 'opportunities' that will arise with the inevitable collapse of the United States' policy resulting from Cheney's attack on Iran.
Putin's Circles Fear 'New Cold War' Pact
by Scott Thompson and Jeffrey Steinberg
Circles around Russian President Vladimir Putin fear a combination of new right-wing governments in the West succeeding Bush/Cheney/Blair, to be led by British Conservative Party leader David Cameron, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), and French Interior Minister Nicholas Sarkozy. According to well-informed Washington sources, President Putin recently received a memorandum from a senior policy advisor, suggesting that an emerging McCain-Cameron-Sarkozy bloc could shift trans-Atlantic policy even further in a 'new Cold War' direction, hostile to Moscow.
Cheney Wants War, Plays North Korea Card
by Mike Billington
'The Bush Administration did everything that it could to push North Korea to conduct this minor nuclear testthey wanted it. There is no one to blame but the U.S. All the North Koreans wanted was food.' This was the analysis of Lyndon LaRouche immediately following the Oct. 8 (Oct. 9 U.S. time) partially successful test of a plutonium nuclear device by North Korea.
Kirchner Takes On Regional Warmongers
by Cynthia R. Rush
In an Oct. 19 ceremony before 4,000 people in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz, Bolivian President Evo Morales and Argentine President Ne´stor Kirchner signed an historic 20-year 'strategic association,' by which Bolivia will sell Argentina much-needed natural gas, and the two countries will collaborate closely in a wide range of mutually beneficial projects for cooperation in energy, infrastructure, and economic development.
The News Is the 'Non-News' Of the Financial Collapse
by the Economics Staff
Lyndon LaRouche warned earlier this year, that September/ October would be the likely time period for this crash phase of the collapse. Now it has come to pass, despite any pre-U.S. elections happy talk you may hear about the 12,000 level of the Dow Index, and all the polite, reserved 'warnings' on hedge funds. What is evident is merely an attempt to contain the panic.
One-Third of Germans Are Poor, or Nearly So
by Rainer Apel
With remarks, Oct. 15, on the 'new underclass,' Kurt Beck, national party chairman of the German Social Democrats (SPD), unleashed an intense public debate about poverty in Germany. Beck referred to a survey carried out by the TNS Infratest polling institute, for the SPD-linked Friedrich Ebert Foundation, a survey which will be published in full detail by the end of this year.
NERC Forecast: 22 Necessary Actions Required To Save U.S. Electric Grid
by Marsha Freeman
Every Fall, the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) issues a forecast of the adequacy of the electric grid to deliver reliable power throughout the United States, Mexico, and Canada over the following decade. NERC's '2006 Long-Term Reliability Assessment,' released on Oct. 16, confirms the recent warning by EIR, that without massive investment in electric generation and transmission infrastructure, manpower, and new technology, reliable electric power will become a thing of the past.
A Temple of Hope. . . A Beacon of Liberty
by Robert Ingraham
Let it not be grievous to you that you have been instruments to break the ice for others who come after with less difficulty; the honor shall be yours to the world's end.
Rev. John Robinson, writing, at Leyden, in a
letter to the colonists at Plymouth, Dec. 23, 1623
On Dec. 18, 1620, the ship Mayflower arrived at Plymouth harbor. On the next day, her passengers began to go ashore. Within five months, 51 of those original 102 colonists would be dead, including the colony's first governor, John Carver, together with his wife and children. During most of the next ten years, the colony suffered through periods of famine, disease, near starvation, and repeated attempts by King James I's Privy Council, and the leadership of the Church of England, to destroy the colony. But they persisted, and their example inspired others. And the friendship and help which they provided to the Puritans, first at Salem in 1628, and later to John Winthrop, helped secure the creation of a new commonwealth on the shores of America.
The Disintegration of Iraq
Iraq today, with the dramatically escalating death rate among Iraqis and American troops, is a microcosm of the New Dark Age that the synarchist bankers who demanded this war, were dead set upon triggering. A country that once had admirable levels of development and technology, especially in the area of health care, is now being dismembered in full public view. Violence escalates, with a level of religious violence and savagery that rises relentlessly.
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