Published: Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 45
This Week You Need To Know:
Lyndon LaRouche addressed a LaRouche PAC webcast in Berlin, Germany on Oct. 31, 2006. The event was videoconferenced to an audience in Washington, D.C., and was watched by "satellite" audiences around the world, including 220 people at universities in Colombia alone. The moderators in Berlin were LaRouche Youth Movement leader Jessica Tremblay and Mr. LaRouche's science advisor, Jonathan Tennenbaum; the moderator in Washington was Mr. LaRouche's U.S. national spokeswoman, Debra Freeman. We publish here the full transcript.
You know the worst and best moments in history come to most people, most of the time, as a surprise. And that is going to be the case with what's happening in the world now. We are now at the end of an entire period of history. During the middle of September, in the U.S. and other parts of the world affected directly by the U.S., there was the beginning of a new downturn in the world economy. This is somewhat complicated by the fact that there is an election campaign, so-called midterm election, now occurring inside the United States. The party in power is losing power, that is, losing power in terms of support from the people. It is preparing to commit great electoral fraud in the United States, to try to keep some of that power. It is prepared to go to war, to try to preempt the situation, the political situation, to retain power. But it also has long-term intentions to establish world dictatorship, called globalization, which would mean a disaster for all humanity.
...full coverage, PDF
This Week's News Updates:
for the
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
World Crisis on Eve of U.S. General Election - From Berlin |
Oct. 31, 2006 |
"A World-Historical Moment" - From Berlin |
Sept. 6, 2006 |
"Rohatyn as Satan" |
July 20, 2006 |
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" |
June 9, 2006 |
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
On Nov. 11, 1935, President Roosevelt gave an address at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. In 1935, that day was known as "Armistice Day," and it marked the anniversary of the end of World War I in 1918, a war which had claimed 10 million dead. By 1921, plans were underway to build a memorial to the unknown dead of World War I, and that year President Warren Harding participated in the first burial ceremony on the site. In 1932, the finished memorial was dedicated by the Secretary of War.
President Roosevelt used the occasion of Armistice Day, now called Veterans Day, to present a perspective on what must be done to permanently end the threat of war. Just months before, the Fascist government of Italy had invaded Ethiopia, and the Japanese Army was making a further advance into Chinese territory, after invading Manchuria in 1931.
Roosevelt began his speech by saying: "The living memory of the World War is close to each and every one of us today. Our thoughts return to great objectives of the past, even as the minds of older men go back to their boyhood's ideals.
"We Americans were so placed in those days that we gained a perspective of the great world conflict that was perhaps clearer than that of our fellow men who were closer to the scene of battle. For most of the first three years of the conflict, we were not participants; but during the final phase, we ourselves engaged on many fronts.
"For that reason perhaps we understood, as well as any, the cries that went upthat the world conflict should be made a war to end wars. We were not invaded, nor were we threatened with invasion then or later; but the very distance of our view led us to perceive the dire results of war through days of following peace.
"The primary purpose of the United States of America is to avoid being drawn into war. We seek also in every practicable way to promote peace and to discourage war. Except for those few who have placed or who place temporary, selfish gain ahead of national and world peace, the overwhelming mass of American citizens are in hearty accord with these basic policies of our government, as they are also entirely sympathetic with the efforts of other nations to avoid and to end war.
"That is why we too have striven with great consistency to approve steps to remove the causes of war and to disapprove steps taken by others to commit acts of aggression. We have either led or performed our full part in every important attempt to limit and to reduce world armaments. We have sought by definite act and solemn commitment to establish the United States as a good neighbor among nations. We are acting to simplify definitions and facts by calling war 'war' when armed invasion and a resulting killing of human beings take place.
"But though our course is consistent and clear, it is with disappointment and sorrow that most Americans confess than the world's gain thus far has been small.
Full article on separate page...
On the eve of a Congressional election that rivals in importance any of the recent Presidential contests, Lyndon LaRouche and his youth movement have orchestrated a national campaign strategy that has hit the enemies of the United States where they are weakest, creating the possibility for the nation to change its suicidal course at the proverbial eleventh hour.
...full article, PDF
InDepth Coverage

World Crisis on The Eve of the U.S. General Election
Lyndon LaRouche addressed a LaRouche PAC webcast in Berlin, Germany on Oct. 31, 2006. The event was videoconferenced to an audience in Washington, D.C., and was watched by 'satellite' audiences around the world, including 220 people at universities in Colombia alone. The moderators in Berlin were LaRouche Youth Movement leader Jessica Tremblay and Mr. LaRouche's science advisor, Jonathan Tennenbaum; the moderator in Washington was Mr. LaRouche's U.S. national spokeswoman, Debra Freeman. We publish here the full transcript.
International E-Mail Dialogue with LaRouche
In the days following Lyndon LaRouche's Sept. 6 international webcasts from Berlin, and leading up to his Oct. 31 webcast from the same city, scores of e-mails continued the dialogue. Here is a selection...
Fixing a Bankrupt Economy Requires Morals , Not Money
After the Berlin-Washington webcast (see Feature in this issue), Lyndon LaRouche met in Berlin on Nov. 1 with a number of prominent individuals for a private seminar. Here is his answer to a question that concerned how to create a new financial-monetary system, under conditions of global crisis.
Globalization, FDA Cutbacks Lead To Increased U.S. Food Poisoning
by Marcia Merry Baker
A fact sheet, 'Weaknesses in FDA's Food Safety System,' was released Oct. 30 by Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.), the ranking minority member of the Committee on Government Reform of the House of Representatives. As the five-page document explained, 'The growing incidence of contamination in fresh produce is a symptom of weaknesses in the federal food safety system' of the United States. The fact sheet, excerpted below, gives dramatic summary documentation of what is lacking in the Food and Drug Administration's ability to inspect fruits and vegetables, and enforce their safety.
Fascists Cower as LaRouche Youth Sing
by Niko D. Paulson, LaRouche Youth Movement
On the eve of a Congressional election that rivals in importance any of the recent Presidential contests, Lyndon LaRouche and his youth movement have orchestrated a national campaign strategy that has hit the enemies of the United States where they are weakest, creating the possibility for the nation to change its suicidal course at the proverbial eleventh hour.
Creating Brownshirts: The Ayn Rand Institute
by Benjamin Deniston, LaRouche Youth Movement
Ayn Rand Institute (ARI), 2121 Alton Parkway, Suite 250, Irvine, California, 92606-4926,
The Ayn Rand Institute was founded in 1985 by Leonard Peikoff, and received its tax-exempt status in 1987. Wildly anti-government, and spreading a 'survival-of-the-fittest,' beast-man philosophy, the ARI focusses largely on brainwashing youth to be the brownshirts in the movement for the destruction of the nation-state. They call it 'education,' 'to cultivate a generation of intellectuals who will be effective advocates for the fundamentals of reason, rational self-interest, individual rights and capitalism.'
Why London Should Be Worried About Lula's Re-election
by Gretchen Small
London financiers are already nervous over what direction Brazilian President Lula da Silva's second term might take, after he was re-elected with a record 58 million votes (60%) in the Oct. 29 run-off vote against the bankers' favorite, the right-wing proponent of free trade/neo-liberalism, Geraldo Alckmin. Their fears are warranted, but not particularly because of anything Lula or some of his top advisors have said, nor even what they are thinking at the moment. The two reasons they have cause to worry about what Brazil might do in the months ahead, lie outside Brazil: the President of Argentina, Ne´stor Kirchner, and global economic disintegration.
Conference Highlights Arab Break With Bush-Cheney Madness
by Jeffrey Steinberg
The annual conference of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations (NCUSAR) took place in Washington Oct. 30-31, and provided a forum for an unusually blunt discussion about the absolute failure of the Bush Administration's Middle East policy.
The Janus face of The Swedish Model
by Tore Fredin
National elections on Sept. 17 installed a new goverment in Sweden. Called the Alliance, it is a victorious four-party coalition led by the Conservative Party (known as the Moderates). The leader of the new government is a fairly new and young conservative, Fredrik Reinfeldt, who, in the two years leading up to the election, changed the party line, from a policy of tax-cutting and austerity, to a policy of defending the welfare state.
Lieberman Democrats Confronted in Berlin
by Malene Sørensen and Tezira OloboLalobo, LaRouche Youth Movement
Just as Lyndon LaRouche, the voice of the real America, was opening the second historic Berlin-Washington webcast Oct. 31, two minutes up the road were four members of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, where the U.S. Embassy and Brownshirt Democrats were hosting their counter-operation against LaRouche.
Cheney in the Bunker
The scene is legendary: It's 1945, and there is Hitler, ensconced in his bunker and standing in front of a huge map of the battlefront, barking orders for non-existent armies to redeploy to confront the enemy on the Eastern front. He was totally out of touch with realityand even top military figures who had kowtowed to his calamitous orders before, shook their heads and refused to pass the orders on. The end was only weeks away.
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