Published: Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 48
This Week You Need To Know:
Lyndon LaRouche minced no words in discussions with colleagues on Nov. 22, accusing Vice President Dick Cheney and the "Israeli Mafia" of being behind the latest destabilization of Lebanonthe assassination on Nov. 21 of Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel. LaRouche cited other Israeli provocations since the Lebanon War of July 2006, including a string of confrontations with French peacekeepers, and threats to attack German ships in the Mediterranean that are part of the Lebanon peacekeeping effort, as "state-of-mind" evidence of the war intent.
Things have become so tense between the French and Israeli governments over the Lebanon crisis, that French soldiers serving in the Lebanese peacekeeping mission are now authorized to shoot at Israeli Air Force jet fighters overflying Lebanon, after a failed Paris meeting in mid-November between French and Israeli military officials.
LaRouche warned that the climate is being set for an Israeli military raid on Iran's purported nuclear weapons sites, which would lead to a mobilization of support for a larger attack on Iran, involving the United States and other nationswith the quiet but enthusiastic backing of many frightened Sunni Arab regimes, which are being stampeded by the Cheneyacs in Washington into this suicidal stance.
...complete article, PDF
This Week's News Updates:
for the
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Organizing the Recovery from the Great Crash of 2007" |
Nov. 16, 2006 |
World Crisis on Eve of U.S. General Election - From Berlin |
Oct. 31, 2006 |
"A World-Historical Moment" - From Berlin |
Sept. 6, 2006 |
"Rohatyn as Satan" |
July 20, 2006 |
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" |
June 9, 2006 |
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
On November 30, 1782, the American commissioners appointed by Congress to negotiate a peace settlement with Great Britain signed the preliminary treaty in Paris. The three commissionersBenjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jayhad all participated in the negotiations, but it was Franklin who had set the framework for the ultimate and happy result.
The news of the American and French victory at Yorktown in October of 1781 reached Paris on November 20, and the city burst into celebrations. But the path to a peace treaty was long and frustrating. King George III was not about to break up the British Empire, and he absolutely refused to recognize American independence. He also made it very clear that there was one person who was responsible for his uncomfortable predicament.
The king wrote to Lord Shelburne: "I am sorry to say it but from the beginning of the American troubles to the retreat of Mr. Fox, this country has not taken any but precipitate steps whilst caution and system have been those of Dr. Franklin, which is explanation enough of the causes of the present difference of situation." King George did everything he could to hinder the peace negotiations and insisted that the American "Loyalists" be compensated by America for their losses. He eventually yielded on recognizing America's independence, by authorizing his envoy to deal with the "United States." But when the desired concessions on compensating the Loyalists did not materialize, His Majesty threatened to retire to Hanover as a sign of his displeasure.
The American side was also beset with difficulties. Congress had authorized five peace commissioners in June of 1781, even before the victory at Yorktown. Of them, two, Thomas Jefferson and Henry Laurens did not serve; and with Adams in Holland negotiating a loan, and Jay employed in diplomacy in Madrid, Franklin had to handle the first part of the negotiations alone. The Americans had to deal with changes in policy and envoys from four succeeding British ministriesthose of Lord North, Lord Rockingham, Lord Shelburne, and Charles James Fox.
Before the news of Yorktown arrived, an aging and ill Benjamin Franklin had written Congress that he wished to be relieved of his commission as envoy to France. When he received the appointment to the peace commission, he agreed to remain in France, but he warned John Adams that, "I have never known a peace made, even the most advantageous, that was not censured as inadequate, and the makers condemned as injudicious or corrupt. Blessed are the peace makers is, I suppose, to be understood in the other world, for in this they are frequently cursed."
Congress had instructed the peace commissioners to stipulate that America had two non-negotiable conditions. These were: an acknowledgment by Britain of America's independence, and the continuation of America's treaty with France. After the victory at Yorktown, Franklin thought America could do even better. But his work was made more difficult by an anti-French faction in America, delightedly encouraged by the British and led by Arthur Lee, that accused Franklin of being too pro-French. Even Adams and Jay held milder versions of this view, but ended up admitting that Franklin had done well by America in the treaty.
Robert Morris, who had bankrupted himself by supporting the American cause and its currency, wrote to Franklin warning him about the faction which was slandering him. Franklin replied that he was extremely sorry to hear of the attacks on France, as it tended to hurt "the good understanding" which existed between the two governments. "There seems to be a party with you that wish to destroy it," wrote Franklin. "If they could succeed, they would do us irreparable injury. It is our firm connection with France that gives us weight with England, and respect throughout Europe. If we were to break our faith with this nation, on whatever pretence, England would again trample on us, and every other nation despise us."
Indeed, England was at that moment, in the person of Lord Shelburne, plotting to do just that, by driving a wedge between America and France. Richard Oswald, the envoy to the Paris negotiations and a close friend of Lord Shelburne, was instructed to see how far apart he could pull the two governments. Oswald told Franklin that once the issue of American independence was settled, reconciliation with Britain could occur quickly. Franklin, not to be manipulated, replied that the issue of independence was already settled, and had been since 1776, and if the British desired reconciliation they must recognize that it was more than "a pretty phrase."
Franklin then played an unsettling card. He suggested that the Americans might want to ask for reparations for the towns and farms that the British and Hessians had burned. This would amount to a very large sum, but this difficulty could be overcome by Britain magnanimously ceding Canada to the United States, since the price of the furs gained from that colony probably did not compensate Britain for the expense of governing her. At any rate, this would solve two problems at one stroke, for the new land could serve as reparation for the displaced Americans, and the money from the sale of the lands to other Americans could be used to compensate the "Loyalists" for their losses.
This stunning proposal was duly forwarded to Shelburne, but there is no record of his reaction. Shelburne, of course, usually received early intelligence of Franklin's proposals and dealings with French Foreign Minister Vergennes from his many spies, one of whom, Edward Bancroft, was a trusted aide to the American commissioners. When a supporter of the American cause wrote to Franklin warning him that he was surrounded by spies, he replied that "As it is impossible to discover in every case the falsity of pretended friends who would know our affairs; and more so to prevent being watched by spies, when interested people may think proper to place them for that purpose, I have long observed one rule which prevents any inconveniences from such practices.
"It is simply this: to be concerned in no affairs that I should blush to have made public," Franklin continued, "and to do nothing but what spies may see and welcome. When a man's actions are just and honourable, the more they are known, the more his reputation is increased and established. If I was sure, therefore, that my valet de place was a spy, as he probably is, I think I should probably not discharge him for that, if in other respects I liked him."
Full article on separate page...
Latest From LaRouche
November 19, 2006
Sometimes, the sewer lines of history back up. As I recall from a wartime outbreak of amoebic dysentery in Myitkinya, Myanmar, the stink produced on warm sub-tropical days, by the relevant clinical evidence taken from hundreds of U.S. military service personnel, was as astonishing as it was repulsive. The same might be said of the phenomena I now present here, on the subject of insight into a crucial aspect of the clinical history of "Boomerism."
...full article, PDF
InDepth Coverage

The Little Lords of The Unzipped Flies
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
November 19, 2006
Sometimes, the sewer lines of history back up. As I recall from a wartime outbreak of amoebic dysentery in Myitkinya, Myanmar, the stink produced on warm sub-tropical days, by the relevant clinical evidence taken from hundreds of U.S. military service personnel, was as astonishing as it was repulsive. The same might be said of the phenomena I now present here, on the subject of insight into a crucial aspect of the clinical history of 'Boomerism.'
Cheney Escalates Lunatic War Drive Against Iran
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Lyndon LaRouche minced no words in discussions with colleagues on Nov. 22, accusing Vice President Dick Cheney and the 'Israeli Mafia' of being behind the latest destabilization of Lebanonthe assassination on Nov. 21 of Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel. LaRouche cited other Israeli provocations since the Lebanon War of July 2006, including a string of confrontations with French peacekeepers, and threats to attack German ships in the Mediterranean that are part of the Lebanon peacekeeping effort, as 'state-of-mind' evidence of the war intent.
Murder of Gemayel Targets Iran, Escalates Crisis in Lebanon
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
'Isn't it strange that whenever the situation would become slightly, slightly toward engagement with Syria, every time this happens, immediately an assassination takes place?Some anti-Syrian politician would be assassinated and immediately the whole context changes again against involvement with Syria?' This is how the Syrian Ambassador to the United States, Imad Moustapha, put it in remarks to CNN on Nov. 22, following the murder of Pierre Gemayel, a Lebanese Christian political leader and Minister of Industrywhich was promptly blamed on Syria.
López Obrador Inaugurated as Mexico's 'Legitimate President'
by Cynthia R. Rush
Before a crowd estimated at between 1.2 and 1.5 million in Mexico City's downtown Zócolo plaza, Andre´s Manuel López Obrador, the former candidate of the Alliance for the Good of All in the July 2 Presidential elections, was inaugurated as the country's 'legitimate President' on Nov. 20. AMLO, as he is known, vowed to his supporters that he will never negotiate or surrender to the 'neo-fascist oligarchy' that stands behind Felipe Calderón of the synarchist National Action Party (PAN), whose claim to the Mexican Presidency is based on blatant vote fraud.
U.S. Will Coordinate Sudan Policy With the United Nations
by Lawrence Freeman
The United States will coordinate policy on Darfur with the United Nations, with no separate negotiations, according to Andrew Natsios, the U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan, who spoke on Nov. 20 in Washington, D.C., along with Jean-Marie Guehenno, who is in charge of Peacekeeping Operations for the UN Secretary General. The two addressed a Brookings Institution forum, after which Natsios further clarified his views at a State Department briefing session.
- Nubian Aquifer
Transition to Nuclear Desalination
by Marcia Merry Baker
Speaking on Nov. 20 in Washington, D.C. on U.S. policy intentions for Sudan, U.S. Presidential Special Envoy to Sudan Andrew Natsios raised the issue of water shortages in the region, and referred to potential use of the Nubian Aquifer. Noting that Libya has installed a $20 billion system of pumping from the Aquifer to serve its needs, he downplayed the idea that such large sums could be found for use elswhere. He added that at least the money now going into warfare, could instead fund water projects, if the strife were to end.
Book Review
Nasser's Geologist: Use Resources;Grow!
by Marcia Merry Baker
Science and Politics in Egypt; A Life's Journey
by Rushdi Said
Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2004
230 pages, hardbound (www.aucpress.com; also available in Arabic), $24.50
In 2000, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Egyptian geologist Rushdi Said, who was Director of the Geological Survey of Egypt, and activist on the Industrialization Commission for Gen. Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt (1954 to 1970), wrote his life story. His direct experience spans the key historic times of modern Egypt, from his birth one year after the attempted revolution for independence, led by the Wafd Party; to the 1936 gaining of limited sovereignty; through the years of World War II; independence in 1954; and events thereafter.
Ibero-America LaRouche Youth Target Fascist Spokesmen
The international LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) brought the light of truth into two important events featuring key assets of the new Fascist International, in early November.
Housing Bubble's Fate, Is Banking System's Destiny
by Richard Freeman
From 1992 through 2005, Federal Reserve Board chairman Alan Greenspan built the biggest housing bubble in history. The bubble saturates every part of the U.S. economy. Especially from the beginning of 2001when he threw the housing bubble into high gearthrough October 2006, Greenspan transformed the housing sector from its vital but demarcated role of providing decent, affordable housing, into a distorted giant that was made to become the prime prop for both the physical and financial sides of the U.S. economy.
American System Needed To Build Eurasian Railroad
by Mary Burdman
Transport and railway ministers of 18 Eurasian nations signed the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway (TAR) Network on Nov. 10, during the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Ministerial Transport conference in Busan, Republic of Korea. The Agreement signed by this core group among the 28 ESCAP member nations, is of great strategic significance because, after almost ten years, it will help put one of the world's most important Great Projects, the Eurasian LandBridge, on the front burner once again.
Social Dems Embrace Financial 'Locusts'
by Rainer Apel
Almost exactly 18 months ago, the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) seemed to be back in touch with economic financial reality, when their then-party chairman Franz Mu¨ntefering declared war on the hedge funds, or, as he put it, 'locusts that are swarming out to eat our factories.' The SPD demanded legislation to protect industry from takeover by the locust funds, and bankers were getting rather nervous about this political campaign.
Carville: Dean Sabotaged Nov. 7 Democratic Landslide
by Debra Hanania Freeman
The Nov. 7 election was a very sweet victory. The American electorate voiced their emphatic disgust with the current Bush Administration by giving Democrats control of both the House and Senate. But, sweet as that victory may be, the fact is that Howard Dean's Democratic National Committee bungled a critical opportunity to make the kind of historic gains that would have provided Democrats with an overwhelmingperhaps even veto-proofmajority in the House and a more stable majority in the Senate. And, every competent professional political strategist in the nation knows it.
LaRouche Backs Rangel: Revive the Draft!
by William F. Wertz, Jr.
Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), soon to be the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, tossed a political hand grenade into the post-election debate on Iraq, by announcing his intent to reintroduce a bill calling for the revival of the draft. Lyndon LaRouche has long supported Rangel on the question of the draft. As LaRouche put it on Sept. 30, 2005, 'It makes sense. There are many reasons for it, and he knows them all.'
LYM Will Intervene In Texas Run-Off Race
by Patricia Salisbury
Dec. 12 is the date set for the run-off election between proBush Congressman Henry Bonilla (R) and former Democratic Congressman Ciro Rodriguez, for the 23rd Congressional District in Texas. The LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) in Texas will continue the mass organizing which played a key role in the Democratic Party victory in the midterm elections nationally, as former Congressman Rodriguez vies to unseat seven-term incumbent Bonilla, and deliver another seat to the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives.
Russian Mafiya, CCF in Bed With Lynne Cheney's 'Campus Gestapo'
by Ben Deniston, LaRouche Youth Movement; and Michele Steinberg
Would you go to war against Iran based on the intelligence reports cooked up by a Russian businessman, repeatedly linked to the Russian 'mafiya'; by the co-authorwith the High Priest of a Satan-worship churchof a treatise on intelligence method; by a former Israeli intelligence agent who calls for killing hundreds of thousands of Muslim civilians in the war on terrorism; by one of the world's so-called experts on the paranormal, who has been a lifelong operative of the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCFthe Anglo-American Kulturkampf front of post-World War II notoriety); and by the Pentagon's neo-con liars who brought you the Iraq War? If the answer is yes, then stop reading this article.
LYM in Alabama, Georgia
Amelia Robinson: 'Put Your Boxing Gloves On!'
by Wesley Irwin, LaRouche Youth Movement
For ten days in November, four members of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) traveled through Alabama into Georgia with 95-year-old civil rights heroine Amelia Boynton Robinson, the vice-chairman of the Schiller Institute, for a week-long celebration honoring Martin Luther King's dream of a 'beloved community.'
Franklin Roosevelt Legacy Club Lands on the Beaches of Normandy
by Mark Samet, LaRouche Youth Movement
We in the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) are continuing to see the realization of that potential, which LaRouche had forecast would be generated, as a function of an energetic, expansive youth movement, committed to ideas. As LaRouche reiterated in his Nov. 16 webcast, the older generations will be forced to respond to our outreach to, and mobilization of, the 18-35-year-old crowd, as typified by the recent midterm elections.
Refuting the Lie That Lincoln Was 'Moderate' on Abolishing Slavery
by Stuart Rosenblatt
Father Abraham Lincoln's Relentless Struggle To End Slavery
by Richard Striner
Oxford Press, New York, 2006
308 pages, hardbound, $28
Richard Striner takes deadly aim at some of the more vicious myths that have become almost axiomatically accepted in many circles concerning the outlook of President Abraham Lincoln: that Lincoln was a 'moderate' and a 'pragmatist' on the issue of slavery eradication; and that Lincoln was more concerned about saving the Union than abolishing slavery, and would have maintained the latter to keep the former.
Henry Kissinger's Hell
Lyndon LaRouche summarized the immediate global strategic situation thus, in a memo issued Nov. 25: 'The best chance for extricating the U.S. military forces from an unimaginable debacle in Southwest Asia, is to scrap every shred of the relevant policies of the current Bush Administration so far, and bring together a concert of key governments of Southwest Asia for a coherent stabilization of the relations among and within the nations of that region. This must include opening immediate normal diplomatic relations with the group of keystone nations Iran, Syria, and Turkey, and, must include informing Israel's current government that there must be an immediate end to Israel's evasion of a constructive de´tente with the Palestinian people.
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