Published: Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 50
This Week You Need To Know:
President George Bush's infantile and defiant response to the Dec. 6 release of the Iraq Study Group report was tantamount to a demand for his own impeachment, along with that of Vice President Dick Cheney. Now, the new Democratic majority 110th Congress has a clear mandate, from a wide segment of the U.S. political institutions, spanning the leading factions in both the Republican and Democratic parties, to dispense with the Bush-Cheney regime, before another new disaster unfolds. Topping the list of such looming disastersbeyond the all-but-unavoidable crash of the global financial systemis a military strike against Iran, by either the United States or Israel. The use of nuclear weapons in such a strike is not to be ruled out, according to well-informed U.S. military experts.
As EIR already reported, just days before the final session of the Iraq Study Group, co-chaired by former Secretary of State James Baker III and former House Foreign Affairs
Committee chairman Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.), Vice President Cheney flew off to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to attempt to forge a "Sunni bulwark" against Shi'ite Iran, built upon a U.S. and NATO military alliance with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states plus Egypt and Jordan. Such an anti-Iran politico-military alliance would also, de facto, include Israelan Israel, capable under present leadership, of launching a "breakaway ally" air strike against Iran.
As EIR reported in a now famous memorandum "Behind Cheney's Trip to Riyadh," Cheney's action was tantamount to a declaration of intent to launch preemptive war against Iran. If carried out, such a strike would spark a Sunni versus Shi'ite war within the Muslim world that would rapidly spread into a global Hundred Years' War. While such an asymmetric conflict would be firmly against U.S. vital interests, the Anglo-American faction that steers the Vice President's every sneering move, would celebrate the chaos, seeing it as the means by which to destroy the United States and end the Westphalian system of sovereign nation-states altogether. In today's parlance, this is called "globalization."...
...full article, PDF
This Week's News Updates:
for the
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Organizing the Recovery from the Great Crash of 2007" |
Nov. 16, 2006 |
World Crisis on Eve of U.S. General Election - From Berlin |
Oct. 31, 2006 |
"A World-Historical Moment" - From Berlin |
Sept. 6, 2006 |
"Rohatyn as Satan" |
July 20, 2006 |
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" |
June 9, 2006 |
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
"Voted, that this body will oppose the vending of any tea sent by the East India Company to any part of this Continent, with our lives and fortunes." So read the declaration passed by the 1,000-person Town Meeting at Faneuil Hall in Boston on Nov. 5, 1773. What could possibly have motivated such a strong stand against buying teawas it poisoned? In a sense, it was. The story of the Boston Tea Party of Dec. 16, 1773 begins with the British Parliament's passage of the Stamp Act.
After the end of the French and Indian War in 1761, a war which had also been fought in Europe and Asia under the name of the Seven Years War, Great Britain acquired a vast empire. Trying to recoup some of the expenses of the war, the British oligarchy decided that the American colonials should bear part of the burden. Never mind that Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts had spent considerable sums on behalf of Britain and had never been paid back.
First came the Sugar Act, which fixed the price of molasses and limited the American molasses trade to the British West Indies, which could not possibly meet the American demand nor absorb the exports the colonies used to pay for the molasses. Then came the Stamp Act, which went into effect in 1765. This tax on licenses, publications, and legal papers sparked protests, including the Virginia Resolves, which were endorsed by most of the other colonies.
Then the Massachusetts Legislature sent out a call for a Congress of all the colonies to meet in New York to consider united action. That body produced a Declaration of Rights and Grievances, stating that only the colonies themselves could levy taxes on colonists. That statement caused an Englishman who was living in America to write home, contrasting "the remarkably pliant and submissive disposition of the inhabitants of Bengal," with that of the frisky American colonials.
The British East India Company, which was fast becoming the controlling factor in the British Empire, was already developing plans to tame the Americans into submission. It was dealt a setback, however, by massive American demonstrations against the Stamp Act and a partial boycott of British goods. British merchants and manufacturers became alarmed, and the new Rockingham Ministry repealed the Stamp Act. However, American joy at the repeal was quickly tempered by Parliament's refusal to repeal "The Declaratory Act," which allowed Britain to pass restrictive laws and levy taxes on the American colonies. A very specific Parliamentary pronouncement stated that the right to tax the colonies had always existed and would exist for all time.
When the Ministry of Charles Townshend, better known as "Champagne Charlie," came to power in 1767, a new attempt was made to force the colonies to admit that they had the "right" to be looted by the British Empire. The Townshend Acts taxed imports from Britain such as paper, lead, glass, paint, and tea. But there was a new and very threatening element embedded in the Townshend Acts, which the colonists did not take long to recognize. The Writs of Assistance legalized by the acts were blank search warrants which could by used by Royal agents at their pleasure, and anyone could be dragooned to help in the searches.
The Townshend Acts also established an American Board of Customs Commissioners in Boston, whose members were directly answerable to the Royal Treasury. Ostensibly, these members were to use the funds to defend the colonies, but the phraseology of the act stated that they would defray "the Charge of the Administration of Justice, and the Support of Local Government." Thus, the colonies would lose not only any fiscal control over their activities, but their self-government as well. Men who were responsible to the Crown and East India Company would control local government and the courts.
Again, the colonies united in protest, and in February 1768, the Massachusetts Legislature published a Circular Letter to the other colonies, stating that the Townshend Acts established taxation without representation, that colonial representation in England was impossible, and that the very idea of making colonial judges and governors independent of the electorate was intolerable. The new Prime Minister, Lord Hillsborough, furious over the Circular Letter, dissolved the Massachusetts Legislature.
Not content with that, Hillsborough sent a large flotilla of the British fleet, loaded with British Redcoats, to police Boston and ensure that Royal officials could carry out their tax-farming duties. Parliament also threatened to transport any American protesters to England for trial, and the colonies answered with a much larger boycott against British goods. In 1770, the Townshend Acts were repealed, but one subversive tool of empire was left intact, and that was the tax on tea.
In 1773, the East India Company's stock on the London Exchange dropped from 280 pounds to 160 pounds, and the company was facing bankruptcy. Parliament obligingly granted the company a tea monopoly for the American colonies, in order to put a dent in the surplus of over 17 million pounds of tea sitting in warehouses in England. The price of the tea was dropped to well below that of Dutch tea, which the Americans were smuggling into the colonies, but the 3-cent tax was left in place. Even with the tax, the price of the tea was so low that the East India Company was confident that the Americans would give in to the temptation to break their boycott.
Full article on separate page...
InDepth Coverage

Bush Demands His Own Impeachment
by Jeffrey Steinberg
President George Bush's infantile and defiant response to the Dec. 6 release of the Iraq Study Group report was tantamount to a demand for his own impeachment, along with that of Vice President Dick Cheney. Now, the new Democratic majority 110th Congress has a clear mandate, from a wide segment of the U.S. political institutions, spanning the leading factions in both the Republican and Democratic parties, to dispense with the Bush-Cheney regime, before another new disaster unfolds. Topping the list of such looming disastersbeyond the all-but-unavoidable crash of the global financial system is a military strike against Iran, by either the United States or Israel.
- LaRouche Comment
Solution Must Be Truly Comprehensive
On Dec. 6, economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche discussed the importance of the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group bipartisan policy proposal, released that day to the Congress and to the Bush White House. This is a transcript of his remarks.
- Documentation
Excerpts from The Iraq Study Group Report
Executive Summary
The situation in Iraq is grave and deteriorating. There is no path that can guarantee success, but the prospects can be improved...
- Who's Who in the Iraq Study Group
The ten members of the Iraq Study Group, briefly identified by political pedigree below, represent a broad and high-level cross-section of the political Establishment in the United States. It is from that standpoint that their willingness to make recommendations, in the face of Presidential hostility, must be judged.
Southwest Asia: The LaRouche Doctrine
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
The statement excerpted here was released by the LaRouche in 2004 Presidential campaign committee on April 17, 2004.
On the War . . .
The immediate subject of my present policy-statement here, is the task of successfully and quickly extracting U.S. military forces back to safety, out of the hopeless Hell-hole of the presently disintegrating U.S. military occupation of Iraq. . . .
Ben Franklin's Youth Movement: Making the American Revolution
by Nancy Spannaus
The year 2006 marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest statesmen who ever lived, America's own Benjamin Franklin (1706-90). Lectures and exhibits have abounded in celebration of this great man's life during the course of the year, but there is only one location where he has been celebrated in truly appropriate fashionand that is through the activity of the LaRouche Youth Movement, in pursuit of reviving the commitment to the improvement of mankind, scientifically and morally, which was represented by the American Revolution itself.
Science and Technology:
International Fusion Project Finally Getting Under Way
At a ceremony on Nov. 21, nations representing more than half the world's population signed an agreement to build the ?rst largescale fusion energy experiment. Marsha Freeman reports.
World News:
British Insider Tolls Alarm: Systemic Crisis Is Imminent
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Normally one is well advised to maintain a healthy distrust the media. Yet now and then there appear certain 'signal articles,' which call attention to institutional speculation about impending dangers.
U.S. Dems, Are You Listening?
Argentina Tells Soros, To 'Git'
by Cynthia R. Rush
U.S. Democrats could learn a lot from Argentine President Ne´stor Kirchner on how to deal with the corrupting influence of financial predator George Soros within their party.
Lack of Leadership Endangers India's National Security
by Ramtanu Maitra
Despite India's emergence in the post-Cold War days as a major potential Indian Ocean power and a nation friendly to all global powers, the inability of India's present-day leaders to act to ensure the security of its immediate vicinity has worsened its security situation during the last few years.
Interview: Mohammed Omer
Normal Life Is Impossible In Israeli-Controlled Gaza
Mohammed Omer, 22, is a Palestinian journalist and photographer born and raised in the Rafah refugee camp in the southwest corner of the Gaza Strip. He has personally experienced the effects of the Israeli siege of Gaza.
Crash of the Dollar Means Global Collapse
Li Mao, Washington correspondent for the Chinese publication Science and Technology Daily, sent these questions to Lyndon LaRouche, following LaRouche's Nov. 16 webcast (see EIR, Nov. 24). An article based on the webcast and this interview appeared in the daily on Dec. 4.
Rohatynite Slashes New York Health Care
by Patricia Salisbury
Despite the well-documented crisis in every area of the nation's health-care system, a commission headed by a longtime partner of Felix Rohatyn, has released a report recommending draconian cuts in the New York state hospitals and nursing homes.
Alabama Tour
LYM Joins Amelia Robinson To Organize For Truth and Beauty, Against Fear
For ten days in November, as EIR reported on Dec. 1, four members of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) travelled through Alabama and Georgia with 95-year-old civil rights heroine Amelia Boynton Robinson, the vice-chairman of the Schiller Institute. They attended a week-long celebration of the life of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. On Nov. 15, the group addressed a meeting at the Butler Chapel AME Zion, in Tuskegee, Alabama. Here are their remarks, which were warmly introduced by Rev. John Alfred, a civil rights activist and former president of the Southern Christian Leadership Council.
Allard's Hoax on the Subject of LaRouche
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
This report refers to the report recently issued by Jean-Guy Allard. It is self-identified by the publisher as 'Spying on Cuba and Venezuela: a relic from the Reagan era' by Jean Guy AllardSpecial for Granma International.'
I list what are intended by Allard as the defamatory allegations against me uttered within a report published under the by-line of the said Jean-Guy Allard, a report on the subject of U.S. intelligence community figure Norman Bailey.
A Weird Case From Berlin
The Age of the Marionettes
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
December 8, 2006
I have just received a copy of a weird item written in Berlin. The author of that piece shall be identified only as a nameless German of the grim species which the French call 'BoBos.' His name shall thus remain, in the Biblical sense, 'Legion.' He is very grim, gruff, given to explosive fits of rage, and, given the opportunity, cruel. Like a real-life Jekyll and Hyde personality, he is sometimes intelligent, but known by some relevant persons on both sides of the Atlantic, as also brutishly immoral in dealing with any vulnerable person he has chosen as a suitable target of his venomous intent to destroy yet another young citizen.
LaRouche: German Police Discredit Cheney's Rewarmed Duggan Hoax
A radio broadcast smearing Lyndon LaRouche and his associates in Germany, in the case of the suicide of young Jeremy Duggan, was aired on Deutsche Welle on Dec. 5. Significantly, the slander concluded with the truth: that the German police had investigated the allegations by Jeremy's mother, and found them to be totally without merit.
Darfur Needs Emergency Aid And Economic Development
by Marcia Merry Baker
...[W]e reprint a section of 'Development Projects for Africa,' an appendix from an EIR Special Report, 'Peace Through Development in Africa's Great Lakes Region.' This Special Report presented the proceedings of a Seminar in Walluf, Germany April 26-27, 1997, which proposed undermining local conflicts, orchestrated from outside Africa, by advancing proposals for energy, water, transportation, agriculture, and other infrastructure needed in the vast Northeastern/Central African watersheds of the Nile and Congo Rivers and the Chad Basin. The Darfur region in western Sudan, bordering Chad and the Central African Republic to the southwest, is geographically, right in the middle of this area.
Will the Campus Gestapo Save Darfur?
by Wynneal Inocentes, LaRouche Youth Movement
The Darfur population is being portrayed as the 'ethnic' people of Sudan, as opposed to the 'Islamic extremists' of Sudan, as the rest of the country is described. What is really going on? 'Radical Islam' is being used by the controllers of the Bush Administration as the means to destroy Sudan. Why? It is all part of a British-run operation to use the United States, to unleash Hell and chaos abroad, and, in the process, destroy itself and the idea of the nation-state system that it embodies.
Some Lessons for the 110th Congress
There is no question but that most Americans will greet the closing of the 109th Congress with a sigh of relief. This Congress's irresponsibility toward the country, and, most especially toward the future, will be notorious for decades, if not more, to come.
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