Ducking the Issue!
David Walker's Sleight of Hand
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 9, 2007
GAO Comptroller General David Walker is a straight shooter when it comes to accounting, but at what is he actually shooting?}
The entire week-to-date, beginning with CBS-TV on Sunday, March 4, and continuing through the featured account in the Washington Post of Friday, March 8, has enjoyed the high-impact appearances of U.S. GAO Comptroller General David Walker's widely circulated sophistry: Walker's presentation of a persuasive, factually precise, but essentially fraudulent representation of the essential economic threat menacing the soon-to-retire U.S. Baby-Boomer generation.
Walker's set-piece, beginning with a March 4 CBS-TV presentation, stated: "What's going on right now is we're spending more money than we can make...we're charging to our credit card...and expecting our grandchildren to pay for it...."
...full article, PDF
This Week, You Need To Know
London Spreads Blood and Gore
by an EIR investigative team
On the weekend of Feb. 24-25, 2007, as former Vice President Al Gore was wet-dreaming about his pending Academy Award for his fractured fairy tale "documentary," An Inconvenient Truth, about his battle to save the planet from "global warming," TV financial market analyst Jim Cramer was answering a question about the prospect of a Gore Presidential run in 2008, on MSNBC's Chris Matthews' "Hardball." Never one to mince words, Cramer dismissed the idea that Gore would take another stab at Presidential politics: "No," he said. "He's really a hedge fund manager now. No one leaves that game."
Indeed, Cramer was rightat least on the first count. In November 2004, Al Gore and David Blood launched a London-based investment fund, Generation Investment Management, which insiders affectionately refer to as "Blood and Gore"and not without reason. Blood, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, brought a small team of former Goldman Sachs personnel with him to the London fund, assuming for himself the job of managing director. Gore took on the Chairmanship of Generation, bringing along his long-time Senate chief of staff, campaign manager, and business crony, Peter S. Knight, as another founding partner....
...complete article, PDF
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