'Ask the Man Who Owns One'
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
'The first question a wise citizen would ask about any present pre-candidate, would echo the advertising slogan of the Packard Motor Car Company of the 1930s: 'Ask the man who owns one.'. . . The driver behind all of these approximately immediate dangers to life on our planet as a whole, is the continuation of the financial-economic policies associated presently with the predatory role of a global 'hedge-fund' swindle centered, chiefly, in the British monarchy's Cayman Islands. Therefore, which financier interests actually control which Presidential and other candidates, is the most fundamental, personally existential question facing any intelligent U.S. voter today.' Lyndon LaRouche elaborates. |
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March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism, by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
'Ask the Man Who Owns One'
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
'The first question a wise citizen would ask about any present pre-candidate, would echo the advertising slogan of the Packard Motor Car Company of the 1930s: 'Ask the man who owns one.'. . . The driver behind all of these approximately immediate dangers to life on our planet as a whole, is the continuation of the financial-economic policies associated presently with the predatory role of a global 'hedge-fund' swindle centered, chiefly, in the British monarchy's Cayman Islands. Therefore, which financier interests actually control which Presidential and other candidates, is the most fundamental, personally existential question facing any intelligent U.S. voter today.' Lyndon LaRouche elaborates.
Bidding War for the 2008 Dem Candidates
Great Projects
Russian-American Team: World Needs Bering Strait Tunnel!
A major Moscow conference on Great Projects featured discussion of plans for Russian-American cooperation on building the Bering Strait Tunnel, a project which will provide the crucial interhemispheric link for the Eurasian Land-Bridge
LaRouche Tells Bush: Only Diplomacy Can Avert World War III
The Korean model of diplomacy, which is currently making progress, could show the way for defusing the danger of a U.S. strike against Iran.
Kucinich Files Cheney Impeachment Resolution, But Dems Flunk the Test
The Cheneyites and the Killer-Trainer Lobby
Bailout, or Regulated Writedown? Securitizers Who Made Housing Bubbles Now Hide Big Losses
The implications of the mortgage blowout for the U.S. and world financial system are leading the Fed and others to try to paper over the problem. It won't work.
Danish Debates ReMagnetize Germans
The Ethanol Hoax: Al Gore Is Selling, But IberoAmerica's Not Buying
Gore's policy of pushing racist genocide, under the guise of dealing with global warming, is undergoing a stunning series of setbacks throughout the Americas.
Dennis Small: Bush Lies, LaRouche Tells the Truth
Boris Yeltsin: President During Tragedy for Russia
Let Us Stop France From Becoming a Police State!
Jacques Cheminade, the leader of the LaRouche-affiliated Solidarite´ et Progre`s party in France, issued this statement from Paris after the national elections April 22 in an effort to prevent right-wing neo-con Nicolas Sarkozy from becoming President in the May 6 run-off election.
Hal B.H. Cooper, Jr.
Hal Cooper, PhD, a transportation consultant, is a longtime advocate for an intercontinental railroad connection across the Bering Strait, and for development corridors on key routes in the Americas, and worldwide.
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