A New Monetary SystemNow!
Lyndon LaRouche addresses a LaRouche PAC webcast from Washington, D.C. on May 1.
What I'm about to announce to you, and follow up by a presentation on the subject, will produce incredulity in a lot of people around the world and around the country, especially inside the United States. But it's all true, and I shall indicate to you what some of you may not have taken into account, or didn't know about the nature of the world situation, and therefore, you would have doubts about what I'm about to tell you.
The situation now is such that the present monetary-financial system is so far embedded into a process of hopeless bankruptcy, that there's no way this system in its present form could ever come back or could survive. It's gone. The very question of the value of moneymoney is in doubtto everyone who knows what is going on...
The LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) released this statement on May 8, 2007.
The pattern expressed by recent waves of elections in the United Kingdom, in France, and next in Belgium, poses the question: Will there actually be a 2008 Presidential Election in the U.S.A.? I make no prediction, either way; my intention here is to pose the deadly reality of the situation in which presently leading U.S. pre-Presidential candidates appear as virtual actors in a Laurel and Hardy version of "Babes in Toyland," a situation which presents all of the present nations of western and central Europe as relics of the presently oncoming crisis of "ungovernability." This state of affairsand affairs of stateis to be recognized as the crisis which U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her accomplice, France's François Mitterrand, have inflicted, still to the present date, on those regions of Europe as a whole.
As I have just summarized the case in my EIR "End-Game Forecasts" of April 28th, the intrinsic, and deadly incompetence of virtually all my putative rivals among leading economic forecasters, and U.S. pre-Presidential candidates today, is that when they are not basing their forecasts, and related policies, on virtual voodoo, such as that of the Mont Pelerin Society and American Enterprise Institute, they rely implicitly on the intrinsically incompetent, mechanistic-statistical methods which prevail among today's usually accredited, and often also wild-eyed, leading forecasting agencies.
Given the acceleration of what is no less important than escaping a currently onrushing threat of such a general, global economic-social collapse, the immediate future of mankind depends, urgently, on understanding the immediately practical implications of that issue of policy-shaping.
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March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism, by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
International Webcast Conference
A New Monetary SystemNow!
Lyndon LaRouche addresses a LaRouche PAC webcast from Washington, D.C. on May 1.
'What I'm about to announce to you, and follow up by a presentation on the subject, will produce incredulity in a lot of people around the world and around the country, especially inside the United States,' he promises. 'But it's all true, and I shall indicate to you what some of you may not have taken into account, or didn't know about the nature of the world situation, and therefore, you would have doubts about what I'm about to tell you.'
- Dialogue with LaRouche
Questions and answers from the webcast, covering U.S. relations with Russia, home foreclosures and unemployment, youth organizing, blocked Baby Boomers, crises in Africa, and many other issues.
End-Game Forecasts
By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
'The axiomatic incompetence of today's usual methods in statistical modes of economic forecasting, is inherent in that type of method itself. This will show itself with undeniable force, as an immediate threat of absolute breakdown of an actual economic system, whenever the underlying physical-economic cycle is permitted to approach closely what is best described as a Riemannian boundary condition, as now.'
Fed Issues 'Fair Warning' of Huge Hedge-Fund Crisis
The New York Federal Reserve compared the hedge-fund fed speculative bubble to the 1998 LTCM crisis, whose collapse almost brought down the entire financial system. Lyndon LaRouche commented: 'Fair warning has been delivered.'
Appeal for Bering Link Directed to G-8 Summit
The April 25, 2007 communique´ from the participants of an international conference in Moscow on an Intercontinental EurasiaAmerica Transport Link via the Bering Strait.
Bering Strait Conference Marked 'Major Phase Shift'
An interview with Hal B.H. Cooper, Jr.
Congressmen Admit, U.S. 'Post-Industrial' Economy Can't Build High-Speed Rail
Climate Expert: Gore's Film Is 'Science Fiction'
An interview with Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu
Do the British Have a Hand in the Turkish Crisis?
Turkey's founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, resisted the Franco-British geopolitical plans to divide and conquer Turkey in 1916. Are the British instigating the same type of destabilization again?
Bank of the South: Kernel of New System
Global War on Terror in Somalia Spreads Asymmetric War to Africa
An interview with Dr. Kenneth Menkhaus.
California Democratic Convention: LYM's 'New Politics' Puts Impeachment Back on the Table
- Documentation:
LYM report on their California victory; statement by Wynneal Inocentes; California resolution raises issue of impeachment; Louisiana Dems back Cheney impeachment.
Campus Shootings: The Larger Picture
An interview on The LaRouche Show with Prof. Clifford Kiracofe.
'It's Very Distasteful To See What's Happening to Returning Veterans'
An interview with Steve Robinson
Hal B.H. Cooper, Jr., PhD.
Cooper is a Seattle-based transportation consultant, who is a longtime advocate for an intercontinental railroad connection across the Bering Strait.
Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu
Akasofu was former director of the International Arctic Research Center. He appeared in the British Channel 4-TV documentary, 'The Great Global Warming Swindle,' which aired March 8.
Dr. Kenneth Menkhaus
Menkhaus teaches at Davidson College in Davidson, N.C., and is a leading U.S. authority on Somalia. He has worked as an advisor to the UN, and assisted many U.S. governmental institutions.
Steve Robinson
An independent consultant on the care provided for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Robinson is a retired Army Ranger, a veteran of Operations Desert Storm and Provide Comfort. Prior to retiring in 2001, he was a senior non-commissioned officer in the Preliminary Analysis Group, Investigations, and Analysis Directorate, Office of the Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Gulf War Illnesses.
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