Democrats, Wake Up!
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
The LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) released this statement on May 23, 2007.
The presently deteriorating political situation in the process of the Federal government's deliberations on critical issues in today's U.S.A. demands some frank speech from me now. During the days and weeks ahead, I shall formulate a programmatic policy-statement of the type urgently needed by leading political parties which have shown themselves currently unable to grasp the actual situation which menaces our own and other nations today. Therefore, for the present moment, I fill in the political gap left by the major party leaderships with a relatively few words to the wise. Westward, south of Scandinavia, across continental Europe, from the borders of Russia and Belarus, and in the United Kingdom, Europe has become a spectacle of already failed, or failing incumbent governments. This is also virtually the present internal political condition of the U.S.A., a fact which I find the most notable characteristic presently among the present national leaders of the U.S. Democratic Party organization. For me, the most shameful of these spectacles is the chronic failures shown by the leaderships of both the Republican and Democratic parties, especially since February 2006... |
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March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism, by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
This Week
Democrats, Wake Up!
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. charges that the British Labour Party government and the Bush-Cheney maladministration, have committed repeated grossly impeachable offenses, but our Congress and political parties are afraid to confront the financier power behind the hedge funds, in order to save the nation.
Only Four Powers Can Stop World War
A war-avoidance policy starts with recognizing the need for reorganizing the bankrupt global monetary-financing, and with impeaching Dick Cheney. The first requires an an alliance among the United States, Russia, China, and India. The second requires some courage on the part of the Democratic Party in the Congress.
LaRouche in Russia
In the Lens of Menshikov's 80 Years: Russian-U.S. Relations:
A Strategy for War-Avoidance
Lyndon LaRouche was a guest of honor at the 80th birthday celebration of Russian economist, long-range planner, and intellectual maverick Stanislav Menshikov. LaRouche spoke about his efforts in the United States to bring about a positive American response to the Russian government's own current campaign to revive the policies of FDR.
Looking Ahead: Russia And the World in 2027
A speech by Prof. Stanislav Menshikov at this 80th birthday celebration. He emphasized that the only real source of growth of Russia will be capital investment in new technology, while noting that the optimum plan would be LaRouche's Land-Bridge linking the Americas and Asia.
U.S.A. and Russia Can Change History
Lyndon LaRouche's remarks at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow in honor of Prof. Stanislav Menshikov's 80th birthday.
Three Toasts Offer a Charge of Optimism
Toasts to Menshikov by Dr. Sergei Glazyev and Academician Alexander Granberg, and remarks by Menshikov himself.
LaRouche, on Moscow TV, Outlines Four-Power Strategy for War Avoidance
Economist Mikhail Khazin, host of the 'A+ in Economics' weekly program on the Spas Channel, interviewed LaRouche in Moscow on May 16.
Two Very Different Meetings: EU-Russia Summit in Samara; LaRouche Mission to Moscow
By Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
While the EU-Russia meeting ended with an open conflict between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russia's President Vladimir Putin, confirming that no positive contribution is to be expected from Europe at this time, the meetings held by Lyndon LaRouche in Moscow were a complete contrast.
Sarkozy Regime Is 'Break With French History'
Former French Presidential candidate, Jacques Cheminade condemned the stated policies of the newly elected French government of President Nicolas Sarkozy.
London's 'Democratic Party' Is Pro-Globalization, Anti-FDR
LaRouche Youth Bring FDR Policies to Italy
FDR's Economic Policies Endorsed: Massachusetts Dems Call for Double Impeachment
Two resolutions introduced by the LaRouche Youth Movement at the Massachusetts Democratic Convention brought excitement to the delegates, and will have a national impact.
LaRouche Open Letter to Washington Post
Lyndon LaRouche explains why the Constitution must not be changed to allow foreign-born candidates to run for President.
The Research Is In: Violent Video Games Can Lead to Violent Behavior
An interview with Craig Anderson.
LaRouche: Video Games Produce Killer Zombies
Fed Warned: Housing Collapse Is Much Worse Than Bernanke Says
Reports on U.S. housing sales for April showed an accelerating loss of 'market values' in the housing bubble, undermining huge volumes of mortgage-backed securities and bank assets based on mortgages, and driving a growing wave of foreclosures.
Gore Makes Killing on AIDS; Nations Say No
'Don't Bet on Man-Made Origins of Global Warming'
An interview with Piers Corbyn.
As World Goes Nuclear, Why Doesn't Germany?
Man & the Skies Above
Lyndon LaRouche asks: "Do we have presently, a sufficient number of persons who are willing to think creatively, as I propose, and who also possess, therefore, the will to act in ways to ensure that civilization turns back the onrushing threat of a global new dark age already descending upon Earthly mankind?' Or, 'Is it, perhaps, already too late to be able to return now to the policies of former U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt?'"
Craig Anderson
Dr. Anderson is a professor of psychology at Iowa State University, one of the three authors of Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Public Policy.
Piers Corbyn
An astrophysicist, Dr. Corbyn is the originator of the revolutionary solar weather technique of long-range forecasting and a founder of Weather Action Long Range Forecasters.
The Base Has Spoken: Impeach Cheney!
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