New revelations that Vice President Dick Cheney has been behind the now-failed effort to cover up an $80-100 billion criminal slush fund, run through the British arms cartel BAE Systems, adds new urgency to Lyndon LaRouche's longstanding demand that Vice President Dick Cheney be impeached or otherwise removed from office for high crimes and misdemeanors. LaRouche, following his June 21, 2007 international webcast, has demanded that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi drop her stubborn and ill-conceived rejection of the need to remove Cheney from office, and take the lead in his immediate impeachment. "I know," LaRouche said on June 24, "that some of Speaker Pelosi's friends, including Felix Rohatyn, will rant and rave that British imperial asset Dick Cheney must be kept in place, but Cheney's role in the recently bungled BAE coverup makes him a prime candidate for early removal from office; and the survival of the United States and the world depends on that action.... |
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
From The Editors
Our issue this week...
...aims to stimulate you to take on two enormous tasks: To ensure the near-term elimination of Dick Cheneynow in deep kimchee with his British mastersfrom any role in U.S. policymaking; and secondly, with that huge obstacle removed, to begin to reverse the disastrous effects of the policies that Cheney and company have wrought, by joining the scientific revolution initiated over recent months by members of the LaRouche Youth Movement, working in 'The Basement.'
LaRouche to Speaker Pelosi: BAE Scandal Demands Cheney Impeachment Now!
Lyndon LaRouche, in response to revelations that Vice President Cheney is behind the unsuccessful effort to cover up the $80-100 billion criminal slush fund run through the British arms cartel BAE Systems, stated that some of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's friends 'will rant and rave that British imperial asset Dick Cheney must be kept in place, but Cheney's role in the recently bungled BAE coverup makes him a prime candidate for early removal from office.'
LaRouche Challenges Youth: Make a Revolution in Science
In an address to a LaRouche Youth Movement cadre school, in which young people on four continents participated, Lyndon LaRouche challenged them to take up the most fundamental principle in physical science: the inifitesimal, 'the most powerful force in the universe.' The unique historial role for this new generation, LaRouche said, is 'to guide the changes which must occur in society, if society itself is to survive.'
Welcome Adventurer!
A small group of LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) researchers, known as 'The Basement Team,' since they are operating from the basement of a farm in Northern Virginia, presents a preliminary report on their investigations into the most crucial breakthroughs made in scientific method.
How the Venetians Tried To Erase Kepler From Science: Empiricism as Anti-Creativity
LYM member Peter Martinson describes the scientific environment at the time that German scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss made his famous determination of the orbit of the asteroid Ceres. It was a pitched battle between the adherents of Johannes Kepler, and the ideologues of the so-called Enlightenment.
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