Over-educated, pettifogging fools delude themselves to believe that the highest law of nations, even what is mistakenly named to be "natural law," or even "constitutional law," is crafted in the modalities of a negotiated contract, as the notion of a business or related sort of contract might have been adopted, signed, voted up. That law is the peculiar advantage of the Creator of this universe, and no judge, lawyer, or legislator can prevail against that Creator for long. With the currently onrushing, global crisis of a presently self-doomed world monetary-financial system, the essential silliness of customarily taught bodies of law confronts us.... |
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
The Force of Destiny:
The Power of Natural Law
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Those who abuse natural law 'to steal the welfare of nations and their peoples, will be punished all the more severely because they have used a terrible corruption of the idea of law to perpetrate such crimes against humanity as our 'hedge funds' and kindred predators continue to do even still today.'
German Bankers Bail, But on a Sinking Ship
Flipping and Flopping
Banks, Investors Are Chewed Up by the Caymans Crocodiles Called SIVs
Congress Quits Without Action, Leaves Foreclosure Tsunami Rising Everywhere
An Eightfold Increase in Foreclosures
An interview with Cathy Hinko.
Fascist Rohatyn Calling the Democratic Shots
LaRouche Asks:
Which Bank of the South Will Prevail?
The new bank can be used to contribute to the downfall of the dollar and the rest of the world with it, or it can reflect the proposals of LaRouche, to form the seed-crystal for a new financial architecture.
Business Briefs
Conference Report
Eurasian Land-Bridge Achieves Breakthrough in Canada
A conference in Ottawa sponsored by EIR, on 'The Strategic Importance of the Eurasian LandBridge: Canada and the Coming Eurasian World.'
Who Is Out To Sabotage The Annapolis Peace Process?
The assassination of Gen. François Hajj, the second most senior officer in the Lebanese Army, threatens to throw that nation back into civil war; and tension is growing between Israel and Gaza. Yet regional diplomacy, emerging out of the Annapolis summit, continues to seek new avenues for meaningful negotiation.
Russian Candidate Medvedev:
In Tune With Putin's Rooseveltian Thrust
Mass Murder by Internet!
Games Pose New Issue of Law
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Civil Rights Heroine Amelia Robinson Organizes European Youth For LaRouche
International Intelligence
Outflanking the British Empire:
The Mass Effect
Realizing that the corpse, known as the world financial system, is quickly getting cold, LaRouche PAC organizers are acting on Lyndon LaRouche's principle of the mass effect, to galvanize the population into action.
Stockton, California, #1 in Foreclosures:
Will It Adopt HBPA?
National News
The American Patriot
Andrew Jackson as a Treason Project
Anton Chaitkin shows how President Jackson broke down the nation's power over credit, tore down the tariffs protecting U.S. industry and wages, and blocked national expansion of canals and railroads. This attack on the American System of Economics laid the groundwork for the Civil War.
Cathy Hinko
The director of the Metropolitan Housing Coalition of Louisville, Kentucky, discusses the enormous increase in housing foreclosures in the area.
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