by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
“My associates,” he writes, “are currently producing a more than adequate body of first-pass evidence, in exposing crucial aspects of that bio-fuel fraud which has also taken over the minds of relevant dupes within the Congress and some state legislatures. In this present location, my own task is to add something of deeper relevance, going qualitatively beyond the necessary tasks which my associates are fulfilling. My duty in that, is to introduce the subject of a deep quality of heathen immorality, an immorality which the bio-fuel hoax reflects in the corrupted manner of the thinking which has been induced by current cultural trends, among many dupes from among today’s world’s population generally.”
by Jason Ross
“All comprehensive notions of a competent modern physical science,” LaRouche writes, “are implicitly embedded in the implications of the problematic nature of the assumption of the equant.” Jason Ross of the LaRouche Youth Movement, a leading participant in the LYM’s ”Kepler Project," provides an outline of this concept.
by Michele Steinberg
The phrase heard in the halls of Congress and around Washington is “the time is now.” The phrase is used in the appeals from Republicans to the Bush family to save the Party and the George W. Bush legacy—by getting Cheney out. It has also been heard in open Congressional hearings.
by Harley Schlanger
by Nancy Spannaus
While no sweeping FDR-style solutions, as required, were put on the table, a number of Congressional committees featured testimony the week of Jan. 22 that went directly after the disastrous free-trade axioms that have been destroying the world economy over the past 30 years.
by Patricia Salisbury
by Marsha Freeman
An interview with Ian McCreary.
by Ramtanu Maitra
Why the Bush Administration, U.S. generals, and disgruntled NATO commanders in Afghanistan are all wrong about the solutions required.
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
by Rainer Apel
Alexander Hartmann is interviewed on the Internet radio program “The LaRouche Show.”
The LaRouche Youth Movement in Mexico issued this pamphlet, “Preamble for Our Constitution; A New Politics Begins.”
by Lawrence K. Freeman
State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III, by Bob Woodward.
Mr. McCreary is a farmer-elected director of the Canadian Wheat Board.