by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
The question the foolish U.S. Senators, and others, should be asking for themselves, is: "Who is it who has virtually drugged our Congress, again and again, into battles which our forces win abroad, but lose at home?"
by Carl Osgood
by Jeffrey Steinberg
A growing number of American, Russian, Arab, and Israeli specialists are convinced that the world has moved ominously closer to a global confrontation, to be triggered by an American or Israeli/American attack on Iran.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
"Just as the stubborn incompetence shown by nearly all of the world's economists today, is a reflection of their reliance on Cartesian mechanical-statistical methods, instead of competent, Riemannian principles of dynamics: a similar problem often infects the foreign-policy and related strategic outlooks of most nations of the world, still today."
by Anton Chaitkin
Al Gore got into national politics as a police agent, rewarded with a seat in Congress for running a racist FBI frame-up against an African-American political leader.
by David Dixon
by Anton Chaitkin, with Leandra Bernstein and Michele Steinberg
A shocking exposé of how Gore's work for the British government is an echo of the birth of the Eugenics Movement in the British Empire, the evil movement which became today's environmentalism.
by Michelle Rasmussen
The Schiller Institute's proposal for the Danish section of the Eurasian Land-Bridge, has made a splash in Denmark's media.
by Professor Sam Aluko
A prominent Nigerian economist reports in detail how the vaunted IMF-dictated "macro reforms" have worsened Nigeria's miserable living conditions.
by L. Wolfe
by Mary Burdman
The most important result of Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to Russia may be the agreement to launch a mission to Mars, as early as October 2009.
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
The chairwoman of the Civil Rights Solidarity party (BüSo) in Germany outlines how Gore's global warming Big Lie is being punctured.
by Rainer Apel
by Gretchen Small and David Ramonet
An interview with Paul Reiter, Ph.D.
An interview with Paul Driessen.
Paul Reiter heads the Insects and Infectious Disease unit of the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Prior to 2003, he spent 22 years at the Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Disease of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Paul Driessen is an author and a senior policy advisor to the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), and a senior fellow with the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.
by John Hoefle
The Trillion-Dollar Zombies