August 8, 2008
Let us be very fair about U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson. His chief fault is that he was virtually a certifiable ``Baby Boomer,'' who came into government circles during the administration of Richard Nixon, but soon left, in a gesture of prudence, to assume a safer career-opportunity in the so-called ``financial community.'' That is to emphasize, that he, like most Wall Street professionals of his age and younger, has had virtually no experience with a real economy. He is, essentially, like the rest of the Wall Street crowd, a gambler, not an economist.
In fact, the beliefs of the entire Wall Street and London financial community with whose defective, British ideology he and many others, especially the Baby-Boomers, are infected, are both insane, and also, implicitly unlawful under the specifications of the original intention of the U.S. Federal Constitution. Thus, notables such as Paulson and Bernanke ``just don't get it;'' they are, as Alice said, ``just a pack of cards,'' or, if you prefer to say it, ``just monopoly-money bureaucrats.'' |
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
- Why Paulson Blundered
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Henry Paulson is not an economist, but just a gambler, so he just doesn't understand that his beliefs are unlawful under the specifications of the original intention of the U.S. Federal Constitution. He and his colleagues are not actually competent specialists in the field of national economy as such, and without the required competence, the United States will become a mere British colony, of the type which is known to all competent economists as a 'free trade 'system.' LaRouche calls for a two-tier credit system, similar to that enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, under similar conditions of danger to the nation.
- LaRouche:
The Fed Must Raise Interest Rates Now!
A national emergency statement dated Aug. 6.
Strategic Studies
- In the Face of Global Collapse:
British, EU Target Russia with Shooting War in the Caucasus
Helga Zepp-LaRouche writes that City of London and allied forces are fueling the blowup of regional conflicts. The Georgia-Ossetia crisis is only the latest conflict which follows from the recognition last February of the independence of Kosovo by the European Union. The Western nations can either treat each country as an antagonist, 'or, they can heed the proposal which LaRouche has been making for some time, that a new international financial and economic order, in the tradition of Roosevelt and his New Deal, and Bretton Woods, be put onto the agenda.'
EIR Seminar
- Zepp-LaRouche:
Last Chance for a New Bretton Woods
In her presentation to an EIR seminar in Wiesbaden, Germany, Helga Zepp-LaRouche declared that after the collapse of the housing and mortgage bubble, speculators moved into food, biofuel, and oil speculation, creating another bubble, which will also collapse. She said that only Lyndon LaRouche's three-point emergency solution to replace the bankrupt system can succeed. She reiterated her call to double world production to deal with the crisis created by the food speculators.
- LaRouche:
The U.S.A. Must Take the Lead
Lyndon LaRouche, in a telephone address to the Wiesbaden seminar, underlined that the United States is looking at a situation like the Autumn of 1923 in Germany, when hyperinflation broke out. We are 'at a point of a general breakdown crisis,' he said. In the question period, he said that no part of the world can survive without 'a new international monetaryfinancial system.'
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