LaRouche said that the decisive Russian action against the provocation by the Georgian puppet government delivers a message to the entire world. It reverses almost 20 years of history, during which the British empire, through George Soros and other agencies, moved to take advantage of the collapse of the Soviet Union, to consolidate a world empire.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
by Michele Steinberg
by Anton Chaitkin
by Hector Rivas
by John Hoefle
The Yale economist hit the bankruptcy of the system in a recent New York Times commentary. Though he does it in a discreet way, Shiller puts his finger on the point that has long been a keystone of Lyndon LaRouche’s emergency recovery plan.
by Mary Jane Freeman
Today’s food crisis in Africa results from the food control policy of the last three decades of globalization. This problem is now compounded by the speculation-driven soaring prices of food and the drop in world reserves to record low levels.
An interview with Teodros Kiros, Ph.D.
by Marsha Freeman
by Ramtanu Maitra
Curbing the explosion of opium production has become a point of concern for some in Washington, but British influences in NATO and George Soros are pushing drug legalization.
by Ed Hamler
From “Covered in Gore,” an August 2008 LaRouche PAC pamphlet.
by Gregory Murphy
Hedge-fund billionaire T. Boone Pickens is attempting to create the largest “wind farm” in the world, but like everything else the hedge-fund operators do, it is scientifically and economically worthless.
Dr. Kiros is an Ethiopian-American scholar who has written extensively on moral economy and philosophy, and other topics, including six books. He is currently a DuBois Fellow at Harvard University, and is active with the African Community Economic Development of New England (ACEDONE).