...The run-up to, and proceedings of the so-called G-20 conference, have a quality which suggests that all these discussions might have been a parody of the notorious ``Marat/Sade'' of playwright Peter Weiss. What has been proposed by a number of leading nations represented, verges on the taking of cyanide as an assured remedy for a severe headache. If what has been proposed, as by both the current U.S. government, and haters of the U.S. dollar, alike, were adopted, the result would be fairly compared to going to an actual Hell in a global game modeled on the board game of ``Monopoly.''
In other words, as on the occasion of the lemming-like, panic-stricken adoption of the clinically insane G-20 resolution announced to us from London this Thursday morning, the ignorance displayed by a panic-stricken, complicit set of heads of state and government: ignorance is not innocence....
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
This Week's Cover
- A British, Malthusian Swindle:
A New World Currency as Fraud
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
'The run-up to, and proceedings of the so-called G-20 conference, have a quality which suggests that all these discussions might have been a parody of the notorious 'Marat/ Sade' of playwright Peter Weiss. What has been proposed by a number of leading nations represented, verges on the taking of cyanide as an assured remedy for a severe headache. If what has been proposed, as by both the current U.S. government, and haters of the U.S. dollar, alike, were adopted, the result would be fairly compared to going to an actual Hell in a global game modeled on the board game of 'Monopoly.'
- Obama Is Running Out of Time:
Summers Has To Go Now
Larry Summers, director of the National Economic Council, has sold the Obama Administration on returning to the very policies that are responsible for destroying the financial system. LaRouche's call for his ouster is echoed by economists such as Paul Krugman and James Galbraith, and by Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio.
- Time To Reopen LaRouche Exoneration
Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to dismiss all charges against former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens raises the issue of when the Justice Department will exonerate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., a victim of prosecutorial misconduct far more egregious than that employed against Stevens.
- Worldwide Opposition Grows to ICC Lies on Sudan
Senior scholars, specialists, and high-level former diplomats, including from the United States, are challenging the myth of the 'genocide' of 300,000400,000 Darfurians, and denouncing the International Criminal Court's warrant against Sudanese President Omar alBashir as a disaster for Sudan, and a foreign policy nightmare for the United States, should it be endorsed as U.S. policy.
- U.S.-Iran Parley at The Hague:
A Watershed?
Irana principal target of the drug traffic out of Afghanistan reiterated its readiness to work with the international community against drugs, and the United States is ready to talk.
- Israel-Palestine:
End British Mandate System of Injustice
Report from a conference in Boston on 'One State for Palestine/Israel: A Country for All Its Citizens?'
- The Netanyahu Government:
Israel Moves Closer to Attacking Iran
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