Sept. 30During the recent days, I have presented a series of reports bearing on the matter of the nature and causes of the presently onrushing October crisis of both the U.S.A.'s and the world's current entry into the crucial phase of a global economic-breakdown crisis. I have indicated the first half of October as a crucial period of phase-shift into the actuality of the already looming, initial onset of that actual breakdown. Here, I restate the case with special emphasis on identifying the probable forms in which the present inevitability of that phase-shift might be expressed during the weeks immediately ahead.
Now, that Germany's parliamentary elections have just been concluded, the citizens of the U.S.A. should be reminded, that today's continuing political mass-strike against both the Obama Administration and the membership of the increasingly despised cur that great mass strike in East Germany which brought about the fall of the Berlin Wall about twenty years ago. How, then, would the alleged "ordinary citizen" expect to recognize the signs of such a development during its opening phase?Now, in the U.S.A. today, the cry of "Wir sind das Volk!" from Germany then, is echoed by the theme "We are the people!" which is resounding from the voices of a still-rising mass-strike movement from among the majority of the U.S. adult population.... ...
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
This Week's Cover Story
- The Season of a Twentieth Anniversary:
Now, October!
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
'During the recent days,' he writes, 'I have presented a series of reports bearing on the matter of the nature and causes of the presently onrushing October crisis of both the U.S.A.'s and the world's current entry into the crucial phase of a global economic-breakdown crisis. I have indicated the first half of October as a crucial period of phase-shift into the actuality of the already looming, initial onset of that actual breakdown. Here, I restate the case with special emphasis on identifying the probable forms in which the present inevitability of that phase-shift might be expressed during the weeks immediately ahead.'
- The Empire Crumbles:
This Tower of Babble
Lyndon LaRouche states that the economic collapse which will cause the disintegration of the entire world system of nationstates, is a result of the spread of 'free trade,' and globalization.
- Now, Commercial Real Estate Collapse Is On
As the economy collapses, so do the values of the office buildings, shopping centers, and commercially owned residential properties. This is creating a panic about the huge quantities of debt represented by commercial mortgages and the derivatives piled atop them.
- Administration Moves To Ram Through Fascist Health Bill
The Baucus bill, stage managed by the White House, not only includes the establishment of the council of 'experts,' modeled on Hitler's T4 euthanasia council, to make rulings on who should get treatment, and who should die, but is also riddled with provisions for cutting hundreds of billions of dollars from health-care providers, while delivering hundreds of billions into the coffers of the Wall Street and City of London sharks who control the major insurance companies in the United States.
- As Easy as Falling Downstairs:
General McChrystal's Folly
Lyndon LaRouche reports that the case of the proposals associated with Lieutenant-General Stanley McChrystal's stated intention, is to be seen as one more, ignorant step typical of the consequences of ignoring the violation of constitutional principle expressed by the concept of the 'unitary' principle.
- The British Plan:
Send More Troops, To Partition Afghanistan
While some of the top officials of the Obama Administration fear getting trapped in an endless conflict with no possible positive outcome in Afghanistan, the White House is under pressure from Generals McChrystal and Petraeus, and particularly from the British, to put more troops into Afghanistan and slog it out for years.
- An Election in Germany:
Death Under the Brutish Boot
Lyndon LaRouche writes that Europe has come under the British imperial boot, and that this will not change until there is a complete transformation from a monetarist system, to a credit system of the type specified by the U.S. Federal Constitution.
- Helga Zepp-LaRouche Webcast:
What Will Follow October Crash:
A New Dark Age or a New Credit System?
Mrs. LaRouche's opening statement at her Sept. 22 webcast, before the Sept. 27 election. She was the Chancellor candidate of the Civil Rights Solidarity Movement (BüSo). Contrary to the government parties, the 'experts,' and the media, she states, Germany is not in an economic recovery mode, but is sinking deeper into crisis. But there is a solution, and it is based on Germany's almost-unknown history of collaboration with the American System of political economy.
- Israel Accused of War Crimes in Gaza
The blacked-out report by the UN Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, headed by a Jewish South African jurist, Richard Goldstone.
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