Merv Fansler and Michael Kirsch joined host Harley Schlanger Aug. 21, for a discussion of the work of the Basement Team on Lyndon LaRouche's proposal to transform the Biosphere, and with it, create an economic renaissance throughout the planet, with NAWAPA....
Harley Schlanger: We are in the midst of the approximate two-month time period identified by Lyndon LaRouche, back in mid-July, as the time during which we must have a decisive break with the imperialist monetary system of the British Empire, or we will be plunged into a 1923 Weimar-style hyperinflation, which will destroy human civilization for the next several generations.
In the last week, we saw two things happen: One, the confirmation of the accuracy of LaRouche's forecast, with the decision made by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department, to go with what is now universally acknowledged as a hyperinflationary policy. That is, they are not wiping out the bad debts, they are not reorganizing the banking system, they are not going with a Glass-Steagall; they are creating funny money in huge volumes, and pumping it into the banking system at the expense of the physical economy....
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
This Week's Cover
- The LaRouche Show:
On the Edge of a New Era; LaRouche's Big IdeaNAWAPA
Merv Fansler and Michael Kirsch joined LaRouche Show host Harley Schlanger Aug. 21, for a discussion of the work of the Basement Team on Lyndon LaRouche's proposal to transform the Biosphere, and with it, create an economic renaissance throughout the planet, with NAWAPA. Under discussion: the revolution in the self-identity of man, that has emerged with the breakthrough in the Basement, with the posting of a 3-D, interactive, animated map of NAWAPA. LaRouche's concept of NAWAPA is not simply an infrastructure program, or a jobs plan, although it is both, but the means by which mankind self-consciously asserts its authority over the Biosphere, while at the same time, moving into the Solar System, and beyond.
World News
- Challenged by Rachel Brown, 'Bailout Barney' Runs Scared
Will Massachusetts voters elect LaRouche Democrat Rachel Brown in the 4th C.D. Democratic primary, as Texas voters did last March in electing LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers? That's impossible to say, but what we do know, is that her opponent, Bailout Barney Frank, is on the ropes, and that Brown's campaign is inspiring the electorate with LaRouche's plan to rescue the planet.
- Flood-Ravaged Nation:
Pakistan Needs Vast Water-Management Plan
The true nature of the catastrophe, is probably much harsher than has been reported, in what has been the worst flooding that Pakistan has ever experienced. But, with a largescale water-management system, Pakistan's Biosphere can be transformed.
- Obituary:
Russian Academician Alexander Granberg
Academician Granberg was a leading member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and an enthusiatic advocate of the Bering Strait Tunnel project.
- Sci-Tech Updates
- Evolution and Organismic Communication
by Jason Ross
According to the neo-Darwinists, the tree of evolution splits and develops in a single manner. But, as Ross, a member of the LaRouche Basement Team, demonstrates, Darwin's mechanistic idea is completely absurd. Instead, we must look to the strong correlation between cosmic radiation incident upon the Earth and cycles of biodiversity.
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