Oct. 16Get off your couch. In fact, leave your house, fly up off the Earth and out of its atmosphere, and don't stop until you've exited our lowly little Solar System and entered into the real universe known as cosmic space. As presented in the new LPAC-TV feature, ``Our Extraterrestrial Imperative 2: Cosmic Rays,'' it is only when you have taken this journey beyond your senses, and what you think you know about the world around you, that real science can begin.
A scientific revolution was launched last week with the release of the video, which presents the hypothesis of the galactic processes that influence and shape the development of life on our planet. The video begins by taking the viewer back in time, asking the question of how and why different species of life enter and exit the stage of planetary history in measurable cycles of increase and decrease. These cycles also participate in the longer-term process of upward evolutionary progress. Then, in the search for the cause, the video proceeds to take the viewer from the domain of the very large, to the very small...
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
This Week's Cover
- The View from the Galaxy:
Science from the Top, Down
Michelle Fuchs introduces the LaRouche Basement Team's new LPAC-TV feature, 'Our Extraterrestrial Imperative 2: Cosmic Rays,' which presents the hypothesis of the galactic processes that influence and shape the development of life on our planet. Lyndon LaRouche described the video as a breakthrough: 'the first explicit statement we've made on this issue of the organization of the universe.'
- The Extraterrestrial Imperative, Part 2:
Cosmic Rays
If we are to embark on the mission of colonizing Mars, we must first come to terms with a very important and very mysterious factorcosmic radiation. What will be the effects of prolonged exposure to 'cosmic space' on our space pioneers? How will we make other planets habitable? This video explores the scientific issues, notably how cycles of changes in life on Earth correlate with cycles of exposure to cosmic radiation that the Solar System experiences, as it makes its way through the galaxy.
- LaRouche/Basement Dialogue:
Mind Is the Principle of the Universe
- Mass Strike in France Hits Bankers' Pension Heist
Millions are protesting President Sarkozy's plan, dictated by the International Monetary Fund and the banks, to raise the age at which a person can receive a pension. It's just one aspect of the broader push for austerity in Europe.
- FDR, not Obama:
Bring Back Haiti's 'Valleys of Hope'
Barack Obama's 'let 'em die' policies towards Haiti, in the ten months since the Jan. 12 earthquake, have kept the majority of Haiti's people in a Dark Ages hell, where survival is a daily struggle. Not a cent of the $1.15 billion pledged by the U.S. government, has materialized. Contrast this to Franklin Roosevelt's approach, of building CCC-style camps in Haiti, to foster its economic development.
- Kesha Rogers
LaRouche Democrat Rogers is the Democratic candidate for Congress in the 22nd Congressional District (Houston), having defeated her opponent in March, with 53% of the vote. She has been running a scantily funded, but aggressive, David vs. Goliath grassroots campaign against Republican incumbent Pete Olson, calling for President Obama's ouster, Glass-Steagall, and defense of NASA.
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