by Nancy Spannaus
The LaRouche Political Action Committee, at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 12, introduced a slate of Congressional candidates who are mounting challenges to leading Democratic traitors. Rachel Brown will tackle Rep. Barney Frank (Mass.); Summer Shields is opposing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.); and Kesha Rogers is running in the 22nd Congressional District in Texas. With a national campaign orientation, they will be raising the banner for the LaRouche Plan for economic reconstruction, and the United States joining a Four-Power Alliance for a world credit system and global development policies.
by Michael Billington
The nations of Eurasia have definitively rejected British imperial anti-nuclear power dictates, asserting their longterm development to be centered, necessarily, upon expanded nuclear power capacities. While Asian nations are currently building 43 plants, the U.S.A. is finishing only one previously mothballed plant, and Western Europe is building only two.
by Hussein Askary
Sudan President Omar Hasan al-Bashir announced that Sudan would host the headquarters of the project to build a railroad across Africa, from Port Sudan to Dakar, Senegal, and will be the driving force for realizing the infrastructure project.
by Ramtanu Maitra
by Dennis Small
by Jeffrey Steinberg
by Tony Papert
Targetted categories of the population will see increased death rates if the Obama health plan is implemented. The so-called “Cadillac tax” will end up making health care unaffordable for many families who presently have employer coverage.
by John Hoefle
AIG was the funnel through which huge amounts of government money went to the big banks, transferring their losses to the taxpayer. This broke the panic, but did not solve the underlying program. It appears that Tim Geithner, then head of the New York Fed, ordered AIG to break U.S. securities law as part of this operation.
Documentation: Status of the AIG Investigation.
by Marsha Freeman
A first-hand report on plans presented at the Congress of the International Astronautical Federation in Daejeon, South Korea, by countries new to space exploration.
An interview with Dr. Berndt Feuerbacher.
by William Jones
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
“If you want to become a leader,” Lyndon LaRouche told the LaRouche Youth Movement in Germany at the end of December, “you’ve got to represent a mission. And I think about human history, as far as I know it, and you would say, ‘What would be the mission you would want for mankind, which would govern mankind, along those ways?’” Excerpts from LaRouche’s presentations and discussion.
Dr. Feuerbacher is the president of the International Astronautical Federation, and has participated in many science missions of the European Space Agency. He holds eight patents.
by Douglas DeGroot
Why Do the British Want Asia Out of Africa?