by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Lyndon LaRouche told LaRouche PAC TV’s Weekly Report program: “When you look at the planet from my standpoint, you see that this planet is now a great tragedy. We are living in a tragedy. And the real signal of the tragedy is, we have a bum as President, whose policies are actually congruent with those of Adolf Hitler, in his own way, and we don’t do anything about it. “You have to respect this President.” This President does not respect human life, why should we, who are part of human life, respect his opinion?”
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
As the work of Johannes Kepler has demonstrated, and as Albert Einstein has confirmed, LaRouche writes, “there is no separation of great artistic composition from valid approaches to physical science.
“I devote this present report to a representation of that specific case, a case of what I consider the most appropriate illustration of the unity of those creative powers of true discovery which are shared among both Classical tragedy and the breadth of social and physical science.”
by Stephan Ossenkopp
The Schiller Institute’s conference on “Rebuilding the World Economy—NAWAPA, the Bering Strait, and the Eurasian Land-Bridge,” on Sept. 25 in Berlin, presented a solution to the crisis of the global system: great infrastructure projects and nuclear power. The speakers were Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Dr. Hal Cooper, Dr. Sergei Cherkasov, Portia Tarumbwa-Strid, and physicist Veit Ringel.
by Dr. Marcello Vichi
Dr. Marcello Vichi, who originated the concept of the Transaqua project for African development, submitted this speech in writing to the Schiller Institute’s Berlin conference.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Lyndon LaRouche’s remarks to a private seminar in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 29. Reenactment of the Glass-Steagall Law, he said, would immediately bankrupt most of the nation’s banks; but that does not mean they would be shut down. The legitimate parts of the commercial banks would be protected by the Federal government. Once that is accomplished, we can proceed with the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA), the great development project of the 21st Century.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Lyndon LaRouche sent this videotaped lecture to a conference at Russia’s Dubna University.
by Ramtanu Maitra
It is up to New Delhi and the government of the Indian part of Jammu and Kashmir to formulate a policy to bring normalcy back to people’s lives in that violence-stricken region. It is also necessary to find a mechanism to ensure that no such prolonged violence occurs again. To expect anything further in the present context, is nothing but a dream.
by Dennis Small and Gretchen Small
The military assault on the headquarters of the narcoterrorist FARC marks “the beginning of the end” for that cocaine cartel, said Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos. It could bring down a lot more than that, and London is not pleased.
by Lawrence K. Freeman