LaRouche Webcast
The State of the Union: A.D. 2011 |
Lyndon LaRouche delivered this webcast address, his first of the New Year, from Northern Virginia, on Jan. 22, 2011.
We have now entered a period of hyperinflation, inside the United States. It's also going on internationally, which means that people who are talking about adjustments in policy, during the coming months, or the coming weeks, months, whatever, are not in the real world. I happen to know that most of the Democratic Party leadership, which has been meeting and discussing things this past week, have no idea of what's about to hit them, and therefore, are debating matters which are actually irrelevant. That the usual things, the assumption, for example, that this President can remain to be the incumbent President, for more than fairly short period of time remaining, which is a very popular belief among Democrats, even those who despise this President, is a gone bunny. Because if you're going to have a United States, he's going to be gone. If he's not gone, you're not going to have a United States. That's where we are.
So, we've come to a time, where this useless creature, or worse than useless creature, called the President, is about to leave office soon, because we are now in a period of a rate of acceleration of international inflation, which is approaching that of what hit Germany in 1923. We're in, already, a 1923 type of syndrome. Any government that continues the policy of this President, or policy under this President, is a doomed government, this year!
Now, we don't have to have a doomed government. All we have to do, is get rid of this President.... |
The Weekly Digests
...return with the next issue.
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
This Week's Cover
- LaRouche Webcast:
The State of the Union: A.D. 2011
Lyndon LaRouche delivers his first webcast of the New Year, on Jan. 22, opening with a renewed, and urgent call, for Obama to be removed from the Presidency, under the provisions of the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 'If you don't get rid of this President, you're not going to have a government,' LaRouche stated. 'It's that simple. The Democrats have to come to understand that. If they've got any interim plan for accommodating to this President, they're wasting their time. Reality will not allow that to happen.' On the other hand, he said, 'there is a narrow selection of measures which are appropriate to this problem. It is possible, within a short period of time, to change this situation, beginning with the Glass-Steagall action; the actual, original Glass-Steagall being reenacted, at some time during the weeks, or so forth, ahead, would be sufficient to open the gates, for alternatives for recovery, not only in the United States, but because of the United States, the planet.' LaRouche's keynote address was followed by a two-and-a-half hour dialogue, covering issues from the crises in Ireland and Tunisia, to the bankruptcies of the U.S. state governments.
- The Extended NAWAPA:
Project Overview
Key features of the NAWAPA (North American Water and Power Alliance), from LaRouchePAC. 'The implementation of NAWAPA means making the bold decision to solve the longterm needs of mankind for the next 50 years, in the management of water and other presently known and new resources. It means a civilization taking its destiny into its own hands, by managing continental and global characteristics instead of local ones.'
World News
- Statement by Jacques Cheminade:
To the Tunisian People, After the Fall of Ben Ali
Cheminade is the leader of the French political party Solidarity and Progess, and a candidate for the 2012 French Presidential elections. In a statement issued from Paris, on the crisis in Tunisia, he writes: 'The fall of Ben Ali represents the awakening of a people, and of an army, that couldn't bear any longer to live under the oppression of a mafioso clan. My heart is with those who have freed themselves, but the verbal expression of solidarity is insufficient. France has a duty toward them, as much by reason of our common history, as by our recent intolerable complacency.'
- World Bank:
Tunisia Is a 'Success Story'
An October 2010 World Bank report heaps praise on Tunisia as one of the leading African economies, based on its doubling of exports, and its competitiveness. However, Tunisia's years of cooperation with the IMF and World Bank have actually resulted in a doubling of unemployment, especially among educated youth, the murder of the middle class, and privatization of its economy, leaving the country with tourism as its only 'industry.'
- North Africa:
From Roudaire's 'Inland Sea' Project to the Blue Revolution
A preview of North Africa in 2050, following the transformation of the vast desert by a great water project.
- Germany Moves To Surmount the Crisis:
Foul-Up in Merkel's New Year Speech Fixed
It has since been revealed that Chancellor Merkel read the wrong speech in her New Year's address.
- Megafloods, HRH Prince Philip Savage Australia's Food Production
Robert Barwick writes from Melbourne, that the recurring floods in Australia have devastated major food production areas of the nation, wiping out huge chunks of wheat, beef, and fresh vegetables production. This was not an act of nature alone: Prince Philip's WWF and the Green mafia have prevented urgently needed water infrastructure from being built in this vast continent. Had several long-proposed dams been constructed, the flood damage would have been greatly ameliorated.
- Australia Needs a Debt Moratorium
An interview with Australian farmer Maurice Hetherington.
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