``Thus, in summary, we are confronted with three categories of direct, or indirect human experience:
1.) What is traditionally regarded as the subject of human sense-experience;
2.) An intermediate domain, which recognizes qualities of sense-experience which can be recognized in domains much broader than conventional notions of sense-perception;
3.) The known domain whose characteristic is the role of specifically human creative powers of insight and innovation.
``In earlier reports on this subject, the emphasis had been placed on the crucial importance of the second, middle ground, that of sensible experiences beyond the category of the five heretofore `conventional' notions of sense-perception, including the prominent role of the added experience expressed by aid of the role of scientific instruments.
``Now, in this present report, our attention is focused on the domain of a middle stage of our obligatory investigations, a stage which is represented by the seeking out of the subject of those additional sensory powers which are expressed within the ranges of cosmic radiation, which now includes what are both useful and tolerable for both human and other forms of life, but are, nonetheless, not yet the voluntary expressions of specifically human creative powers...." |
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
This Week's Feature
- The Extended Sensorium
'In this present report,' Lyndon LaRouche wrote, 'our attention is focused on the domain of a middle stage of our obligatory investigations, a stage which is represented by the seeking out of the subject of those additional sensory powers which are expressed within the ranges of cosmic radiation, which now includes what are both useful and tolerable for both human and other forms of life, but are, nonetheless, not yet the voluntary expressions of specifically human creative powers. 'Although these extended powers of senseperception, include, for example, the special senses expressed as being employed through the design of migratory birds, the extended categories of senseperceptions, such as those of such birds, do represent an intermediate quality of types, which all share the quality of the intermediate quality lying between what might be regarded as presently accepted notions of sense-perception and the cognitive powers unique to the human species among known species of living organisms. Next, comes creativity in and of itself. 'It is my function in this report, to identify the mission which this indicated set of steps implies, the mission which other members of the team will, chiefly, carry out.'
- Synesthesia:
Beyond the Five Senses
Oyang Teng demonstrates that, even what we commonly tend to recognize as sense perception, cannot be neatly divided into five distinct categories.
- Helen Keller:
Mind over Instrumentation
In Meghan Rouillard's case study of Helen Keller, we will begin to see the peculiar relationship between mind and the senses, and see that mind, as a principle, is not, in fact, dependent upon any specific 'set' of given senses.
- Following the Beat of a Different Drummer
Peter Martinson presents a study of biological rhythms in animals and humans, and discusses the ability of organisms to respond to solar and other extraterrestrial cycles.
- Polarization Sensitivity:
A Strong and Weak Sense
In a more detailed view of the role of electromagnetic phenomena in the Biosphere, Meghan Rouillard describes a sense which might, at first, seem alien to humans: the ability to sense polarized light.
- What Is Circularly Polarized Light?
Jason Ross describes the characteristics of polarized light.
- Insects and Infrared
Oyang Teng's discussion of insects using infrared emissions as a sense of 'smell.'
- Magnetoreception
Benjamin Deniston's detailed discussion of the still-puzzling phenomenon of magnetoreception in birds and other animalstheir ability to perceive the detailed structure of the Earth's magnetic field, for use in navigation.
- Unheard Melodies:
Electric and Magnetic Senses in Humans
Sky Shields takes up various expressions of the human ability to perceive electromagnetic phenomena, with a specific emphasis on the electromagnetic conditions to be found as humanity migrates poleward, as we implement the proposed North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA).
- The Sounds of a Cosmic Chorus
A discussion of Classical musical composition and human culture by Aaron Halevy.
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