Aug. 8The following statement was issued today by Lyndon LaRouche, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and Jacques Cheminade.
The entire global financial system has collapsed, and while the center of the crash is in the trans-Atlantic region, there is no region of the world that is immune from the disintegration that is already underway. A radical policy change is the only way to avoid a total breakdown of civilization, beginning in the trans-Atlantic region, that will drive the world population down to below 2 billion people in a very short period of time. There is no longer any distinction between the disintegration of the European financial and monetary system and the total bankruptcy of the Wall Street so-called ``too big to fail'' banks. A modest estimate is that the Big Six Wall Street banks are exposed to 1.5 trillion in Spanish and Italian debt alone, much of which is nearly worthless. Last week, when European interbank lending froze, it was the U.S. Federal Reserve that opened an emergency discount window. President Barack Obama has pledged to German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the United States will be the lender of last resort for the entire European Monetary Union. This pledge by President Obama is not only unconstitutional and an act of virtual treason against the people of the United States. It is a pledge for Weimar-style hyperinflation, but this time, on a global scale. Such hyperinflationary bailout schemes would perhaps extend the life of the present bankrupt system for a few weeks more... |
The Past Week's News, at a Glance:
This Week's Cover
- A Trans-Atlantic Call:
Emergency Solution to the Global Breakdown Crisis
A statement issued Aug. 8, by Lyndon LaRouche, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and Jacques Cheminade: The entire global financial system has collapsed, and while the center of the crash is in the transAtlantic region, there is no region of the world that is immune from the disintegration that is already underway. A radical policy change is the only way to avoid a total breakdown of civilization, beginning with the immediate removal of Barack Obama from the U.S. Presidency.
- An Emergency Address to the Nation:
LaRoucheThere Is Only One Solution
Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed on Aug. 5 by Alicia Cerretani of LPAC-TV, in the aftermath of Obama's 'debt deal' establishing a SuperCongress, with antiConstitutional powers over the U.S. economy. 'The legislation passed through means the certain destruction of civilization, he warned, 'not only of our nation, but of others. Unless this is repudiated, the United States as a nation no longer exists, and that's in the short term, not the long term.'
- Back on the Road to Prosperity
- LaRouche on 'The Pact of the Human Soul'
In a poignant dialogue between two generations, one quite old, the other very young, Lyndon LaRouche and Alicia Cerretani discuss what it will take to shift civilization away from the dark age it now faces. The key thing, LaRouche advised, is, 'you have to have a certain degree of courage, a courage to face ideas, real ideas.'
- After Obama's Hitler Coup:
The Guts To Impeach
President Obama has committed high crimes and misdemeanors against the U.S. Constitution that warrant his immediate impeachment. In the course of the Congressional debates on the Libya War, and the more recent Super-Congress debt ceiling deal, scores of Members of Congress openly acknowledged that the President had violated his oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution.
- Why Congress Is Stupid:
Congressional Research Service Circulates Trash on Glass-Steagall
With a growing number of rebellious Members of Congress debating Glass-Steagall, a report supposedly 'debunking' the measure has been issued by the Congressional Research Service. Its 'arguments' are those bought and paid for by Wall Street.
- Britain's Surrogate War Against the Union, 1861-65
The most important aspect of the Civil War conflict has largely been forgotten: that the war 'was the second military phase of the political battle which raged between Britain and the United States from the time a formal ceasefire was concluded at Yorktown in 1781.'
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