Lyndon LaRouche opened the LPAC-TV Weekly Report on Aug. 11 with the following remarks.
We had an event, yesterday, a diplomatic event in Washington, D.C. The most significant part of that event is obviously the thing that was least on the schedule, and that is, as most of the diplomats there indicated, they have no comprehension of what the world situation is, or their immediate situation, right now. They're all trapped in a fantasy-land, which presumes that things aren't as bad as they are, a gross underestimation of the crisis which faces humanity now. For example, what we're dealing with immediately is the threat of, say, as early as Saturday, there could be a collapse of the entire world system, a chain-reaction collapse. We're on the edge now, of the decisions which will decide that. Perhaps some of these nations will be frightened enough not to do the stupid thing, the absolutely stupid thing, but none of them will be bright enough to know what to do, to be successful, in dealing with it.
And that's the mission before us. And that's the subject of the discussion here, today....
We are in a general breakdown crisis. And anyone who thinks there is not a general breakdown crisis, who does not think there's an immediate collapse of civilization, beginning in the trans-Atlantic region and extended to the rest of the world: We are looking at a breakdown crisis which has planet-wide, immediate implications.... |
The Past Week's News, at a Glance:
This Week's Cover
- The Time Is Now:
The Only Solution Is To Fire Obama; Restore Glass-Steagall
In reflecting on his discussion with a group of diplomats in Washington last week, Lyndon LaRouche stated that they, but not only they, have no comprehension of what the world situation is today; that they are all trapped in a fantasy-land, characterized by a gross underestimation of the crisis which faces humanity now.
- A Mission for Two Generations:
We Are Now the Only Hope for Humanity as a Whole
In his address to a private luncheon in Washington Aug. 10, LaRouche reviewed the depth of the crisis we face; the issue is whether the solutions available will be accepted. This now becomes the mission of two generations: his own, the fast disappearing World War II generation, and the young generation; the Baby Boomers, who, as a generation, have shown themselves unfit to take responsibility.
- The Pact of the Human Soul, Part 2
A video discussion between Lyndon LaRouche and LPAC-TV editor Alicia Cerretani on Aug. 9.
- Breakdown Crisis Out of Control:
Urgent Appeal for a Global Glass-Steagall System
The chaos that now afflicts Euroland will not be solved by tinkering with monetarist solutions. Helga ZeppLaRouche insists that nothing less than dumping the casino economy and adoption of a two-tier banking system, à la GlassSteagall, will work.
- Horn of Africa Food Crisis an Avoidable Crime against Humanity
The shocking reports and images of the horrendous conditions in Somalia and throughout the Horn don't tell half the story. With 12 million of people at risk, immediate aid is required. But the truth is that the crisis is man-made, and can still be reversed.
- Will Obama Support an Attack on Sudan?
After securing its split-up of the country, anti-Sudan forces, both inside and outside the U.S. government, have gone into overdrive, agitating for the overthrow of the Bashir government.
- A French Mayor Views the Financial Crisis
Daniel Heydt, mayor of the village of Bellange, gave this speech to the Schiller Institute conference in Rüsselsheim, Germany July 3.
- There Is a Growing Drumbeat for Obama's Ouster
Kentucky State Senator Perry Clark's call for President Obama 'to step down or face impeachment' highlights the anti-Obama offensive which is now resonating throughout the country.
- AFL-CIO Endorses Glass-Steagall Bill
- The 9/11 Coverup Is Unraveling
As the tenth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon approaches, the decade-long coverup of the actual authorship of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history is beginning to unravel.
- Happy Birthday, Dear Amelia!
Helga Zepp-LaRouche commemorates the 100th birthday of 'the rich, and good life' of Amelia Boynton Robinson, the grand old lady of the American Civil Rights movement.
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