Oct. 24With the murder of three American citizens by airstrikes in Yemen, and the killing of Libya's head of state Muammar Qaddafi and his family members with U.S. and NATO drone strikes, U.S. President Barack Obama has entered into a new, and even more dangerous phase of his Nero-like behavior, demonstrating to the world again why he must be removed from office now. Lyndon LaRouche said on Oct. 21, that Obama has claimed the right to murder anyone he chooses; he will kill anywhere in the world, and he doesn't care if the target is an American citizen, either. It's as if Obama is running his own worldwide 'Murder, Inc.' The only difference between Obama and the notorious gangster Meyer Lansky, is that Lansky was smart, and Obama is a homocidal maniac. LaRouche emphasized that 'Bugsy' Obama is not acting on his own. His worse-than-Nero behavior is being carried out on behalf of the British monarchy. Obama is acting as an instrument of the Roman imperial system, known as the British Crown. He is worse than Nero, because he has greater kill power at his disposal. Emperor Nero had no drones. The British hand-picked Obama precisely because he was and is totally insane, LaRouche noted. His behavior as President cannot possibly be understood unless you start from the fact that he is criminally insane. Under British orders, Obama is engaging in open and flagrant Hitler-like actions.... |
This Week's Cover
- NerObama Threatens You:
Stop Obama's Killing Spree
President Obama has claimed the right to kill at willanyone, and anywhereeven American citizens. 'It's as if Obama is running his won worldwide 'Murder, Inc.' ' said LaRouche. But the actions of the neo-Nero, operating on behalf of the British Empire, have provoked condemnation and calls for investigation, from such disparate sources as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and Andrew Napolitano, the conservative host of Fox TV's 'Freedom Watch,' to name but a few. The extrajudicial killings of American citizens, under orders from the President of the United States, go beyond even the criminal behavior of the CheneyBush regime, and put the necessity of Obama's ouster front and center.
- A Foreign Agent within Our Midst:
Why We Don't Need Wall Street
The Wall Street predators have put out the lie that enacting Glass-Steagall will shut down every bank in the U.S. Balderdash! 'This is a damned lie,' charged LaRouche, 'and only damned fools believe it.' Robert Ingraham, writing in September 2010, presents the true history of the slave-trading, dope-running origins of today's Wall Street megabanks, which have brought the world economy to its knees.
- Support Grows for Glass-Steagall, at Home and Abroad
The clamor for the reintroduction of FDR's Glass-Steagall law, in the form of H.R. 1489, has grown exponentially since the eruption of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement in midSeptember, fueled by the three-year-long intensive campaign by Lyndon LaRouche and his political action committee.
World News
- Eurozone on the Brink:
Governments Avoid Solution, Lash Out Against Each Other
All efforts to keep the imploding trans-Atlantic financial system alive somehow, by a combination of printing money, fascist austerity measures, colonization of the states in deficit, and flagrant violation of the law, are doomed to failure, writes Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
- The Case of Bank of America:
Defeat the Cannibals, Before They Eat Us
Bank of America, among the largest in the U.S., has just received a green light from the Fed to offload $22 trillion in derivativesi.e., gambling betsonto its commerical banking operations.
- LaRouche's Recovery Plan:
Step SevenA Global Fixed-Exchange Rate and Great Development Projects
The final installment in our series on LaRouche's Seven Necessary Steps for Economic Recovery.
- French Presidential Campaign:
Cheminade Calls for Program of 'Combat and Reconstruction'
Cheminade launched his campaign at a conference of his Solidarity & Progress party Oct. 15-16, calling for 'a world without the City of London or Wall Street.'
- What Is Creativity, Actually?:
The Real Human Mind
The relevant evidence respecting life on Earth within our galaxy, over about the last 500 million years, writes Lyndon LaRouche, reveals an ordering of living processes during a lapsed time in which the progress of development from relatively inferior to superior forms of life, is characteristic of life itself, in opposition to the fraudulent 'Second Law of Thermodynamics.
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