Volume 39, Number 41, October 19, 2012


Rhodes Forum—A Dialogue of Civilizations: For Unity in Diversity and Concern for Mankind’s Future  

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Oct. 3-8 marked the 10th World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” in Rhodes. The discussions gave a foretaste of a future world community that has renounced once and for all the barbarous use of war as a means of conflict resolution. By Helga Zepp-LaRouche, a panelist in the forum.

A Vision for the Future of Humanity  

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

The presentation by Helga Zepp-LaRouche to the Rhodes Forum.

Russian, U.S., Chinese Address Rhodes Forum

Excerpts from the keynote speech by Vladimir Yakunin (Russia), World Public Forum (WPF) founding president and president of the Russian Railways company, titled “Diversity of Civilizations as a Vehicle for Attaining Successful Global Changes”; from a speech at last year’s Forum by WPF co-chairman Prof. Fred Dallmayr (U.S.A.), University of Notre Dame, which was circulated at the 2012 forum to identify “Who Are We? What Is WPF-Dialogue of Civilizations?”; and from a paper by Prof. Sienho Yee (China), Wuhan University, on “The International Law of Co-Progressiveness and the Co-Progressiveness of Civilizations.”


Turkish Provocations of Syria Can Trigger WW III  

by Jeffrey Steinberg

The fact that the confrontation between Turkey and Syria could escalate into a clash between NATO and Russia, has became glaringly obvious.

Obama Takes MeK Killers Off Terror List

by Michele Steinberg

The harrowing record of terrorism of the Mujahedin e-Kalq, to which the State Department has now given its seal of approval, because it is fighting Iran.

Will the British, Once Again, Provoke a Sino-Japanese War?

by Mike Billington

Long-dormant territorial disputes have erupted over uninhabited islands in the the East China Sea, causing a diplomatic crisis and raising the threat of war.


To Stop ‘9/11 Two,’ Expose Brit-Saudi-Obama Deadly Game  

by Nancy Spannaus

The Oct. 10 hearings of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee about the deaths in Benghazi, Libya, showed that President Obama cannot be trusted to provide security for Americans, or to tell the truth.

Obituary: Mervyn M. Dymally: A Life Well Lived

by Harley Schlanger


Give Dairy Farmers a Fair Price; Save the Milk Supply

An interview with George R. Davis, vice-president of the California Farmers Union.

LaRouche Webcast

LaRouche: Save the Nation from the British Empire  

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

In the second of his “Friday webcasts” leading up to the Presidential election on Nov. 6, Lyndon LaRouche underlines the bankruptcy of “party politics” and points the way to the policies that a nonpartisan government must pursue to save the United States—after the ouster of Barack Obama.

The Three-Point Program

Founding Fathers Warn vs. Political Parties

From statements by George Washington and Benjamin Franklin.


George R. Davis

Davis, vice-president of the California Farmers Union, is active with the California Dairy Campaign, an affiliate of the CFU. He comes from a family dairy farm background, and currently operates a vineyard in northern California.


On the Brink of Nuclear War, Again?
