Volume 40, Number 21, May 24, 2013


Glass-Steagall Breakthrough: Harkin Bill Opens Door to Restoring Economic Sanity  

by Debra Hanania-Freeman

LaRouche PAC’s mobilization to restore FDR’s Glass-Steagall Act in the United States crossed a significant threshold this week, with the introduction in the Senate of S. 985 by Tom Harkin of Iowa. Harkin’s bill matches the Kaptur bill in the House, H.R. 129, thus moving toward the near-term reversal of the U.S. economic collapse.

LaRouche PAC International Leaflet: Glass-Steagall Introduced in Senate on 80th Anniversary of FDR’s Original

FDR’s ‘100 Days’ Program: The Constitution in Action

by Nancy Spannaus

President Roosevelt’s first Hundred Days kicked off his “New Deal,” and began the process of reversing the worst effects of the Great Depression.

Franklin Roosevelt’s Hundred Days Program  


Top Financiers Admit: Market Is ‘Horrific Cancer’ that Will Destroy Us

by Nancy Spannaus

Lyndon LaRouche and EIR have been identifying the speculative bubble in derivatives and other flim-flam as a cancer on the real physical economy, since the 1990s. But now, the truth about the current monetarist system is coming from the financiers themselves.

New Book Attacks Deadly Austerity, But with Blind Spot: Killer Obama  

by Paul Gallagher

A review of The Body Economic: Why Austerity Kills: Recessions, Budget Battles, and the Politics of Life and Death, by David Stuckler and Sanjay Basu.

Pope Francis: We Must Reject Today’s ‘Golden Calf,’ the ‘Cult of Money’

The Pope speaks out against the tyranny of those who run the global financial system, urging them to place respect for the human person above monetarist interests.


Reaction to Glass-Steagall Breakthrough: Beware of War Provocations if London Strikes Back  

by Jeffrey Steinberg

The passage of Glass-Steagall in the U.S., now a real possibility, with bills introduced in both Houses of Congress, would represent a near-death blow to the system of London-centered banking, and could provoke a major provocation from the British Crown.

Austria: Arming the Syrian Opposition Is Illegal

Interview: Nessa Childers: Ireland Could Be the One To Say ‘No!’ to the Troika

by Nina Ogden and Gene Douglas

Childers is a member of the Irish Labour Party, and of the European Parliament, who has taken a stand against the austerity policies of the “Troika.”


Obama’s Offenses Are Worse than Nixon’s in Watergate

by Nancy Spannaus

The confluence of attacks on the Obama Administration for its lying coverup about Benghazi, its violation of First Amendment rights, and its political targetting of “enemies” through the IRS, represents a willingness on the part of some in leading institutions to finally move against the President.

Conference Report

Only Nuclear Can Solve the World’s Energy Demands  

by Prof. Dr. Henri Safa

Prof. Safa is a French nuclear physicist, author, and international expert in energy density, nuclear engineering and instrumentation, and a member of the Science Board of the Nuclear Energy Division of CEA in France.

Thorium as Nuclear Fuel in the Molten Salt Reactor

by Prof. Eduardo D. Greaves, Ph.D.

Prof. Greaves is a nuclear physicist working at the Institut de Physique Nucléaire, France; IAEA expert; and founder of the Venezuelan Nuclear Society and the Nuclear Physics Department of the Simón Bolívar University, Caracas, Venezuela.

Breeding of Fissile Uranium 233 Using Thorium 232 with Pebble Fuel Elements

by Dr. Eng. Urban Cleve

Dr. Cleve was head of the engineering department of Brown Boveri/Krupp Reaktorbau GmbH, where he was responsible for the engineering, design, building, testing, and operation of the AVR high-temperature reactor.


A Deadly Blow Against the Empire
