by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Since the assassination of President Kennedy, civilization has fallen backwards over the course more than a half-century of lost strength of our economy and culture. This is expressed, in part, in the error of the reliance on what is merely human sense-perception, including in the wrong-headed proposal for landing and settlement of human beings on the planet Mars, anytime soon.
by Marsha Freeman
As we mark the one-year anniversary of the successful landing of NASA’s Curiosity rover on Mars, planetary scientists are reaping the early results of a set of scientific experiments never before carried out on Mars.
by Benjamin Deniston
All available scientific capabilities should be applied to the defense of the water, food, and livelihood of the people of North America, including systems to influence and control the weather. Weather modification systems can be designed to operate in conjunction with the nuclear-powered NAWAPA XXI system.
by Leandra Bernstein
When Glass-Steagall is reenacted, the U.S. government will orchestrate the largest market crash in human history. But no one of relevance will shed a tear. The text of a July 31 LPAC-TV program.
by Marcia Merry Baker and Susan Welsh
The farm bill passed by the House of Representatives on July 11 would repeal all principle and law concerning the Federal government’s authority to set and support parity-based pricing for farmers, and to provide for an adequate food supply.
by Liliana Gorini
by Christos Avramidis and Antonis Galanopoulos
A guest commentary, excerpted for EIR.
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Lyndon LaRouche issued a warning Aug. 3 that Israeli actions, including the bombing of a depot near Latakia, Syria, where Russian-made missiles are stored, could trigger a wider war, drawing the United States into direct thermonuclear conflict with Russia.
by Ramtanu Maitra
The removal of Egyptian President Morsi has brought into focus the historical role of the Muslim Brotherhood. Will Morsi’s expulsion bring about a split within the Brotherhood? Not likely. Since its inception in Egypt in 1928, the MB has had many faces.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed by Zhang Mian of Xinhua, the official news agency of the People’s Republic of China, on July 27, 2013.
by Harley Schlanger and Nancy Spannaus
California became the 25th state in the nation in which a resolution has been introduced calling on Congress to pass Glass-Steagall legislation. Bills are now before both the House and Senate.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Lyndon LaRouche responds to a question from a trade unionist, during his Aug. 2 webcast.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
by William F. Wertz, Jr.
Congress is finally beginning to focus on questions about the 9/11/12 attack, which lead directly to the Obama White House and its alliance with the Saudis.