.Executive Intelligence Review Online
LaRouche Webcast:
Two Systems Before the World: Prometheus Versus Zeus

This is the transcript of the regular Friday evening LaRouchePAC webcast with Lyndon LaRouche, on Jan. 10. The moderator is Jason Ross, and Dennis Small, a member of the EIR Editorial Board, joined him in posing questions to LaRouche.
Jason Ross: Mr. LaRouche would like to jump right in with the first question. This comes from an institutional source in Washington, D.C.: ``We would like your assessment of the present European crisis from the following standpoint: U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has been in Europe this week, demanding that the European Central Bank adopt the U.S. Fed policy of unbridled quantitative easing, including the ECB purchasing of vast amounts of worthless securities from the major European banks. Under this policy, the Fed has expanded its own balance sheets from just around $800 million in 2008 to nearly $4 trillion today. How do you assess this policy and what is your evaluation of the current financial and economic situation in Europe? What are the alternatives for both Europe and the United States?''
Lyndon LaRouche: Okay. This is a rough one; not rough for me, but rough for a lot of other people. First of all, Jack Lew is a fool, and having him around means that there are a lot of fools supporting him or associating with him. Because none of that is going to do any good—it will only do very bad to the United States at an accelerating rate, an accelerating rate which has been going on since the Obama crash, which was an ensuing crash which had already been brought on by the last Bush Administration.
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This Week's Cover

  • LaRouche Webcast:
    Two Systems Before the World: Prometheus Versus Zeus

    The transcript of the regular Friday evening LaRouchePAC webcast with Lyndon LaRouche, on Jan. 10, in which he responds to questions put to him by LaRouchePAC's Jason Ross, and EIR Editorial Board member Dennis Small. Topics included LaRouche's assessment of Treasury Secretary Jack Lew's visit to Europe in which he demanded that the ECB adopt the Fed's QE policy; U.S.-Russia relations in the wake of terrorist attacks on Russia; the 'Bridge-gate' scandal overtaking New Jersey's larger-than-life Gov. Chris Christie; and the British Empire's determination to radically downsize the world's population through any means necessary, including thermonuclear war. The question, LaRouche indicated, comes down to, 'How does Prometheus defeat Zeus?'


  • China Takes Next Step Toward Lunar Industrial Development
    The successful Dec. 14 landing of China's Chang'e-3 spacecraft on the Moon, and deployment a few hours later of the Yutu lunar rover, have laid the basis for China's long-term goal of the industrial development of the Moon.
  • EU Membership Means Death for Countries of Eastern Europe
    Economists from Russia and Ukraine, notably two friends of the LaRouche movement, are broadcasting the facts and figures showing how Ukraine and other Eastern European countries have been, or will be, destroyed by membership in the EU; these economists are also offering solutions.




  • Now! Truth & Humanity!
    Against Dictatorship!
    by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

    'I, personally, have been among those who had been privileged to be informed with a significant span of a depth of knowledge of the relevant, exact physical evidence which proves the actually historical case against Zeus, and, otherwise, therefore, proves the contrary case for Zeus's traditional adversary, Prometheus, as that action had been accomplished with precisely modern scientific precision by competent authorities in such matters..'


  • The LaRouchePAC Weekly Report:
    A Scientific Pedagogy for the Human Mind

    The transcript of the Jan. 8 Weekly Report, featuring a dialogue between Lyndon LaRouche and the Basement Research Team's Liona Fan-Chiang, with introductory remarks by LaRouchePAC's Jason Ross. Fan-Chiang, using the heuristic device of the Periodic Table, demonstrated that the true subject of science is the human mind, with which LaRouche heartily concurred.


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