.Executive Intelligence Review Online
Western Powers Back Neo-Nazi Coup in Ukraine
by an EIR Research Team

Feb. 2—Western nations, led by the European Union and the Obama Administration, are backing an outright neo-Nazi regime-change coup in Ukraine. If the effort succeeds, the consequences will extend far beyond the borders of Ukraine and neighboring states. For Russia, such a coup would constitute a casus belli,coming as it does in the context of NATO missile defense expansion into Central Europe and the evolution of a U.S.-NATO doctrine of ``Prompt Global Strike,'' which presumes that the United States can launch a pre-emptive first strike against Russia and China and survive the retaliation.
The events in Ukraine constitute a potential trigger for a global war that could rapidly and easily escalate to a thermonuclear war of extinction. At this weekend's Munich Security Conference, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had a heated public exchange with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, in which the latter accused Russia of ``bellicose rhetoric'' and Lavrov responded by citing the European missile defense program as an attempt to secure a nuclear first-strike capability against Russia.
In his formal remarks at Munich and a week earlier at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, Lavrov also assailed Western governments for supporting neo-Nazi terrorist organizations in their zeal to place Ukraine under European Union and Troika control to tighten the NATO noose around Russia.
If anything, Lavrov understated the case....
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