Schiller Institute Turns 30
Now Comes Schiller's Time; `Create a World Without War'
by Nancy Spannaus
June 17At the conclusion of her keynote address to the 30th anniversary conference of the Schiller Institute June 15, in which she had reviewed the extreme danger still faced by mankind at the hands of a murderous British Empire, the Institute's founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche said: ``I can not give anybody the guarantee that we will be here in a couple of weeks or days, because this is very, very dangerous. But nevertheless, I can tell you, I've never lost my profound optimism, in the true character of human beings, and I believe that Leibniz was absolutely correct when he said that a great evil is also bringing forward in human beings a greater desire and power for the good. And therefore, I still, after 30 years of the Schiller Institute, I still believe: Now Comes Schiller's Time.''
``Now Comes Schiller's Time'' had been the banner theme of the founding of the Institute in Arlington, Va., on Independence Day 1984. Representatives of 50 nations marched into the hall behind their flags, and pledged their support to a renewed era of cooperation among sovereign nation-states based on their highest cultural achievements. While originally focused on uplifting German-American relations with a revival of the Classical culture of both nations, the Schiller Institute rapidly became a worldwide institution, and has campaigned tirelessly for global economic development and a realization of the German poet Friedrich Schiller's assertion that ``It is through beauty that one proceeds to freedom.''... |
- Schiller Institute Turns 30:
Now Comes the Schiller-Time; 'Create a World Without War'
The 30th anniversary of the founding of Schiller Institute on July 4, 1984 was celebrated with all-day conference in New York City June 15. Prominent figures, among them, longtime allies of the Institute from many nations around the world, joined founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche to mark this important milestone, which took place amidst the growing danger of world war. A program of Classical music provided a powerful counterpoint to the sober but optimistic presentations.
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