Will Argentina Be First To Bolt from Bankrupt System?
by Dennis Small
June 23In a decision written by Aristotelian idiot Justice Antonin Scalia, the United States Supreme Court on June 16 sided with the bloodiest of vulture funds, NML Capital and Aurelius Capital Management, in their effort to use American courts to gain discovery of all Argentine financial movements worldwide, in order to seize that country's assets in payment for defaulted bonds. The Supreme Court simultaneously upheld a lower court ruling by Federal Judge Thomas Griesa, that Argentina had to immediately pay $1.5 billion to NML Capital and other ``holdouts'' against Argentina's 2005 sovereign debt restructuring, and that Argentine assets anywhere in the world could be seized to execute that paymentincluding the $900 million that Argentina must pay on June 30 to its other creditors who renegotiated in good faith.
Argentina has repeatedly warned that such a ruling could lead to an overall default on its debt. In point of fact, the ruling threatens to bring down the entire trans-Atlantic financial system in an orgy of predatory looting of nations, their populations and their resourcesprecisely the deadly ``bail-in'' policy loudly trumpeted by the British Empire as its ``final solution'' to the bankruptcy that is sinking their system... |
- Will Argentina Be First To Bolt from Bankrupt System?
The Supreme Court's corrupt decision siding with the predatory vulture funds against the sovereign nation of Argentina makes clear that Scalia's court is acting on behalf of the British Empire's drive to destroy the nation-state and radically reduce the population. But Argentine President Fernández isn't about to roll over and play dead. EIR Ibero-American intelligence editor Dennis Small reports.
- Economics in Brief
Current History
- Guest Commentary:
On Eurofascism
By Sergei Glazyev, an Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation. Glazyev made this article available for publication in the USA and Europe, before the June 7, 2014 inauguration of Petro Poroshenko as President of Ukraine.
- Schiller Conference II:
Bringing the Real America into a World Without War
The second and final report from the Schiller Institute's 30th anniversary conference in New York City June 15. This week we cover those presentations that were focused on defining the requirements for freeing Americans to be able to act once again in their true Constitutional tradition, and for bringing the United States into collaboration with the nations of Eurasia, notably Russia and China.
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