Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
LaRouche Was Right
Sept. 22, 2008 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the Federal Chairman of the Civil Rights Movement-Solidarity (BüSo), issued the following press release today to media news departments, concerning the current financial crisis:
"The host of financial policymakers, experts, economic journalists, and commentators, who, in recent days, have undertaken to mutually attest that no one could have foreseen the presently exploding systemic crisis, have, by doing so, announced one thing above all: that they should all definitely find a new profession.
"Now, Nadine Oberhuber has written in the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper of Sunday, Sept. 21, in an article headlined 'Collapse or Rescue,' concerning a scenario circulating among economists, that 'the central core of the system is threatened. The process has long since begun, and can no longer be stopped. When Lyndon LaRouche, the opponent of the financial system, presented this thesis, everyone laughed. But, in the meantime, also distinguished economists have said this.
"I'll venture another scenario: The laughter will soon vanish, if it hasn't already stuck in the throats of those who were laughing. Moreover, Ms. Oberhuber should get some coaching in her grammar, as she used the modal adverb 'also' incorrectly. For throughout the entire world, among those persons who have a concept of the real economy, Lyndon LaRouche is esteemed as the most distinguished economist, who in fact has always been right in his forecasts, while the entire host of free-trade PR men failed pitiably.
"Unlike the ideologues of 'free-market economics,' LaRouche does not make his analyses as a variant of tea-leaf reading, but uses a scientific method rooted in that of Leibniz, Riemann, and Carey. I recommend in addition, to Ms. Oberhuber and all others, to watch Lyndon LaRouche's webcast of July 25, 2007, at, in which he correctly forecast the future of the financial system, three days before the beginning of the subprime crisis in the U.S.A.."