Schiller Institute Founder Calls for
Doubling World Food Production—Now!
"Instead of wars of starvation, let us double food production," Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche states in her call, issued May 3, for emergency action to increase agricultural production and stop the "free trade" policies that have led to starvation and food riots in 40 nations over the past year.
Zepp-LaRouche calls for the dissolution of the World Trade Organization and its free trade policies, which have enriched the few at the expense of the many. She called on the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization to begin now, before its June 3-5 conference in Rome, to use all means to set in motion programs for increasing food production, including a new "Green Revolution" and medium-term measures to build infrastructure, develop water management systems, and create food processing industries in developing countries.
In addition, Zepp-LaRouche called for a New Bretton Woods financial system and a "New Deal for the entire world," in the tradition of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. A special session of the UN General Assembly should be convened, she said, to discuss the topic of "a new and just world economic order."
Zepp-LaRouche attacked the oligarchical model that views population growth as a threat, and instead put forward the view expressed in the American Declaration of Independence—that all men are created equal "with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." "Whether we can make this vision into reality, or whether we instead speed humanity into collapse, is how each one of us will be measured by history," Zepp-LaRouche concludes.
The statement is being circulated widely among scientists, elected officials, and other public figures for endorsement.
The full statement can be read at
The following are the signers as of May 30, 2008 of the Call To Double World Food Production. They are listed in the order in which their names were received. Affiliations are mentioned for identification purposes only.
Elected Officials
State Rep. Thomas Jackson, Chair, House Agriculture Committee, Thomasville
State Sen. Joey Pendleton, Minority Whip, Hopkinsville
Fred Huenefeld, Chairman of the Boeuf River Soil and Water Conservation District, and Trustee of the Louisiana Realtors Political Action Committee, Board Member of the Schiller Institute
Jorge Gonzalez, City Council, Lawrence
State Rep. LaMar Lemmons III (former); Detroit
Joan Seymour, City Council President, Southfield
State Sen. Joe Neal (former)
New York
Assemblyman William F. Boyland, Brooklyn
State Sen. Antoine M. Thompson, Buffalo
North Carolina
State Rep. Larry Bell, Vice Chair House Agriculture Committee, Clinton
State Rep. Catherine Barrett (former); Cincinnati
Thomas Trigona, Mayor, Johnstown
Kareem Johnson, Council Vice President, Coatesville
Marcia Goodman-Hinnershitz, Council Member, Reading
State Rep. Harold James, Philadelphia
Ross Neidich, City Council, Bradford
Bob Onuffer, City Council, Bradford
Anthony Pinizzotto, City Council, Johnstown
Diane Bernardo, Council Member, Dubois
Gloria Martin Roberts, Council Member, Harrisburg
Barbara O'Neil Lane, Council Member, Duquesne
William Reese, Council Member, East Stroudsburg,
Karen Dolan, Council Member, Bethlehem
Robert Gaughan, Council Member, Lansford
Kevin Troup, Council Member, City of Sunbury
Richard Reedy, Council Member, Kittanning
John Wheeler, Council Member, Wellsboro
Jean Belinski, Council Member, Bethlehem
Vergie Werner, Council Member, Tyrone
Tom King, Council Member, Sayre
Charles Aikens, Council Member, Bellefonte
Guy Ferguson, Bradford County Democratic Party Chair, Hillary Clintion delegate, 9th CD
Martin Lewis Eggleston, Council Member, Coatesville
Frank Jacobs, Carbon County Democratic Party Chair; Council Member, Nesquehoning
Anthony Petaccia, Mayor, City of Monessen
Jeremy Melber, Council Member, Jim Thorpe
State Rep. Judith M. Livingston, Manchester
Dr. Luise Light, former USDA Director of Dietary Guidance, Bellows Falls, Vermont
Cathy M. Helgason, M.D., Professor of Neurology University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago
Stephen Herbert, Professor of Agronomy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Hal B.H. Cooper, Jr., Cooper Consulting Company, Kirkland, Washington
Sister Susanne Kullowitch, retired teacher, Sisters of Christian Charity, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Sister Margaritis Kullowitch, retired teacher, Sisters of Christian Charity, Berwyn, Illinois
William Reed, President, Black Press Foundation
Abdulkadir Yassif Hussein, Founder and CEO, ACEDONE (African Community Economic Development of New England), Roxbury, Massachusetts
Labor Leaders
Gary Barnett, Chairman, UAW CAP, Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio
Maurice Pulley, President, AFSCME local 1654, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Scott Stringer, Vice Chairman, Bricklayers local 3, Rochester, New York
Wayne Rebich, President, Carpenters local 1911, Beckley, West Virginia
John Jeffries, Executive Board and former President, IAM local 830, Louisville, Kentucky
Bill Martin, President CWA Local 4108, Saginaw, Michigan
William Sickner, Board of Directors, Michigan Farmers Union, Otter Lake
Daniel M. Schmitt, Iowa head of National Organization of Raw Materials; former President of American Agricultural Movement (1995-2002)
Herman Steffen of Detour, Maryland, dairy farmer; founding member, Schiller Institute Food for Peace
Randy Sowers, Middletown, Maryland, dairy farmer; founding member, Schiller Institute Food For Peace
Noel Cowling, Texas farmer/activist, former advisor, National Farm Organization; member, American Agriculture Movement
Ron Wieczorek, founding member, Schiller Institute Food for Peace, Mt. Vernon, South Dakota
Deana Wieczorek, founding member, Schiller Institute Food for Peace, Mt. Vernon, South Dakota
Herman Eilers, member, Schiller Institute Food for Peace, Wessington Springs, South Dakota
Steve Nelson, member, Schiller Institute Food for Peace, Letcher, South Dakota
Andy Olsen, member, Schiller Institute Food for Peace, Huron Lake, Minnesota
Cecil Conry, Asst. Director (ret.), Pork Division, National Farmers Organization, Elliot, Iowa.
Leonard Cooper, former President, North Carolina branch, National Black Farmers Organization, Warrenton, North Carolina
Roland Assmus, South Dakota Food For Peace, Stickney
Russian Federation
Russian Anti-Globalist Resistance (
RPMonitor, director Andrei Kobyakov (
Sarov Top Secret portal, founder A. Borisov (
Dr. Igor A. Seleznyov, research specialist, Institute of Socio-Political Research (ISPI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Felix Goryunov, international economics journalist, Moscow
Victor Oskin, political scientist, Moscow
Magomed Ali Suleymanovich Suleymanov, bank branch director, Makhachkala, Dagestan
Yekaterina Shalygina, advertising specialist, Kaliningrad
Strategium East European Online Political Experts Community, founder and coordinator Sergei Pozny, Ukraine (
Sonya Kurbanova, Executive Director, Tajik Social and Ecological Union
Mrs. Wunderlich, CEO, FERMILA GmbH & Co. (milk production), Saxony
Emil Deutsch, CEO, DüKa (fertilizer business), Saxony
Bern Schlesiger, farmer, Saxony
Lidia Menapace, former Senator, Rome
Krzysztof Siwek, historian
Guy Allan Svensson, Chairman of the Small and Family Farmers organization
United Kingdom
Richard S. Courtney, former lead material scientist, Coal Research Establishment; former Technical Advisor, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
Piers Corbyn, Astrophysicist and long-range weather forecaster
Congressman Alberto Cantero, Chairman, Agriculture and Livestock Committee, Chamber of Deputies, Buenos Aires
Jorge Mora, Director of International Affairs, Land, Housing and Habitat Foundation, Buenos Aires
Julio Gonzalez, former Technical Secretary to the Presidency of Argentina; Professor, University of Lomas Zamora, Buenos Aires
Dr. Leopoldo Frenkel, lawyer, former professor, University of Buenos Aires; member, Justicialista Party.
Alberto J. Lapolla, agronomist, historian, Buenos Aires
Everto Díaz, President, Unitary Agricultural Trade Union Federation (FENSUAGRO); member, International Via Campesina
Jaime Martinez, President, Medellín, Antioquia local, Bank of the Republic Workers Union; Secetary of Education, national union
Carlos Julio Daz, President, Antioquia local, Unified Workers Federation (CUT); former director, Bank of the Republic workers union
Jaime Torres Riano, President, Eastern Andean Area Regional Workers Federation (FETRANDES-CGT)
Luis Enrique Escovar, President, Voluntary Association of UPAC System Debtors
Raúl Anibal Marroquin Casasola, Union of National Electrical Industry Workers (INDE-STINDE)
Randolfo Ernesto Maldonado Cambara, INDE-STINDE Union
Miguel Ángel Tzoc Morales, INDE-STINDE Union
Walter Conrado Gaytan Morales, INDE-STINDE Union
Samuel Nenroht Hernández Orantes, INDE-STINDE Union
Luis Antonio Chinchilla Corado, INDE-STINDE Union
José Maria Santos Morales, INDE-STINDE Union
Carlos René Baeza Olivares, INDE-STINDE Union
César Augusto Flores Rodas, INDE-STINDE Union
Alfonso Bauer Paiz, former Labor Minister
Piedrasanta Arandi, former President, San Carlos University (USAC)
Carlos Wer, journalist
Carlos Rosales Roman, former Congressman
Tristan Melendreras, Professor, San Carlos University
Jorge Murga, Institute of Economic and Social Research, San Carlos University
Victor Perez Herrera, official, Coca-Cola Workers Union
Oscar Zamora de Leon, official, Coca-Cola Workers Union
Rosa Pu Tzunux, Mayan researcher, Asociación Iximulew
Victor Racancoj, Director, Tulan Institute
The Popular Front for Sovereignty, Dignity and Solidarity
Congressman Gerardo Villaneuva Albarrán, Revolutionary Democratic Party
Pro-PLHINO of the 21st Century Committee:
Adalberto Rosas López, Former Congressman; Municipal President, Ciudad Obregón, Sonora
Antonio Valdéz Villanueva, Deputy Secretary General, CTM labor federation of Sonora
Jaime Miranda Peláez, ex-president, Association of Rural Producers of Sonora
Alberto Vizcarra Osuna, LaRouche associate, Ciudad Obregón, Sonora
Jesús María Martínez Vitela, LaRouche associate, Ciudad Obregón, Sonora
Pedro Grima Gallardo, Professor of Physics at the University of Los Andes (Merida, Venezuela), former Dean of the Experimental University of Los Llanos Occidentales, "Exequiel Zamora" (UNELLEZ)
The Catedra Pio Tamargo Center for Studies of Current History of the Venezuela Central University's Institute of Economic and Social Research website
Albert Ndandu, President, Cries for Congo for Peace
Dr. Sam Aluko, Professor of Economics; former chairman of Nigeria Economics Intelligence Committee
Larry Fejokwu, Publisher, Polcom Press, Lagos
Jean Gahururu, foreign political advisor of the Opposition of Rwanda in Exile
Zwelethu Mnisi, Deputy Chief of Mission, Swaziland Embassy, Washington, D.C.
Hunter Huang, President, National Association for Chinese Unification (NACU)
Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha); Chairman, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation; collaborator of Dr. Norman Borlaug in the original Green Revolution
Mohd Peter Davis, visiting scientist, Universiti Putra
Michel Langevin, former executive member and President of the Parti Québécois; former Regional President of Montreal Hydro-Quebec Technicians Union
Marc-André Viens, secondary school Assistant Director
Daniel Ostiguy, dairy farmer
Gordon Hancock, Councillor, Member, Murrylands Regional Development Board, South Australia
Brian McCarthy, National Chairman, Citizens Electoral Council
John Carter, Director and former Chairman, Australian Beef Association, New South Wales
Barbara Dunnet, President, Nannup Shire Council, Deputy Chair, Southwest Local Government Association, Western Australia
Dale Frankel, Chairman, Wimmera Irrigators Association, Victoria
Rodney Wheeler, Councillor, Busselton Shire, Western Australia
Lorraine Thomas, Councillor, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia
Mathew Ledwith, Councillor, Kulin Shire Council, Western Australia
John Wilkins, Grd. Dip F. Ed; former Director, Australian Christian Lobby, Northern Territory; Professor of Telecommunication Engineering, Lecturer & Exam Supervisor, former member, Institution of Engineers
Mark Parkinson, Lecturer, B. Applied Science, Lockyer Agronomics P/L
Maurice Hetherington, Grazier, former Councillor, Banana Shire, Queensland
John Katis, Councillor, Swan Hill, Victoria
Greg Cruickshank, Councillor, Swan Hill, Victoria
Tom Fox, Chairman, Potato Board, Western Australia
John Salerian, J.P., Councillor, Waroona, Western Australia
Arnold Carter, Deputy Mayor, Port Hedland, Western Australia
Jim Hazzard, BE., MEng. Sc., Consulting Engineer, MIEAust, Toowoomba, Queensland
Arnold Read, Member, Queensland Canegrowers Association and Australian Caneharvesters Association
Deborah Botica, Councillor, Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia
Sleiman Yohanna, Public Relations Officer, former President, Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Council of Australia